
Wanted to try out Kessig Cagebreakers, hearing that he was Green's Hero of Bladehold. Something tells me he isn't, but I still think he's pretty cool. Considering taking the Wolfirs out for him and putting in something with a smaller cost, just to get the overall mana cost for my things lower. Don't really know if the finished product will even include the Cagebreakers, but I'm going to give him a whirl.

Basically if the board wipe before he shows up is Mizzium Mortars/Supreme Verdict/Golgari Charm/Bonfire, YAY!! If it was Terminus/Angel of Serenity/D-Sphere, BOO!! That's my logic, anyways.

Individual Card Breakdown (i.e., the roles they generally fulfill in the games I play):

Early Game:

Champion of the Parish: Beatdown with Silverblade.

Mayor of Avabruck: Either pumps humans, or becomes a wolf spitter, Surprisingly useful in werewolf form. Removal magnet.

Knight of Glory: Beatdown with Silverblade.

Silverblade Paladin: Allows for ridiculous beatdowns. Removal magnet.

Thalia: Gums up enemy tempo. Is incredibly useful when on the play against B/W control-type decks.

Selesnya Charm: Incredibly useful. Permanent removal, (conditional, though) can protect against burn, can make a guy to swing for final two damage.

Avacyn's Pilgrim: Dork. Not much else to say.

Rancor: Turns ANYTHING into a threat, and is stupid with double strike.

Late Game:

Sigarda: Moderate defense against flyers, removal proof; flying brick wall that can also smack you in the face. Often gets Terminus'd.

Silverheart: Turns anything into a MASSIVE threat. Removal magnet.

Kessig Cagebreakers: For use after a board wipe that actually KILLS things. Depending on graveyard situation, either pathetic or a must-deal-with finisher.

And that's about it! Oh, and my reasoning behind sticking fiend hunters/o-rings in the sideboard was the fact that they tend to never actually work. Fiend hunter is only good for gaining tempo; he isn't really removal due the amount of actual kill/exile/burn prowling around. O-ring is much more reliable, but Thalia can make it a pain to cast, and I've found it not sticking around for long, actually. Enchantment hate is kind of a thing now, I've found, at least in sideboards.

Now, those hunters and rings do certainly have their uses! There's no denying that. They are very effective in certain circumstances and have indeed won a few games because they netted me some tempo. They're simply less effective than Selesnya Charm at straight-up removing things. Example time! Angel of Serenity? Craterhoof? Griselbrand? That swinging Sublime Archangel with about a billion tokens cackling in the background? Any beatstick NOT named Thragtusk/Ravager of the Fells? The charm makes them go away. Forever. At instant speed. For cheap, even with Thalia out. The o-rings and hunters will see use, just not in the main deck. End removal rant.

Anyways, just my two cents. I'd be happy to hear other people's opinions, though. I always love to know what other people think, particularly when they're more experienced than me! That's how you learn, after all. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to break some cages. c:

P.S.: Gatecrash. Wizards. God. Nicol Bolas. Emrakul. Whoever. Hear my plea. Send me one, just ONE, decent human that is pro-red. Please? Even if it's just a Ravnica-based Vulshok Refugee? I'd gladly take that and then kiss your muddy footsteps on the way out the door. PLEASE? I beg you.


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Took out the Cagebreakers for Precinct Captains and threw some Riders of Gavony in the sideboard to hate on tribal. Would've loved to see the Cagebreakers work, but after a little testing their drop is unfortunately a little too high.


Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 1 Mythic Rares

28 - 6 Rares

12 - 6 Uncommons

4 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.19
Tokens Human 2/2 G, Knight 2/2 W w/ Vigilance, Soldier 1/1 W, Wolf 2/2 G
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