Also, I thought this was supposed to be a fun deck, not a competitive one...?
August 5, 2013 11:14 p.m.
Very smart deck, but the only thing I see that could go bad is if your opponent board wipes and you use your Brave the Elements your Advent of the Wurm token will die:/ I really like the Spear of Heliod in defence. In all the deck could hold up some good games but for suggestive help I would leave out the Precinct Captain because if your opponent has an aggro/combo deck they will most likely to have creature to block and kill him. Even with the Banisher preist alot of creatures on the feild makes him useless. Trade him with Fiendslayer Paladin or if you have the money Voice of Resurgence and/or Archangel of Thune hope this helps.
October 13, 2013 10:10 p.m.
tr0y123 what if I where to replace Precinct Captain with Soldier of the Pantheon . This is an idea I have been tossing around especially since my recent play tests with the captain haven't been going to smoothly. He is kinda of a somewhat awkward 2 drop that really drags in tempo which is a big area this deck is supposed to excel in. Swapping for a 1 drop here might serve that purpose well. Thanks for comment!
October 13, 2013 10:22 p.m.
Can i ask why you opted for Ajani, Caller of the Pride rather than Elspeth, Sun's Champion ?
October 13, 2013 10:44 p.m.
mbooma Yes I can give you many reasons for using Ajani, Caller of the Pride over Elspeth, Sun's Champion . First of all it has much too high of a converted mana cost for this deck. I rarely get to 6 mana in a game. Second the speed of Ajani fits the tempo of this deck much better coming in as a great 3 drop to pump up my 1 or 2 drop. Third he pairs great with most of my creatures as a finisher providing evasion and lethal amounts of damage with his -3 ability. Fourth of all i wouldn't be able to effectively ever use Elspeth's -3 ability because many of my creatures and finishers like Loxodon Smiter , Advent of the Wurm , Heliod, God of the Sun and even Fleecemane Lion (if I have a Spear of Heliod down) would all be destroyed where all three of ajani's abilities can be utilized. Lastly i would choose Ajani over Elspeth here because he can single-handedly win games with his board wipe resiliency and -8 ability I like to call the catagedon.
October 13, 2013 11:27 p.m.
Soldier of the Pantheon is a good one drop for sure especially one turn one or two. But if you play a mostly mono color like RDW I would mostly use it to sideboard to be honest. If you find it useful, witch you will I for sure would use it for a filler for your deck plus if you had an Archangel of Thune you would have a little fast combo your opponent with a multi color deck would have to fear!!>:)
October 13, 2013 11:36 p.m.
Im interested in the way you have this deck setup. I have had similar ideas but i never found it strong enough to be competitive without Voice of Resurgence . I also found Loxodon Smiter to be a bit of a drawback. Sure hes a 4/4 for 3 but there are better cards that impact the board better. I would even think of using Experiment One in its place.
October 14, 2013 12:26 a.m.
I have definitely been considering adding Archangel of Thune but as of now I'm not quite sure where its place would be and for now its also a little on the pricey side as is Voice of Resurgence .
October 14, 2013 11:21 p.m.
Felixlives says... #10
Id cut out one Rootborn Defenses and both Spear of Heliod for 3 path of bravery. And also add 2 Blind Obedience to side board. Archangel is the shit but without any other lifegain triggers he isnt living up to his potential.
October 23, 2013 12:36 a.m.
Felixlives I have actually played with Path of Bravery in the past but the fact that Spear of Heliod can more consistently give my creatures +1 while threatening as spot removal and adding 2 to my white devoting makes it a clear choice for this deck. As for Blind Obedience I did have 2 copies in sideboard but recently swapped them out for 2 Skylasher which have really helped to compete with the flood of mono blue decks that are quickly becoming such a problem in standard.
October 23, 2013 1:58 a.m.
Felixlives says... #12
Yeah leave it to the french. Mono blue devotion is blowin up. Master of Waves was like 5 bucks then BAM 26 bucks almost overnight
sealyon says... #1
I definitely think Intangible Virtue should be mainboard, while Judge's Familiar and Dryad Militant should be sideboard. (Elvish Mystic or Avacyn's Pilgrim would be more useful for one-drops, in my opinion).
If you don't mainboard Intangible Virtue , consider swapping Ready for Rootborn Defenses so you don't have to worry about tapping.
I also think Rancor instead of Unflinching Courage , I doubt you'll need the lifelink. Especially with Trostani.
For an idea, trample or Champion of Lambholt or even Odric, Master Tactician would be cool with Wayfaring Temple
Also, I know they are expensive $$$ but I think Scavenging Ooze and Thragtusk definitely deserve a spot or 2 in your deck. (I won't even mention Voice of Resurgence
OH!! AND MY FAVORITE CARD, Parallel Lives xD
August 5, 2013 10:44 p.m.