Protection only works while in play and it doesn't apply in any other zone hence why pro blue spells can still be countered or pro black spells can still be targetted by discard from hand. You did give me a bit of a scare lol so I did look it up to make sure.
I actually like Ready / Willing mainly because it allows me limited removal. Like I slapped this deck together and tested it out a little against someone else's monoblack devotion at a card shop today and took out 2 Desecration Demon with cheap creatures using Ready / Willing . I could probably do 3 of both though instead of 2:4 ratio I currently am running.
Regarding Gift of Orzhova I am a bit up in the air regarding it. I want to have additional lifelink options outside of Ready / Willing and felt it was either this, Unflinching Courage or Blood Baron of Vizkopa . Currently, I went with Gift of Orzhova because flying is actually fairly underrated and can definitely win games with a fully stacked creature as opposed to trample which is somewhat limited evasion. I am pretty open about that particular slot though.
January 21, 2014 11:40 p.m.
hollahollagetdolla says... #3
Very nice idea.
Looking forward to FNM reports :)
January 22, 2014 2:44 a.m.
I actually was testing my deck out against a burn deck I built (and ripped from, not my creation and yes it was by myself, sounds lonely lol) and I felt the Gift of Orzhova was fairly lackluster and didn't fit well in my deck when my wins mostly came from just overwhelming the burn deck with creatures or a fat Lotleth Troll so I decided it can be removed so I can include a Loxodon Smiter , and 4th Devour Flesh vs Blood Baron or midrange and a 4th Selesnya Charm for midrange or more creature potential. Really glad people talked me into including the Voices, really excited for this deck. Will be trying it out this Sunday at a GPQ (which is kinda like FNM right? lol)
January 22, 2014 4:57 a.m.
This is awesome! Keep us informed on its FNM stats :)
January 22, 2014 7:23 p.m.
I may be a bit biased against (enchant creature) spells... I don't like the potential of such frequent 2-for-1. I do like bestow, because you are more than likely to keep a card out of the deal...
Ready / Willing is nice in that it makes your creatures into a flavor creature turned temporarily by a Vampire Nighthawk , and Blood Baron of Vizkopa was my favorite card from DGM.
January 23, 2014 1:04 a.m.
well after trying out Hexproof-Auras and trying this deck out, I have a bit of a bias against enchant creature too, but I can carry more hopes with bestow. It's just slow and clunky and if the enchanted creature gets destroyed you lose out fairly big so its playing risky where I could of split the advantage into two cards and created multiple threats, which why I like this deck, it presents many more problems that the opponent has to answer and if Varolz, the Scar-Striped drops, it reuses those problems presented earlier and forces opponent to try and deal with them again in the form of +1/+1 counters.
January 23, 2014 2:21 a.m.
First off, I don't think Karametra, God of Harvests belongs in here. Its an aggro deck, and she's way too slow for standard. If you're primarily looking to build around the troll, Scavenging Ooze works really well with it, helping you get something back from the cards you're discarding, as would Deathrite Shaman . Also, as long as you're splashing black, it wouldn't hurt to throw in a couple Blood Baron of Vizkopa , as he really wrecks in the current meta.
February 5, 2014 12:36 a.m.
The idea behind Karametra, God of Harvests was to provide something big that can have a continuous impact for my late game. I have plenty of aggro aside from those 2 card slots but I lacked something for late game if the opponent managed to prolong the game that long. The deck fixing combined with its potential to be a big indestructible creature can help me hang onto late game for a finish. Even with 2 Karametras, my deck is still running an average mana cost of 2.03 which is insanely low for any deck so I don't see this hurting my aggro or my speed especially running 7 1-drop creatures and 11 2-drop creatures with 8 1-drop instants to keep them on the board.
February 5, 2014 2:21 p.m.
Just drop Karametra, God of Harvests . Her ability does nothing. If you can pay for her then you can pay for everything in your deck. All she does is take up time and mana. Advent of the Wurm is a good curve topper.
S0kre says... #1
Moving my comments from your thread to here: I've played a lot with and against savage summoning... honestly, not a fan. With all the removal, it ends up being a 2 for 1 more often than not. And from a control perspective, if I can't counter something, I have some other way to deal with it.
I'm also not a huge fan of Gift of Orzhova , although it could work really well with lotleth, and fleecemane.
I'm not sure how scavenge works, but you might run in to trouble trying to scavenge from a multi-colored card to your Soldier of the Pantheon .
I really like Golgari Charm , it ruins Elspeth's day, and messes with Azorius Control, I'm not sure you'll want 4 Ready / Willing though, maybe 3.
I like what I see though, it would be fun to play against this deck I think. +1
January 21, 2014 11:06 p.m.