This deck is made as the second deck I'll use at my local FNM. My first deck being an exalted deck (3-1 record), I wish for this deck to play the same way, but being easier to recover from boardwipes and bad draws. Creature pressure works great at my FNM outside of boardwipes, so reloading after a Supreme Verdict will really help me out.
The idea for this deck is to apply pressure until I can play Armada Wurm or Advent of the Wurm to ride those to victory. The first few turns are a stepladder approach with Experiment One constantly evolving through Strangleroot, Loxodon, and Centaurs. I try to swing each turn and trade with as many creatures as possible in order to have the way cleared for when my Wurms come in. Strangleroot Geist and Experiment One are very resilient to early creatures and burn spells, so they keep the pressure in a 'no fear' type of battle phase. Centaur Healer helps when I don't draw Loxodon, because it is a blocker and keeps my life near 20 against some aggro decks that get past my blockers. Kalonian Tusker is there to evolve Experiment One and take the spot of Strangleroot if I don't draw one.
Hopefully for turn four, I have a rootborn defences and an advent of the wurm in my hand. If my opponent tries to wipe my board or swing, I'll save my creatures with rootborn and maybe populate a centaur. If they pass the turn, I play advent at instant speed so I can swing all out when I untap. If they play a 4-5 toughness creature like Obzedat, Ghost Council, I'll use my Wurm as a blocker to kill off their gameplan.
In my lategame, I keep throwing out 3+ toughness creatures and swinging when possible while I draw an Armada Wurm. Rootborn Defences takes on a more offensive role here, allowing me to survive attacking and killing creatures. It also populates a wurm and provides me an untapped blocker for next turn. Unless my opponent has 4-6 10/10s, I am confident in swinging each turn.
My sideboard is obvious here. Skylasher for fliers, Heroes Reunion to stop RDWs in their tracks, and Sundering Growth to get rid of the very scary Detention Sphere and to provide more offence against bant hexproof. Dryad Militant will appear against snapcaster/dimir decks.
When Sideboarding, I'll usually take out the Centaur Healers first. Obviously if I need the lifegain, I'll -2 Selesnya Charm or Kalonian Tusker for Heroes Reunion.
Any suggestions are welcome! Temple Garden will come once I win a few boosters and pull enough trade-in value. Voice of Resurgence is not an option. Cards that are leaving standard soon (Gavony Township, Rancor, Intangible Virtue, and Avacyn's Pilgrim in particular) are not that feasible to me as I want to keep as much of this in standard as I can once Theros comes out.