Selesnya Wurms Midrange

Standard* Joeyst3


Jimhawk says... #1

I would lose an Armada Wurm for a Plains and a Call of the Conclave for a Kalonian Tusker . The first change is due to your lack of ramp; 22 lands will rarely get you to 6 mana, and you want to keep your curve pretty low anyway. The second change is a concession to the prevalence of Azorius Charm . It's nice to populate your Centaur token, but it's better to keep Azorius Charm as a tempo bounce instead of permanent removal.

This is pretty good overall, but perhaps you should consider Elvish Mystic in place of some number of Centaur Healer or Experiment One to get you to your big guys faster.

July 30, 2013 4:22 p.m.

Joeyst3 says... #2

I'm consistantly getting my land drops with this deck, and Armada comes out when I need it. I'll sideboard in the 4th tusker though for azorius colors

July 30, 2013 5:02 p.m.

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