
Creature (6)

Enchantment (2)


Enchantment (1)

Instant (1)

Major update to this deck!


Let's look at some of the new key players in the wrecking crew.


Fleecemane Lion is a big beater a 3/3 for 2 that gets to be an unstoppable problem as the game goes on.

Advent of the Wurm is a very useful card, as it is one of our primary ways to win with 5 power for 4 mana. It flashes in on their turn as well, and tramples over resistance.

Banisher Priest is very useful, clearing out blockers, getting rid of any threats they have, and can wear auras when necessary.

Call of the Conclave gets to be a cheap smasher.

Brimaz, King of Oreskos is a strong body that pumps out Cat tokens over time. I pulled one.

Boon Satyr is a very cheap, very dangerous card. It keeps people on their feet by flashing in whenever you need it, and it can even bestow onto other cards in the late game.

Voice of Resurgence. Yeah, I know I said I wouldn't get any, but I picked these two up. Makes opposing control decks basically worthless.


Soldier of the Pantheon is the largest contributor, as he has decent evasion and can block all day. Plus, additional lifegain!

Experiment One sticks around for a while, avoiding sweepers and getting larger and larger as the game progresses.

Dryad Militant has some additional value, but is a 2/1 for 1 that doesn't care about our t1 land drop


Unflinching Courage is a great card, turning any of our weenies into a threat that needs to be dealt with immediately.

Selesnya Charm does it all, from removal to letting us get the upper hand, to a flash blocker that has vigilance as well.


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Today I went to a PTQ with 241 people, 9 round swiss. I finished 3-6, with 2 wins against MBD and one against Esper. One loss to Gruul Monsters, three to MBD, one in the mirror match, and one to MUD. I picked up a playset of Banisher Priests before the tourney.

Round 1: Loss v. Gruul Monsters (0-2) Game 1 he gets out to a good start, drawing answers to my threats. I get to 41 on lifegain, but he wins with a monstrous stormbreath. Game 2 he plays ScOoze, makes it a 7/7 and beats down, using domri to throw it at my chumps.

Round 2: Loss v. MBD (1-2) Game 1 he draws answers to all of my threats and overwhelms me with 5 pack rats. Game 2 I mull to 5 and he drops a Desecration Demon and starts wrecking face with it.

Round 3: Loss v. Selesnya Midrange (1-2) Game 1 I curve brilliantly and just wreck him. I get Banisher Priest onboard early, dropping his threats. Game 2 he uses garruk to get 4 creatures and Arbor Colossus, Armada Wurm, and Nylea, God of the Hunt do me in. Game 3 I get to 37 life, but his swarm of large creatures is my downfall.

Round 4: Win v. Esper Control (2-0) Game 1 he doom blades a Experiment One but I get him to 0 before t6. Game 2 he has no plays and I just wreck him.

Round 5: Loss v. MBD (1-2) Game 1 I get out what I need, but Devour Flesh, Devour Flesh, Hero's Downfall and I have no board. Game 2 I curve out really well and outrace him. In game 3 he drops t2 Pack Rat and I can't find removal for it.

Round 6: Win v. MBD (2-0) This was a homebrew version, with Agent of the Fates and Scourgemark. I managed to tap down his Desecration Demons until I found answers for them. He swung for lethal with an agent, but I flashed in a Selesnya Charm and had lethal next turn.

Round 7: Win v. MBD (2-0) Game 1 I find Banisher Priests when I need them and get in lethal with an Advent of the Wurm wearing an Unflinching Couragefoil. Game 2 I outrace his deck and find sac fodder to keep his Desecration Demon tapped down.

Round 8: Loss v. MBD (0-2) Game 1 I get outraced by Pack Rats and can't find removal. Game 2 he beats down with a Desecration Demon and Gray Merchant of Asphodel's for 8.

Round 9: Loss v. MUD (0-2) Both games I find Banisher Priests for his Tidebinder Mages but he Master of Wavesfoil for 7 or 8 and destroys me.

Overall, 123rd out of 241, so about middle of the pack. I got good experience and will be running this list at more events. MVP was Banisher Priest. Without these cards I picked up pre-tourney, I would have been 1-8. They're awesome

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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

20 - 11 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

2 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.24
Tokens Cat Soldier 1/1 W, Centaur 3/3 G, Elemental */* GW, Knight 2/2 W w/ Vigilance, Wurm 5/5 G w/ Trample
Folders grnwhite low cost, bl
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