All players go through a "life gain" phase, and I get that. It's very hard to lose a game at 37 life, and when I see a card that says "Double your life total", or "You gain 1 life for each creature you control", I want to take that card and make it a piece of a game winning deck. But it's simply not as efficient as good ol' lifegain on creatures.

Selesnya has been my guild of choice for a long time; I've been a fan of the way they generate large swaths of creatures, compared to Izzet's slow, complex style of control. Once upon a time, G/W/U were my colors of choice, and G/W has some incredible synergy. It is that synergy that fuels this deck. Built around "get as many tokens as possible into play, then make your life total as high as possible", it's designed to be a swarm-style deck. The life gain ensures opponents can't touch you while you put out as many creatures as possible. Aiding in this goal is Soul Foundry, which lets you put out Mourning Thrulls (cheap lifelinkers) or Mystic Enforcers (bring the beats with their threshold bonus) every turn.

UPDATE 2/28/22: This deck has undergone a bit of an makeover.

-Description updated.

-Manabase completely overhauled.

-One-off cards are no longer cool: either they have 2 or more, or they're gone.

-Armadillo Cloak has been replaced by Unflinching Courage.

-Conclave Phalanx replaced with Seraph of the Masses.

-Rampant Growth replaced with Search for Tomorrow.

-Card arts selected.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

26 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 4.47
Tokens Copy Clone, Pegasus 1/1 W, Voja
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