
Modern* metagrobolized


kwgalvez says... #1

Aura Gnarlid can get pretty big fast, and when he is protected with totem armor, gets hard to remove with normal stuff like Doom Blade . Now this is an aggro deck, so Deadly Recluse has no business being here. hes a great blocker, and is a soft form of creature removal, but the point of an aggro deck is to be fast and deadly, so we'll win before that 5/5 flyer hits the board.Now personally I like mana ramp...actually i love mana ramp, so for me there isn't enough ramp here. Personally i would increase the avacyns and lanowar elves until i could hit 5 mana on turn three effortlessly, but since this is an enchantment deck we want to include a lot of enchantments to combine with mesa's ability and draw, so we can play more enchantments. cards like Utopia Sprawl are great early since they ramp, and if drawn late can give us a card draw for free if we enchant an untapped land.Unflinching Courage beats Spirit Loop any time and anywhere. the lifelink by itself isnt as important for an aggro deck, unless we're facing a faster deck think of Unflinching Courage as spirit loop but for 1 G more we get +2/+2 and trample...that's more efficient than rancor! Prison Term is a stall card...and the double white casting cost makes it more difficult to play anyways, so i would remove it. Spirit Mantle is amazing, it makes any creature unblockable and untargetable by creatures and their abilities. i would increase this from 2 to 3, maybe 1 in the sideboard if needed. Canopy Cover is okay, it gives hexproof to protect your creatures, and some evasion, but if you can think of something better i would use that instead. its important to note that you should have more creatures than creature enchantments, or else the enchantments are useless. i would increase the number of creatures slightly, especially since you want some better bodies to take advantage of the enchantments and totem armor, cheap big creatures like Hunted Troll which take advantage of spirit mantle or unflinching courage to dish out a lot of damage on turn 5. even Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers is a good body that can attack, block and be pumped easily. I would lower Umbra Mystic from 4 to 3 or 2, shes great but drawing another late in the game doesn't help you, drawing one too early doesn't really make a big impact either. I want to draw her after i finish enchanting something and before my creature dyes, which is somewhere between turn 3 and 4. or you could just use totem armor enchantments and drop her altogether. overall i like the idea of the deck and look forward to seeing how it turns out without breaking the bank. hope i could helped.

October 8, 2013 11:18 p.m.

metagrobolized says... #2

Alright, I took out Prison Term and Deadly Recluse , and added Utopia Sprawl as removal insurance to keep some auras out there. I don't really want to put in big creatures, though, and I really do like Spirit Loop since its ability stacks and it's recyclable (the main reason Rancor is so strong)

Thanks for the input.

October 11, 2013 11:52 a.m.

metagrobolized says... #3

"Canopy Cover is okay, it gives hexproof to protect your creatures, and some evasion, but if you can think of something better i would use that instead."

Found Aspect of Mongoose :)

October 15, 2013 11:11 a.m.

Hmm.. Lost Auramancers might work. +1 from me.

October 18, 2013 3:49 a.m.

metagrobolized says... #5

Appreciate the suggestion and upvote, PriestessKikyo1, but Lost Auramancers is too slow. The cards already in the deck are each quicker and more valuable than Lost Auramancers to my strategy, but it is an interesting card.

October 18, 2013 9:42 a.m.

perfect_edge13 says... #6

I like it. I just made a similar deck, feel free to check it out for ideas: Auragasm :)

October 25, 2013 12:40 p.m.

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