Open to opinions/suggestions or comments of any kind.
---===### Deck General Concept/Design ###===---
In short this is a casual non-competitive deck that doesn't do well 1v1 and is more so designed for multiplayer fun. It's whole premise is to ramp as much mana as possible combined with draw factor till a win condition reveals itself as fast as possible while giving gifts to motivate players to go after other targets first. This deck starts off slow and is pretty vulnerable early on but will go from a weak board to playing it's entire library in a manor of a few turns, or even a couple with lucky draws. Usually wining by swinging big creatures with haste that came out of nowhere. This is by far not the only way to win in the deck as it is designed to get past in some way any defense.
---===### Land Grab ###===---
One of the decks main aspects is mana ramp and a part of that is of course land grab. Including: Boundless Realms, Three Visits, Nature's Lore, Avatar of Growth, Harrow, Skyshroud Claim, Search for Tomorrow, Tempt with Discovery, Traverse the Outlands, and Khalni Heart Expedition in the deck is to ensure to stay ahead of the mana curve as soon as possible, as long as possible, every game. This also allows us to draw gas instead of land later in the game. The CMC of some of the land grabs may be expensive, but our commander Selvala, Heart of the Wilds in combination with the amount of land grab we have will help cover this and is worth the quality of their effects. We value land grabs that brings lands to the field instead of just our hands, and even more so if it comes into play untapped, cause this helps us take full advantage of the next big part of mana ramp in the deck.
---===### Mana Boosting/Multiplying ###===---
Mana boosting/multiplying lets this deck go from timid to a big problem in a hurry. Cards like Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, Ashaya, Soul of the Wild, Patron of the Orochi, Nyxbloom Ancient, Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger, Nissa, Who Shakes the World, Dictate of Karametra, Mana Reflection, Vernal Bloom, Caged Sun, Zendikar Resurgent, Doubling Cube, Extraplanar Lens, Gauntlet of Power, Regal Behemoth, and Mirage Mirror) will in short give us ridiculous amounts of mana. The high amounts of mana help take full advantage of our cards with an X casting costs or mana abilities. You can never have enough mana in this deck as your ability to play cards isn't limited by mana, but the amount of cards in your hand and leads into the next aspect of the deck.
---===### Draw Factor ###===---
What good is massive amounts of mana without cards to use them on? Draw factor will make full use of the decks massive mana pool. Cards such as Rishkar's Expertise, Soul's Majesty, Garruk, Primal Hunter, Beast Whisperer, Regal Force, Soul of the Harvest, Momentous Fall, Greater Good, Guardian Project, Rites of Flourishing, Howling Mine, Mirage Mirror, and Staff of Domination will help dig up gas more often than not thanks to the decks large amount of land grab. Some synergize well with the high power and toughness creatures in the deck and can easily lead to a snowball effect limited only by mana. Cards such as Howling Mine, Guardian Project, Soul of the Harvest, Harmonize, and Beast Whisperer, Help perpetuate this snowball effect, but aren't as powerful in starting it. Once you have a consistent amount of card draw you can typically end the game same phase along with a 50+ mana pool, which is not hard to get.
---===### Gifts for All ###===---
Our deck has a lot of cards that also affect our opponents. Avatar of Growth, Magus of the Vineyard, Tempt with Discovery, Concordant Crossroads, Dictate of Karametra, Rites of Flourishing, Vernal Bloom, Selvala, Heart of the Wilds, Gauntlet of Power, and Howling Mine All help us way more than our opponents and is one reason they are included. Giving out such power will also help out in our weak defense early and mid game versus aggro based decks by convincing that our opponents are more appealing to target first.
---===### Savala and the Early Game ###===---
As stated before, this deck is on the slower side but goes from timid to a huge problem very quickly with mana and draw factor. For that reason, we are looking for cards that do both of these things in our opening hand. This is why Selvala, Heart of the Wilds is our commander as she does both these things and she isn't the most threatening of commanders out there so she isn't as highly targeted and removed as much compared to other aggressive commanders. Her ability helps opponents by helping them draw cards, but rarely ever will. We will be benefit of that ability much more often. Her low CMC helps us get draws and mana in the early game when we need it most and even scales into the late game as well as we play our high CMC creatures. These big creatures along with our ramp typically trigger her first ability to give us card draw due to out-pacing opponents in the mid game. Our creatures are probably going to be the biggest creatures on the board due to their high CMC and the speed we can get them out. Champion of Rhonas helps us do this as well.
---===### Mid-Game Gas ###===---
Our mid-game focus on making the best out of our lands and keeping cards in our hand to play. Creature grab cards such as Finale of Devastation, Green Sun's Zenith, Tooth and Nail, Defense of the Heart, and Chord of Calling Help grab essential creatures for lacking aspects of your current situation. Magus of the Candelabra, Nyxbloom Ancient, Ashaya, Soul of the Wild, Patron of the Orochi, and Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger are key creatures in assisting in amassing a bigger mana base and perpetuates the previously mentioned snowball. Primordial Sage, Soul of the Harvest, and Regal Force if you're at a lack of draw factor. Other good choices would be Archetype of Endurance, Heroes' Bane, Craterhoof Behemoth, or Yew Spirit as they cause massive problems or open up massive card synergies with a large mana base. Archetype of Endurance and Allosaurus Shepherd help protect key assets to the strategy once they are out and help get them into play as well. Game-changing creatures that would normally get targeted and removed like Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger ususaly aren't even worth putting out over other choices without this protection due to the fact they are targeted and removed almost instantly on the regular. Heroes' Bane and Yew Spirit with a large mana base opens up very ridiculous effects when paired with cards such as Greater Good, Soul's Majesty, and Rishkar's Expertise to draw you massive amounts of cards. Predator's Rapport can also combo for a massive gain of life, and Momentous Fall for both massive life and card draw.
---===### End-Game and Winning ###===---
So we have our decks concepts and how it plays out, but how do we win with this deck? In short, we have a few powerful game-ending cards and combos that are used to slip through the cracks of any defense: Hurricane can be cast on a massive scale to kill the entire game aside yourself after using Momentous Fall or Predator's Rapport on a big creature to get the tables highest life total.
Psychosis Crawler can be used in combination with the decks large amount of card draw to target the biggest threat in the game and kill them very quickly mid to late game. This becomes trivial to do if Greater Good is involved.
Finale of Devastation and Genesis Wave speak for themselves with the amount of mana we have, especially when used to bring out Craterhoof Behemoth for a massive offensive force with haste and trample for your classic combat damage win.
Sands of Delirium can use a massive mana pool to mill out players and get around cards like fog and one turn combat damage prevention.
While Allosaurus Shepherd won't win you the game itself it will be a preemptive answer to counters to any of the cards above. Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre Will get a countered card mentioned above back into your library and back into your hand through a good card draw engine.
Genesis Wave With a good mana base will play a good chunk of our library which will more than likely give you at least one of the cards mentioned above to win the game with.
To recap, we can win through damage to everyone, targeted damage, combat damage, and mill while getting past defenses like counters, protection, and fogs.
---===### Notable Deck Synergies ###===---
Haste via Akroma's Memorial and Concordant Crossroads does an amazing job setting up near endless combos. Magus of the Candelabra Patron of the Orochi, and Selvala, Heart of the Wilds benefit greatly from haste especially paired with Staff of Domination. With a 6+ power creature on our board Selvala, Heart of the Wilds can use her ability with Staff of Domination for unlimited mana and use of the staff. Magus of the Candelabra is also able to achieve this with 2 of our mana multipliers in play.
Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre is a great response to board wipes that come between the turn you go from not a threat to a big threat but don't have the momentum to keep going and win. Depending on what you still have out and what you lost after the board wipe your ramp will just let you recover from what you lost faster than others. You very well may just end the game next turn still with mass haste creatures via Akroma's Memorial and Concordant Crossroads when no one has a recovered board.
Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre and Greater Good. Is a very good way to cycle your graveyard into your library at instant speed simply by sacrificing any creature on your board. You can also play Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre for it's one destroy effect and sac to Greater Good for 10 cards as well. This combo can be repeated over and over at the same phase speed as well if you've the mana to play and sac creatures to Greater Good to draw back Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre or any other cards in your graveyard like all your non-permeants put there by Genesis Wave. This is also a flavorful way to recast your massive Hurricane that someone countered to spite them.