Selvala "Twiddlestorm Explorer" cEDH Primer
Commander / EDH
Check my profile for one of the best G/W Selvala decks on the site and hopefully my list can give you more inspiration with yours going forward. I personally hate the glass cannon all-in combo build you are playing because it lacks the protection you need in cEDH pods but I will however say that the deck is far from bad it's just more dangerous than running her as an Adaptive Stax Combo build.
September 8, 2018 2:39 p.m.
Nathan_of_the_Gilt_leaf says... #3
I appreciate your concerns and suggestions for my build, and I very much have considered a more stax-style build. I have found success with Armageddon and Static Orb, but stax is also not great in my personal meta. I have found that there is enough redundancy and protection for my build to work very well- often for my opponents it is Toxic Deluge or bust. I think that when/if I can afford cards like Mana Crypt and Mox Diamond, the all-in build will be much more favorable to the stax one.
Also, the Selvala alter on your deck is quite excellent.
September 8, 2018 3:03 p.m.
Nathan_of_the_Gilt_leaf says... #4
The problem with those cards is that they don't actually ramp, they just find land drops, which isn't really a problem with this deck. If they put the land directly on the battlefield, I would consider them.
September 8, 2018 3:05 p.m.
WanderingSpirit says... #5
@FroggyTroller. That's fair. The other issue I think I might run into is that they don't put anything on the battlefield. One pro to them is that they'll help you thin the deck and hit better parleys, which is why I'm trying them out.
September 8, 2018 6:58 p.m.
On the whole I really like the list. I run a much more casual version of Selvala but it's nice to see more optimised lists.
A few recommendations I would make though:
Dryad Arbor and Scattered Groves are too slow. While sure they work nicely with Arbor Elf and the two rangers, neither facilitate a turn two Selvala. Mana Confluence and City of Brass both feel more consistent here.
have you considered Heroic Intervention as another combo protection piece?
September 9, 2018 7:32 a.m. Edited.
Nathan_of_the_Gilt_leaf says... #7
I was likely going to cut Scattered Groves soon anyway. You should read what I wrote about Dryad Arbor in the notable inclusions section, because I feel that it is had earned its spot.
As for Heroic Intervention, it has been on my short list for a while (I just forgot to put it in the maybe board, so thank you). The only problem is that the most common sweeper in cEDH (or at least at my local meta) is Toxic Deluge, which doesn't care about Heroic Intervention. I think it can be very helpful just as more protection for the combos, so I might try it out.
September 9, 2018 8:04 a.m.
It's a tricky one. While I don't disagree with any of your points, I do know the drawbacks of summoning sickness with it (I run Dryad Arbor in a Saffi Eriksdotter deck, it's different but similar enough). You do run both Concordant Crossroads and Thousand-Year Elixir which can negate that effect, however I do think that missing out on a turn two Selvala might be enough of a drawback to not run it.
Also, I have had good results with Cloudstone Curio as a combo engine enabler. It gets dumb when you have a haste enabler and two mass mana elves, but is also really good with Paradox Engine.
Another card worth considering is Mirror Entity. It can fill the same roll as Shalai (from your backup win condition description), creates a combo with Wirewood Symbiote (makes symbiote an elf by paying 1 and then returning it to untap a mass mana dork) and also helps protect against Toxic Deluge which you mentioned. Just a thought.
September 9, 2018 8:51 a.m. Edited.
Nathan_of_the_Gilt_leaf says... #9
Those are some really good suggestions, I think I'll try Cloudstone Curio out. The one problem with that is simply that Enlightened Tutor is the only artifact tutor in these colors, and there are already a bunch of important artifacts, such as Paradox Engine, Static Orb, and Staff of Domination. As or Mirror Entity, I just don't think I'll be able to find room.
September 9, 2018 9:47 a.m.
You keep Dryad Arbor because you can play T1 GSZ for X=0.
September 9, 2018 12:02 p.m.
Cuts I would make are Elvish Visionary, Harmonize, Seeds of Renewal, 2 Forests. This will let you slot in more removal, another combo package, Noxious Revival, Sensei's Divining Top and possibly other things. You do not own all fast mana rocks or anything like that but your commander is pretty much all you will need for the most part. Joraga Treespeaker is also not very good.
September 9, 2018 12:11 p.m.
Nathan_of_the_Gilt_leaf says... #12
Sensei's Divining Top was already in the deck. As for the cuts, I don't think that I can cut Elvish Visionary or Joraga Treespeaker. The deck needs a critical mass of elves for cards like Priest of Titania to be effective. Harmonize can probably be cut, and Seeds of Renewal has constantly impressed me. I really like having Regrowth type effects, so I might try Noxious Revival.
September 9, 2018 5:10 p.m.
Have you tried adding an Altar of Dementia so you can mill people out, then force a draw with your commander during any automatic shuffle effects? It's a good alternative wincon if combat damage won't work.
December 11, 2018 9:55 p.m.
Nathan_of_the_Gilt_leaf says... #14
I would suggest reading the primer I wrote in the description - this deck doesn't win through combat damage. It wins through a plethora of infinite mana combos that each allow you to activate Selvala, Explorer Returned an arbitrarily large amount of times. The win conditions listed work well, as well as have other purposes in the deck, so Altar of Dementia has no place in this deck.
December 12, 2018 6:54 a.m.
Laurentian says... #15
I've found that something people overlook with Selvala is the idea of drawing your opponents tends to be perceived as a bad thing. In my experience, the people I play with who have properly constructed decks tend to answer each others cards, even if you allow them all to draw you're drawing them into answers for each other too. So no one tends to get too far ahead, even when they are all seeing more cards. I tend to also run Kismet, Root Maze, Orb of Dreams and Blind Obedience type effects to reallllly slow the game down until I'm ready to pop off.
January 15, 2019 2:02 p.m.
I think this deck should run a stax package to beat stuff like blood pod(less aggressive combo decks) because they will be able to win around same time as you with more protection, and you have to have to slow them down.
May 26, 2019 6:57 p.m.
Nathan_of_the_Gilt_leaf says... #17
I've tried stax pieces in the past, and they simply don't perform well enough. More often than not, a
Winter Orb
or the like would lock one player out of the game without advancing my own game plan or even slowing down opponents very much. I feel that a good stax build of this deck exists, but I prefer a faster combo version and the card slots are very valuable.
May 26, 2019 8:49 p.m.
SP3CTR3_chelts says... #18
Hi I have a very similar selvala deck, but i run a small amount of stax (i am still debating if all of the cards i use for it are worth it). Personally i have kept in the winters orb and Armageddon as it stops people without lots of mana rocks/mana dorks
Gaddock Teeg i find is a great little interference piece and would definitely recommend considering it. even though i run cards that he stops, it definitely stops other people more than me and i can easily win when he is still on the battlefield.
Seedcradle Witch is my other recommendation. due to its white mana requirement it does only fully combo off with wirewood channelers but it is a good way of re using selvala a couple of times.
and lastly Panglacial Wurm ! This is the way to give your opponents a headache (and possibly a nearby judge). If you ever search your library when selvala is untapped look at the top card of your library (without changing the order as you look though) if you want it in your hand declare that you are attempting to cast Panglacial Wurm and tap for mana (including selvala). This will put the top card of your deck into your hand thanks to selvala. If you have enough mana it will be cast, if you do not as per selvalas ruling you can reverse the activation of all other mana abilities (not selvala's) and return the card attempted to be cast to its original zone (your deck) [for use later]. This is literally the best way to get a free scry. =
the rulings for both cards are here:
May 30, 2019 9:52 a.m.
Nathan_of_the_Gilt_leaf says... #19
Hi SP3CTR3_chelts,
I think I might try
Gaddock Teeg
; it seems good against a lot of the cEDH meta. I'm just concerned with it preventing my own spells from being cast.
As for
Seedcradle Witch
, I don't think its combo with only
Wirewood Channeler
makes it good enough. I'd rather play
Sword of the Paruns
if I wanted a combo piece that also is good at reusing Selvala, and I cut that a while ago for being to slow and mana intensive.
Finally, as fun as
Panglacial Wurm
sounds, I enjoy being friends with the judges and players at my LGS, and would like to not give them this headache of an interaction. In addition, it would only work once before people knew how to deal with it, and the free scry whenever I search my library doesn't seem worth the card slot.
Thank you for your suggestions!
June 4, 2019 7:16 a.m.
SP3CTR3_chelts says... #21
oh also Hall of Gemstone i find is great
If you have an elf or two (or just Selvala) out it does not harm you, as you pick white for your lands.
It hoses down multi colour decks.
Also acts as a partial City of Solitude as its harder for people to cast spells not in there turn (not impossible though) and for the same reason it makes your spells uncountable ish as your opponants land will not make blue in there turn (white counterspells and mana rocks do get round this).
June 5, 2019 6:37 a.m.
Doesn’t sword of the paruns, smothering tithe, and selvala go infinite as long as at least one player reveals a nonland.
June 6, 2019 5:46 p.m.
Nathan_of_the_Gilt_leaf says... #23
Yes, as long as no players pay for
Smothering Tithe
Sword of the Paruns
Smothering Tithe
go infinite with Selvala. However, I don't feel that this is a good reason to play
Sword of the Paruns
, as
Umbral Mantle
serves the same purpose.
June 6, 2019 7:47 p.m.
davidsays1 says... #25
EVERYBODY PARL(T)AY that is my current decklist and its amazing for me atleast, i love seeing other selvala players. I remember the first time i played Smothering Tithe that was extremely scary for the people in the game with me lol
WanderingSpirit says... #1
For ramp, I'm trying out Tithe and Gift of Estates. Low CMC, multiple lands, and in Tithe's case it's a one drop instant.
September 8, 2018 1:25 p.m.