
RDW deck that has been doing well so far in standard. currently trying to make the land base more expensive than the rest of the deck.


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#1 in tournament @ CCGHouse — Nov. 16, 2012

round 1: played a semi-new player, by turn 5 i swung with hellrider, pyreheart wolf, and 3 other creatures. (2-0)

round 2: played a golgari deck, he went faster than me 2nd match, but that was fixed by the 3rd one (2-1)

round 3: played a mono-black deck. 1st match he mutilated ... 3 times but i pulled through with haste creatures. 2nd match he played 3 blood artists i pillared 1 of them and held back till i got my hellrider out and swung for game. (2-0)

round 4: played a bant control, i was nervous as this was the final round (there was only 4 that night). won with hellrider first round, 2nd round he got out thragtusk, and used supreme verdict before that. 3rd round, he blinked thragtusk, I then dropped a 2nd hellrider and swung for game (16 damage from declaring attackers) (2-1)


Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 6 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 9 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.05
Folders Food For thought, Budget Decks, Red
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