Sen Stooges

Commander / EDH* trinitok


trinitok says... #1

Thank you again to all who take the time to look at and critique my deck. Any advice offered is very much appreciated

August 21, 2015 12:41 p.m.

hempel says... #2

Nice... I have no problem with nasty infinite combos. The problem is usually after the first game or two, you're a target, or if you get into competitive removal, removal, removal from every player every turn, it's hard to pull off. But I may take a couple pointer from this deck.

August 23, 2015 12:44 a.m.

trinitok says... #3

So hempel, when you are playing the triplets, it is very easy to become everyone's target. Their ability alone is enough to make someone turn their guns to face you. Also, the way this deck works is to be that guy that no one sees coming until the very end. So as it says in my description of the triplets themselves, you just gotta kinda figure out when the best time is to slip them in. Wait for someone else to have a wincon out or some big scary creature. Just because you have 1 or 2 infinite combos will not mean you will become everyone's #1 target (unless you consistently get them off within the first 5 turns that is). A card that will really mess with your opponents is Telepathy. I can say from experience that as much as you want to focus on the guy who played telepathy, you are also to busy thinking about what the other guy is gonna play now that you can see his hand.

August 23, 2015 1:10 a.m.

hempel says... #4

I have a knack for passing people off pre turn 5. Being hated and a target is the least of my worries, I enjoy it, I feel menacing. The main problem is waiting 30+ minutes for a new game. Haha

August 23, 2015 10:23 p.m.

trinitok says... #5

hempel, so I played in a local tournament the other day. I did alright. The problem was picking whose hand to reveal once I got them onto the board. Also, even before they were on the board, I was everyone's #1 target even when it was plainly obvious who should be the #1 target. So I will be redoing some parts as I found that it was sometimes a struggle to get creatures out, however a lot of the artifacts synergize well with each other. Sadly, I did not win. Too much hate for the babes.

August 24, 2015 7:12 p.m.

michael3.14 says... #6

The name is fantastic! Have an upvote.

February 19, 2016 7:44 a.m.

trinitok says... #7

Thank you, michael3.14

February 19, 2016 8:20 a.m.

greyninja says... #8

One card I'm surprised isn't in here is Exotic Orchard; great for playing other people's stuff

Also, I'm always wary of the artifact lands. Someone playing Hull Breach, Decimate, Vandalblast, Aura Shards, etc can really screw with you

February 19, 2016 12:37 p.m.

trinitok says... #9

greyninja, I understand the confusion about Exotic Orchard. However, with the rule change as of January 18, 2016, it states decks may now generate mana of any color. There are a lot of things in this deck that can produce any color and I no longer have to worry about it becoming colorless. Additionally, I can always get at least one land from my opponents. Sure, it isn't much, but it does mess with them.

I do agree with the artifact lands though. Surprisingly enough, they have helped out more times than I can count with rules such as metal craft. However, you are correct in that they do give people easy land targets. If you have suggestions on what to replace them with, I would love to hear them. I am currently proxying some of the more expensive cards *cough* Invoke Prejudice *cough*. If you have other suggestions, I would love to hear them.

February 25, 2016 12:57 p.m.

greyninja says... #10

In terms of lands; I'd suggest stuff like Arcane Lighthouse, Cavern of Souls, Drowned Catacomb, Exotic Orchard, Glacial Fortress, Isolated Chapel, Mana Confluence, Marsh Flats, Prairie Stream, Reflecting Pool, Reliquary Tower, Rogue's Passage, Sunken Hollow, Temple of the False God, Thespian's Stage, etc

We went in completely different directions with our decks, which I think is pretty neat. It shows the true versatility that the colors offer. It inspired me to update my deck on here for you to look at: Trippin'

I went with significantly more wrath effects, and I added some pillowfort to keep creature decks at bay (Ghostly Prison, Propaganda). I would definitely try and be ready for swarms of creatures. If you can't take them, wipe em out! My theory is "if I can't have it; you can't have it either!" Bribery is a hilarious card that can steal a creature in the best of ways lol

+1 from me, for sure. The decks looks super evil haha. Please check out my Triplets deck and tell me what you think!

February 27, 2016 7:54 a.m.

Crayonmuffin says... #11

Big of the three ladies. Haven't built my own yet but liking how this looks. Torn between having them as my next project of Sydri. Hmm

+1 anyway

March 6, 2016 1:03 p.m.

trinitok says... #12

I will be making more updates once Shadows Over Innistrad releases. Please comment on anything else you like or dislike. Any advice is very much appreciated.

March 16, 2016 2:34 p.m.

trinitok says... #13

I would like to hear some comments on what people think about the deck. I can consistently win by turn 4-7 if I get a good hand.

Criticism is very much welcome.

March 30, 2016 10:51 p.m.

hannibal6 says... #14

Consecrated Sphinx is one of my favorite cards in commander. I feel like its probably a lot better than skytherix, who can attack twice then die, and really not do anything.

Trinket Mage is another consideration to help with ramp

Swiftfoot Boots is another card you should probably be running with all the hate the triplets can get

April 1, 2016 9:46 p.m.

trinitok says... #15

hannibal6, thank you for commenting. I used to run Trinket Mage before I posted the deck to tapped out and he just never seemed to do enough.

Why Swiftfoot Boots? Where would I stick that? I have its alternative, and there are plenty of other creatures in here to garner hate. Not just the Triplets.

Consecrated Sphinx isn't a bad idea. I might play test that a bit. Thank you!

April 1, 2016 9:56 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #16

Overall this looks like a strong deck. You could cut down on the number of counterspells by adding one or both of Mystical Tutor and Muddle the Mixture as it would give you more functional copies of the key spells in your deck. I second the suggestions of Trinket Mage and Consecrated Sphinx. As for cuts Ertai and skittles really don't do much for you. Also unless you have a good way to consistently cheat into play Darksteel Forge and/or run an extremely artifact heavy build its kind of a terrible card. From past experience trying to make it work I'm guessing it is a dead card in your hand 9 out of 10 times. I know it combo's with Nevinyrral's Disk with lattice but disk is also is a really crappy card outside the combo. Disk/forge/ lattice is great in Daretti, Scrap Savant but esper has all the best board wipes and you are only running Cyclonic Rift. Also if you want card draw that also more consistently trolls the table Notion Thief + Windfall is pretty brutal and both cards are good on their own.

April 1, 2016 10:27 p.m.

trinitok says... #17

wagnerr2, thank you for commenting. I see a lot of people are suggesting Trinket Mage. I know it is great for ramping, but when I ran it way back when it just didn't do as much as I wanted. I really want to like the card, but every time I use him he just doesn't do as much as I really need. Does that make sense? It's not that I am ever mad that he showed up, but he is not usually the thing I want. Because of my former experience with him, I just stopped running him.

You are 100% correct in that I am looking something to replace disk/forge combo. That Notion Thief + Windfall looks pretty darn sexy. Might just roll with that hehehe thank you for the suggestion! Thank you again for commenting! Do you have any other suggestions?

April 1, 2016 10:35 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #18

Trinket Mage gets better the more money you have and I wouldnt add it unless you go mostly all in on it. If all its grabbing is Sol Ring and Mox Opal it is still a good card but not a must add. However, if you also have the artifact lands to color fix like Seat of the Synod, Sensei's Divining Top to smooth out your draws, Skullclamp to draw cards off your thopters (unfortunately you run too few creatures to benefit from this gem)), Pithing Needle to neutralize opponents best activated abilities and Mana Crypt then it quickly becomes the one of the best cards in your deck. As for suggestions Toxic Deluge is a phenomenal board wipe in EDH as is Supreme Verdict. Also instead of Descend upon the Sinful I would run the almost strictly better Merciless Eviction. I also noticed that you run Academy Rector. My favorite target for her is Omniscience but I also tend to run more creatures with triggered abilities than you so I can combo her with Flash and Diabolic Intent and not have those cards sit in my hand unusable if I dont have access to her. But overall maybe add a couple more board wipes and lower your casting cost and your golden

April 1, 2016 11:14 p.m.

trinitok says... #19

wagnerr2, I used to run the artifact lands, but the people I play with enjoy blowing up or using Hellkite Tyrant. Either way, I have found through enough play testing that the artifact lands just don't do it for the deck anymore. I have had Mox Opal and Sol Ring since day 1 of the deck. I got the former in modern masters (lucky me!) and the latter in trading around. I have been contemplating either Scroll Rack or Sensei's Divining Top, but not sure which would honestly be better and I would rather not blowing money on one only to discover that the other is better suited for the deck :/

Pithing Needle can only target one guy. So while I can eliminate the darn Ezuri, Renegade Leader, I still need to watch out for Azami, Lady of Scrolls or freaking Tasigur, the Golden Fang. It's just to much. So I got Linvala, Keeper of Silence. She is a real sex machine and worth every penny spent on her.

I don't haz fundz for ze Mana Crypt. You can bet your butt it is one of the things I plan to get down the line though!

I used to run Black Sun's Zenith, but I can't remember why I got rid of it. Oh well. I will probably throw that back in. Although I do think I have a Toxic Deluge lying around somewhere in my binders. Just gotta go find it. Merciless Eviction will definitely replace Descend upon the Sinful once I find a copy. I can't believe I completely forgot about it. I want to avoid the boardwipes that simply destroy as opponents with indestructible cause issues or so I have found.

I used to run Omniscience with rector as well. I didn't have EtI to complete the combo though and it kind of stopped serving its purpose for casting more expensive cards as my casting cost went down. So I got rid of it because I found that Omniscience was becoming the only thing in my deck that took time to cast.

Thank you again, wagnerr2 for the suggestions. They are extremely helpful. I will try to find spots for your suggestions. Let me know if you have any more! I love hearing criticism of my deck as I feel there is always room to improve.

April 1, 2016 11:33 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #20

I wouldnt buy either scroll rack or sensei's until you get a full set of fetchlands. They make them soo much better. I kind of feel foolish that I forgot about it but Necropotence is a must add. Especially since you run rector and zur.

April 1, 2016 11:42 p.m.

trinitok says... #21

wagnerr2, bro, you are literally naming cards right now that I am keeping an eye out for. I plan to get necro ASAP, but someone just has to be willing to trade first.

As to the fetch lands, one step at a time. I think I already have a couple in the deck. I'm still not sure what will really help determine how necessary either of them are. I get more pushes for top then rack. Just gotta wait and see I guess.

April 1, 2016 11:49 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #22

I feel you on the fetches. I do have to say from holding out myself for a while that they are worth every penny. I have most the ones that were reprinted now in khans and they significantly increase the consistency of your early game, thin your deck for better mid to late game draws, and allow you to do shenanighans like drawing 4 cards a turn for 2 mana with Bloodghast + Skullclamp . Plus the ability to shuffle away bad top decks is extremely important. As for the artifacts overall top is better and it fits in more playstyles. However, for some builds I prefer Rack since it can do great things with cards like Necropotence and Land Tax, but after extensive playing I wouldn't use Land Tax outside a boros or mono white build. It is just underwhelming Imo. Also if you need to put a card from your hand on top of your library. Generals like Sidisi, Brood Tyrant and Narset, Enlightened Master are better served by rack tham top.

Anyways would you be willing to take a look at my competitive Sidisi deck and give me some feedback? I am using a number of proxies (Imperial seal!) but the goal is to disrupt opponents early i.e. turn 2 Flash + Terastodon or Kederekt Leviathan + Necromancy and then combo off in the mid to late game.

She sold her soul to create the mold

Commander / EDH* wagnerr2

SCORE: 2 | 729 VIEWS

April 2, 2016 9:15 a.m.

ironmindraph says... #23

Try to make some place for Exotic Orchard and Reflecting Pool.

Also, I always felt like Darksteel Forge was kinda week except against red and green. I Would prefer Avacyn, Angel of Hope over this.

That said, I will try to make some space in my Sen Triplets deck for Sydri, Galvanic Genius and Mox Opal.

April 2, 2016 5:43 p.m.

trinitok says... #24

Hello, ironmindraph. Thank you for the comment and suggestions. Yeah, Darksteel Forge was great when the deck was starting out, but as wagnerr2 pointed out, the disk/forge combo isn't doing it for me anymore. Especially now that my deck is a lot more competitive and can win really early if played right. I agree, Avacyn, Angel of Hope isn't a bad option over the forge, but there are to many ways for people to either copy her (using some kind of Evil Twin), steal her, or get rid of her. In the end I plan to get rid of the disk and forge and replace them with something better. I just have to decide on what that will be first.

I agree with both Exotic Orchard and Reflecting Pool. Just gotta find what to lose hahaha

Thank you again for the comment and taking the time to look at my deck.

April 2, 2016 5:52 p.m.

trinitok says... #25

I am thinking of adding Lotus Vale, Lake of the Dead, Necropotence and Isochron Sceptor. I am thinking of removing Mindslaver because the entire combo with it is expensive.

I am curious what people's thoughts are on this.

April 7, 2016 8:48 p.m.

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