Hello, Winther. Thank you for the comment. I have seen some other decks do similar things. Plus, I'm not too concerned. The deck has done exemplary so far and the community here has really helped turn it into the power house that it is. If I get banned now, I'll be very surprised.
Thank you also for viewing and commenting. It does mean a lot. Hope you are enjoying the last of your summer!
August 13, 2016 6:39 p.m.
precociousapprentice says... #3
Wow, this is super fun! It is very similar to a list I recently cooked up. I would have saved a lot of time if I had found yours first. Some of the similarities I like are:
Sen Triplets/Mana rocks/Paradox Engine. This is basically a match made in heaven. Speed your deck, facilitate your commander, and practically fall into an infinite. I have two suggestions. First, add Fellwar Stone. It is a CMC multicolored rock for your opponents' spells. Second, if you don't like Staff of Domination, try Temple Bell. You may give a few cards to your opponents, but you can use that effect in a Sen Triplets deck anyway, and sometimes people will leave you alone some for the Group Hug aspect.
Multicolored land base. Fixing for your deck and facilitates the Sen Triplets ability. I would suggest that you check out Exotic Orchard, Reflecting Pool, Thespian's Stage, and Vesuva. You can make them what you want for casting other players' spells. You can tutor them up with Tolaria West, just like the Moxes. With that small package, I add Dark Depths as a wincon. Again, tutorable with Tolaria West.
I am finding Unsummon effects to be very powerful in Sen Triplets. You have Chain of Vapor and Cyclonic Rift. Those are great, but I find Unsubstantiate and Venser, Shaper Savant to be powerhouses. Unsubstantiate is an Unsummon that doubles as an extra Remand, which is great with Sen Triplets. Venser, Shaper Savant plays nicely with Riptide Laboratory, which is nice with Sen Triplets, Archaeomancer, Snapcaster Mage, as well as Reflector Mage and AEther Adept. Bounce their stuff, bounce your stuff, cast it all, gain some tempo if you don't. Helps with going infinite with Paradox Engine, too.
I am surprised that you don't run Teferi's Protection . It has so many uses, not the least of which is playing Sen Triplets, playing Teferi's Protection , and then just waiting to open with Sen Triplets to combo off. I have used that trick a few times, but it is also amazing for getting through a board wipe, Fogging a huge attack, or even just rescuing a combo piece that is under attack.
As an additional suggestion, I am having a blast with Mechanized Production. I drop it on a manarock most commonly, and if nothing else, I get to ramp each turn before someone blasts it. If they don't deal with it, I get to win after a few turns. Just a suggestion if you are feeling like removing an infinite combo, you could replace it with an alternate wincon that advances your goals along the way.
Anyway, great deck! It is fun seeing someone develop similar ideas. I had the same thing happen with my Queen Marchesa: Politics, Aikido, and Control deck, and the cross pollination was extremely beneficial for development of that deck. If you are interested in checking out my Sen deck, here it is, Sente: The Politics and Metaphor of Stones. Check it out, give feedback as you see fit, and +1 for your deck from me.
December 18, 2017 2:07 p.m.
precociousapprentice says... #4
btw, how did you add the Key Combos section to the side panel? That is really cool.
Winther says... #1
I'd be careful with that upvote button of yours. If memory serves, it is bannable having one which doesent clearly indicate that its for upvoting on this site
That said, really cool deck :)
August 13, 2016 7:31 a.m.