Sen Triplets - The Sisters of Esper

Commander / EDH* Lightningsci

SCORE: 220 | 131 COMMENTS | 125876 VIEWS | IN 197 FOLDERS

chemqueen says... #1

Something tells me this deck works extremely well and wins most every game.... ;)

October 21, 2012 10:52 p.m.

zandl says... #2

You need more land. A deck with your curve (especially in control) should be running 38-40.

October 22, 2012 1:31 a.m.

Lightningsci says... #3

I was running more land in it beforehand, but I kept getting flooded with it when I really needed something else. I have a lot of mana rocks in the artifacts that help cover that lack of land, as well as protection from land destruction, which happens far too often. Also, Sen Triplets can steal lands from opponents, so you have the potential for a lot more land from that as well.

October 22, 2012 10:22 a.m.

Zen_Toombs says... #4

I was about to comment that you need more land, but Sen Triplets lets you play land from other people's hands?!??! Good god, I need to build me one of those!

October 22, 2012 11:55 p.m.

Lightningsci says... #5

@ Zen_Toombs, yes you can play lands from other people, as long as you follow the land rules, so no playing one if you played one from your hand (or someone else's if you have Paradox Haze out). Getting Mycosynth Lattice or Celestial Dawn out will also let you play anything from their hand, regardless of color, as well as mana fix you, so do that as soon as possible as well!

October 23, 2012 11:19 a.m.

Zen_Toombs says... #6


Oh my god you are my hero. And by "hero", I mean "monster", but still.

October 23, 2012 12:16 p.m.

Lightningsci says... #7

Glad to help and inspire! :)

October 24, 2012 12:16 a.m.

j35bomb says... #8

So tell me if you could make an infinite combo what would you add to the deck? Looking at your general makes me wish I had the card

November 1, 2012 6:43 a.m.

Lightningsci says... #9

Some excellent infinite combos would be the Sword of the Meek + Thopter Foundry combo (works especially well with Time Sieve ), as well as Mindslaver + Academy Ruins . Take infinite turns or play as everybody, your choice! There are also a ton with Sharuum the Hegemon (which is why I don't play her as my general), but I don't know them offhand. Esper is amazing at infinite combos, but I find them rather dull and downright annoying, even if I'm the one doing them, so I stay clear of combos. But hey, if you want to be "that guy" then I'm not stopping you!

November 1, 2012 12:12 p.m.

Lightningsci says... #10

@ j35bomb, I added to the sideboard some cards that involve infinite combos that I can remember at the current moment. If you have questions, let me know!

November 4, 2012 7:39 p.m.

blackwing00 says... #11

hmm..i noticed that you don't have counterspells or any spot removals on your mainboard..but still, i'm inspired with your build. Lots of big flying dudes, enchantments that give you an advantage on the board, but i'm wondering how will you turn the tables if you're on a tight spot against a very quick aggro commander, especially Mayael the Anima ? That's my longtime problem when im using the triplets as my commander, and my aggro playmates tend to always check on my board development and take me out early.

And also, of you're not playing for French Banning, you may also consider including Serra Ascendant on your army for your air superiority tactics.

November 11, 2012 11:22 a.m.

Lightningsci says... #12

@blackwing00, my play group does not allow counterspells, so that is why there is a lack of them! As for the aggro, putting a bunch of board wipes like Wrath of God , Damnation , and Supreme Verdict can help wipe away those pesky Mayael the Anima fetches and allow you to set up a new board state. Also, the mentally absurd amount of "mana rocks" allows for some intense ramp if lucky enough. And another note, adding some tutors that are way out of my price range (looking at you Demonic Tutor ) can get you the cards you need, like a board wipe, or set up an awesome field presence early with say Quicksilver Amulet . Hope that helps, and I'm glad this deck inspired you!

November 11, 2012 12:05 p.m.

blackwing00 says... #13

Thanks dude and I understand that your play group likes more combat action, less game stalling. I agree with your sub-normal land count for a control deck like ours. Your mana stones will definitely fill that gap. As for the tutors, I have have Planar Portal , Increasing Ambition and Diabolic Revelation as my Vampiric Tutor or Demonic Tutor replacements, since those cards will be definitely out of my price range. I'll definitely try your build, include more big flying dudes, additional card advantages and mass wipes.

November 11, 2012 12:47 p.m.

M3xiPanda says... #14

Cyclonic Rift ;) Send everything back to your opponents hands at the end of their turn/right before your turn and then cast their stuff with Sen Triplets before they can :)

January 20, 2013 3:31 a.m.

Lightningsci says... #15

@M3xiPanda. I didn't even think about adding that in here!! I haven't paid much attention to Ravnica recently but I definitely will get on that! Thanks for the great suggestion :D

January 20, 2013 2:15 p.m.

M3xiPanda says... #16

No thank you!! You've inspired me! I had absolutely no idea how I was going to produce a black and blue EDH without being accused of coping my friend's Sygg, River Cutthroat deck but you helped me find the solution, add white :)

January 21, 2013 11:47 p.m.

Lightningsci says... #17

@M3xiPanda. I'm so glad I could help inspire you to make a deck that you're proud of!! Esper is by far my favorite color combination with all of the potential ways to build it, so I hope you find a way that suits you and run with it!!! If you have anymore questions just let me know! :)

January 22, 2013 11:49 a.m.

MirranTitan says... #18

I think I might build triplets over Sharuum. One of these days.I like the deck, pretty damn cool. +1

January 25, 2013 4:13 a.m.

Lightningsci says... #19

@MirranTitan. The reason I play Sen Triplets over Sharuum the Hegemon is that Sharuum is renowned for her infinite loops, which I do not find particularly fun in a slightly competitive (yet still casual!!) atmosphere. I use her to revive stuff I lost and that's about it. Maybe with her and Master Transmuter , but that's like once a turn and my friends don't find that unfair so hey, I'm doing it lol. Just a word of caution with Sen, though, is that you get targeted immediately once she steps foot onto the field, cause nobody likes their cards taken!! Just keep that in mind if you decide to go Esper (which you should totally do, cause it's the best. Not like I'm biased or anything...) Thanks for appreciating my deck and I hope yours works out for the best!!!

January 25, 2013 9:32 a.m.

XLunAbate says... #20

Have you considered some cards from Gatecrash like Diluvian Primordial instead of Chancellor of the Spires or Sepulchral Primordial instead of Unburial Rites . Maybe you could try with some of the more powerful Wrath like Scourglass , Merciless Eviction or Rout instead of Day of Judgment . Also, Trinket Mage is really good as he can fetch Sol Ring , Everflowing Chalice and Artifact Lands. I loved your approach to Esper without infinite combos, wish my meta was like that, so I could run funnier things than LD and combo hate in my EDHs.

January 29, 2013 12:29 a.m.

Lightningsci says... #21

@XLunAbate. I have not really looked at Gatecrash recently, due to college ripping all of my money away faster than I can blink, but I definitely want to take a real good look at Ravnica as a whole and see what I can pull out of it. I like your idea of stronger field hate, especially that Merciless Eviction card, cause that looks like a ton of fun to fling out there instant speed with Leyline of Anticipation or Vedalken Orrery if I had one. My Day of Judgment is also a full art foil, so that is another reason I use it. ;) I like your suggestions about the Primordials, but I would rather keep my Chancellor since he is a sphinx and I have a slight theme of them (cause they are awesome!), and Unburial Rites has flashback, which I use the most to sneak in a creature like Blazing Archon to ruin my opponents' day. Trinket Mage is cool too, but I generally use Tezzeret the Seeker to do the same thing repeatedly for 2 more mana. Thanks for the comment and ideas, though!! And if you want your play group to be less "meta", make a rules sheet just for you all and build decks around that. It pays off big in the long run and to be honest is more fun and less infuriating haha!!

January 29, 2013 11:05 a.m.

MirranTitan says... #22

How is 30 lands working for you by the way?

January 29, 2013 9:54 p.m.

MirranTitan says... #23

Actually, I totally spaced on the "Play lands from your opponents hand" disregard previous question.

January 29, 2013 9:56 p.m.

XLunAbate says... #24

Hey Lightningsci thanks for the recommendation of speaking with my playgroup about playing less "meta" decks, It worked wonderfully! I made my first serious-nonserious EDH deck today (The Sisterhood) and playing against good albeit non cutthroat decks felt great! I know it haves nothing to do with Zen Triplets or Esper, but I just wanted to thank you for upping the fun in my playgrop. Thank you very much bro! (or sis, idk).

January 29, 2013 11:14 p.m.

Lightningsci says... #25

@ XLunAbate. So glad to see that everything worked out for you!! Good luck on your future decks and spread the word of custom play group rules!!

January 30, 2013 12:31 p.m.

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