Sen Triplets - The Sisters of Esper

Commander / EDH* Lightningsci

SCORE: 220 | 131 COMMENTS | 125876 VIEWS | IN 197 FOLDERS

Lightningsci says... #1

I will definitely try out Noetic Scales then!! And absolutely I'll check out your deck!! :D

April 24, 2013 11:22 a.m.

king-saproling says... #2

How about Aven Mindcensor ? He's super powerful in EDH considering all the tutoring that goes on in the format.

May 22, 2013 12:16 a.m.

Lightningsci says... #3

@ onehitterquiter. I do enjoy Aven Mindcensor , but I feel that getting him out when I need him will be difficult unless I burn a search to counter their search. Interesting card but I feel I won't have it when I want it :/ Thanks for the suggestion though!!

May 24, 2013 3:48 p.m.

Kasimac says... #4

I do love Sen Triplets decks. I think I may add Evil Twin to mine to help work with the new Legendary rule. Clone effects just won't cut it anymore :/

Feel free to check out my deck : )

May 25, 2013 4:46 p.m.

Blakkhand says... #5

The borderposts seem really sub par, wouldn't it be better to run Talisman of Dominance and Talisman of Progress ? Same for Obelisk of Esper , I think Coalition Relic could do the job better. Lastly, you really need more land. I know that the triplets can steal them, but you still have to get up to at least five mana first. I think 35-36 is where you want to be.

May 26, 2013 7:59 p.m.

Lightningsci says... #6

@Blakkhand. The borderposts can be played by returning a land to your hand and them coming in tapped, which allows me to reuse land card effects like Bojuka Bog as well as reuse said land if I have not played one this turn, all without hurting me for colored mana... I have always liked Coalition Relic but I can never find anyone who has one to obtain it haha. As for the land, this deck never has a problem due to the partial mulligan rule as well as knowing my deck well enough to play cards in the right order for optimum effectiveness. It is at a perfect balance to allow more aggressive cards without becoming flooded by land when I really need a clutch card. I have land problems once every 50 games if that, which I will gladly trade for the many top deck saves I have gotten from not having so much land in. Sometimes you just need to think outside the box to become better than the average ;)

May 26, 2013 10:26 p.m.

Joshuawesome says... #7

Playtesting this deck is a blast. +1

June 18, 2013 11:01 a.m.

Lightningsci says... #8

@Joshuawesome. Thanks so much!! I'm super glad you enjoy it; means the world to me!!! :D :D :D

June 18, 2013 8:48 p.m.

alexsmith21 says... #9

possibly run Darksteel Ingot over Obelisk of Esper . I'd also consider running Hanna's Custody for some more artifact protection if you feel you need it. Just a few thoughts.

Looks fun! +1

July 2, 2013 8:43 p.m.

Lightningsci says... #10

@alexsmith21. I currently have my Darksteel Ingot in another one of my edh decks that the obelisk wouldn't work in, but I totally agree with you :) Also, although Hanna's Custody gives my artifacts shroud, I need to be able to target them at times with cards like Phyrexian Metamorph , Darksteel Plate , Whispersilk Cloak , Rite of Replication , etc, and the shroud would prevent me from doing so. Although on the otherhand it could be useful for the other times when I do not have/need those interactions. If you all want to try it out for yourselves then go for it, but for now I'll just add it in the sideboard of cards that could work but I just don't use :D Thanks for the suggestions and the upvote!!!!!

July 5, 2013 7:51 p.m.

alexsmith21 says... #11

Do you ever find that land drops are a problem? I'd also think about adding in the rest of the trio of artifact lands in this color (Seat of the Synod and friends). With Tezzeret the Seeker , you can actually ramp using his -X, declaring 0 as the X cost, and grab the lands onto the battlefield. Pro-tip in case you weren't already aware of it.

July 5, 2013 8:18 p.m.

Lightningsci says... #12

@alexsmith21. I almost always have enough mana to get the job done, although lands are only part of the sources, since I have so many mana rocks (which makes up for the lack of tons of land as well as a get out of jail free method of land destruction). I am aware of the other artifact lands as well as Tezzeret the Seeker 's synergy with them, but I appreciate your description for those who are unaware. Thanks for the comment though!! :D

July 7, 2013 8:24 p.m.

calvinglass1 says... #13

maybe add a tezz, agent of bolas

July 10, 2013 12:03 a.m.

nemesis5887 says... #14

I like it, maybe add Omniscience . It is costly (but hey it is edh) and doesn't let you cast your opponents cards for free, however you don't have to worry about using mana for your cards anymore. A great land if you is Tolarian Academy . You can also do some silly things with Necropotence . I like the Leonin Abunas , I may have to incorporate it into my deck. Check it Chieu Hoi and and see what you think, suggestions are welcomed. Upvoted! :)

July 12, 2013 10:58 a.m.

Blackheart426 says... #15

Awesome deck that looks like a lot of fun! Needs a little more mana. Throw in some more land and, if you want to lean a little heavier on your artifacts, pop in Darksteel Forge and Filigree Angel . Just because you can.

August 18, 2013 8:36 p.m.

Rikktor says... #16

This deck just needs an Unwinding Clock . Untaps your artifact creatures, artifact lands, and mana rocks.

September 15, 2013 1:15 a.m.

...your gaming group frowns upon counterspells? you legit need to find a different gaming group if they're going to get that butthurt about a foundational concept of Magic.

September 16, 2013 11:10 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #18

Since you run so many artifacts, Grand Architect might be a good idea. Also, Stormscape Familiar , Sunscape Familiar , and Nightscape Familiar might be a good idea to let you play things faster.

I was going to suggest a few things that could go infinite too, but since you stay away from those, I won't.

Reality Strobe might fit this deck well though, as it does a lot (free recast every 3 turns) if your deck plays slow enough to allow it to benefit you.

Take a look at my EDH deck for some added ideas, as we are the same Esper colors: Excuse me Zur, would you like some help?.

Hope this helped you a little, not quite sure what you'd like to cut for some of these suggestions, but I do feel they'd benefit your deck.

September 22, 2013 8:44 p.m.

RipzoneNinja says... #19

Ok so I've read through the comments and checked out your deck. I see a very funny opportunity that has been missed. You are running Rite of Replication so why no Kokusho, the Evening Star imagine the shenanigans.

October 16, 2013 9:11 a.m.

Lightningsci says... #20

Hello everyone!! I know it's been a while but school is taking away my time. I promise I am reading all of your wonderful suggestions and ideas so please keep them coming! I have also changed the deck slightly, adding in a Darksteel Forge and Unwinding Clock as well as another artifact land, as I have now acquired them. I will continue to adjust the deck as I see fit for my playstyle and group, but please feel free to switch around some cards on here if they fit you better. Everyone plays differently so use what you like best!! Thanks for all of the views and likes as well! I never thought this deck would get as huge as it is, especially as an EDH deck so again thanks a million!! You all rock!! :D

November 11, 2013 2:03 p.m.

DFall3n1 says... #21

Have you thought about Lifeline ? It's an artifact so it fits the theme but also can be a life saver in case your creatures get ping.

November 22, 2013 9:13 p.m.

Bigteck says... #22

Can some one tell me whats the win% for this deck

November 28, 2013 12:23 a.m.

Lightningsci says... #23

@ DFall3n1. Lifeline is a global effect, which means my opponents could use it. My deck isn't built for it's effect and other decks could break it more than I could. @Bigteck. The win cons for this deck may seem a bit transparent at first but the reality is that it is a very veiled control victory. By taking control of people's hands, you theoretically can control almost everything going on. Beatdown with indestructible, shrouded (or hexproof) creatures is also a sweet way to win! ;) Thanks for the suggestions/comments; much appreciated!!!

November 29, 2013 9:24 p.m.

bominous says... #24

The land count is simply too low unless your playgroup is very liberal about allowing mulligans in which you draw to seven cards. Artifact sweepers that leave you with only three or four lands are usually fatal.

Mitigating land-flood with card selection is vastly better than suffering mana screw with no recourse.

November 29, 2013 9:30 p.m.

Lightningsci says... #25

@bominous. I don't know what play group you play with, but mine does not have half their deck dedicated to artifact destruction. With a one free partial rule that my group uses as well as Sen taking lands from opponents hands, why bother with flooding when I can dedicate that to more useful cards. I've played hundreds of games with this deck and I get mana screwed once every 100 games. Worth the risk in my opinion. Go big or go home!

November 29, 2013 10:24 p.m.

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