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Serra's Descendants, competitive Angel Tribal

Modern Angels Cleric Flying Midrange Mono-White





I haven't really enter this site for many months, but we've gone through a few iterations of the deck. Modern Horizons 3 didn't give us anything great but surprisingly Foundations has.

During the couple of dozen matches I've played with Exemplar of Light he (I wish he wasn't a dude, xD) has proven to be a beast. The pure card draw is awesome, even though is just once per turn. We can somewhat trigger it during the opponent turn with vial and with Metropilis reformer's "reverse lifelink". He also grows quite big quite fast, its not rare to have him be a 7/7 or more the first turn he can attack, even without Giada, Font of Hope in play. Which is great, since we had to cut Archangel of Thune and that made us lack the ability to put really big creatures on the board (at least without Giada an already a bunch of angels). It lacks a way of triggering itself and can still die to bolt or "vanilla" Galvanic Discharge which sucks for a 4 drop (the foundations power level shows up here) but for now he seems a solid 4 of. Having 2 on the board feels like Christmas xD. Legion Angel was surprisingly good, but this is in another level. For rules clarification, if he enters with counters from Giada you do draw a card even if you dont gain life.

We have also added Metropolis Reformer in exchange of the Archangel of Thune's. I didn't want to cut her (and I can see a world were she stays) but she is too slow now, and a bit of a "win more" card when already winning. The reformer in the other hand, it's a pretty mid card (tbh, every other 3cmc angel that is not in the deck is) but helps us smooth the mana curve. Giving us hexproof a turn earlier than Shalai, Voice of Plenty has proven really useful to be able to win against combo, mainly Storm and Charbelcher which I face a lot lately. Amongst other decks. Having flying and vigilance is and amazing combination (I swear to god vigilance is such an underrated ability) which usually amounts to free attacks without conceding anything on defense. The gaining life ability can help us trigger Resplendent Angel and Exemplar of Light during opponent turns with is nice. Having only 3 toughness is a huge hinderance though, since that makes her die to pretty much every damage based removal and the bast majority of the creatures you will face in modern without even trading. So you can't rely on her gaining you life or as a blocker sadly.

Even if MH3 didn't give us anything good, at least you can abuse the bolt lands quite a lot since we gain so much life. They are also pretty mid, Razorgrass Ambush   can't kill almost anything that's not red that you will commonly face in modern, and Witch Enchanter   can't hit the card you will ant to use her against the most in modern now The One Ring but they are still useful and you will be happy to have them when needed. The ambush has proven to be slightly more useful though. I can see cutting 1 of each, or at least one ambush, but the risk is pretty low for us, so for now we are going overboard with 6 of them.

I've also tried Parting Gust, Sheltered by Ghosts and some of the other removals that double as "protective" spells. But they are not up to par for the simple reason that our removal space is extremely limited to keep the angel count high and we really need it to hit The One Ring.

Finally, the combat damage change has hit us relatively hard. It was pretty common for us to double block and use the giver of runes after the damage order was assign to kill their thing and save both of our creatures, but we can't do that any more.


We haven't got anything new for the the in the last few sets other than a couple of sideboard cards ( Get Lost and Final Showdown ). But I've updated the deck, lowering the mana curve a bit since everything seems to kill so fast now. I've added back Legion Angel, she's way better than it seems, guarantees multiple triggers of our other stuff, very good against scam, control and some other. And we need card advantage, since Sigarda, Font of Blessings is great overall, but doesn't do the best job at that. The drawback is that she takes space from the SB, which is not great. We could really use 2x Cursed Totem, Damping Sphere or Linavala, keeper of silence in their place. It can be switch for the 4th Youthful Valkyrie or the 3rd Sigarda, Font of Blessings if you need those spots or want to lower the mana curve a bit more. I 'll probably end up cutting it because of SB space, but she's so good when you draw her... If you decide to keep her in, going for 2 of them in the main and 2 Archangel of Thuneis not a bad idea either.

The maybe board is not really a maybe board any more, it is an "extended SB" so you can't just adapt it to whatever your local meta is or cards you own.


We have gotten Sigarda, Font of Blessings that gives us much needed card advantage and synergizes nicely with Giver of Runes and Shalai, Voice of Plenty. Totally worth the green splash just for her. And once we are on green, we are trying a couple Heroic Intervention in the side because we are quite susceptible to boardwipes. We can also now trigger Shalai's second ability, even thought it still probably never happening. To try to maximize Sigarda's ability we are going to 4 fetches to thin the deck and swaping 2 Rest in Peaces for 2 Sanctifier en-Vecs in the side to try it (even though I am not confident that change will stay).


I love angels and tribal decks, so after years playing them, since Kaldheim we have been getting great cards that have pushed the archetype and made it actually competitive, solid TIER2 IMO.

I would love as many people playing Angel Tribal as possible, because well, it's not even an archetype ATM and that has to change! After all... Everybody likes Angels in MTG! So if you have any questions or suggestions please, leave a comment, I'll love to engage with other Angel aficionados to keep improving our favorite archetype until it is a thing!

If you enjoy this +1's are appreciated to help spread Serra's teachings!

This is a midrange deck that tries to set up our life gain and advance the board in the first turns and then smash with a few big evasive creatures for a couple of turns.


We normally have to start playing defensively, trying to set up some life gain as soon as possible. Most of our creatures are to important to have them killed early (that's why its so important that most of our stuff survives bolt), so many times we would just let the damage go trough during the first 3 turns while setting up even if we have blockers. We don't want to put our Bishop of Wings or Righteous Valkyrie on bolt range (or any kind of possible risk), they are going to gain us more life next turn than whatever we are loosing now after all. So play secure and defensively, specially in the first turns. Set up and don't risk our MVPs.

After that just attack with our evasive angels, thanks to all the life gain we don't really need to rush so once again, don't risk the creatures, no need to go all in on the attack, keep some blockers while you hit with one or the flyers every turn. We are ok with stalemates, we can get some damage trough flyers while gaining some life every turn, ideally setting up for Righteous Valkyrie +2/+2 or an Archangel of Thune that breaks the stalemate in our favor.

Try to set up our different interactions as soon as possible but don't overcommit, we are pretty susceptible to board wipes.

Other than that, obviously the exact strategy depends on the matchup.



-Giver of Runes A classic, there is no playable 1cmc angel in the game (Segovian Angel sorry I love you but you are in no way modern playable) so this is a great card. We don't almost draw extra cards and all our creatures are relevant, so this can protect our stuff or at the very least be a lightning rod for their first removal so our T2 Bishop of Wings stays in the table. It combos nicely with either Shalai, Voice of Plenty and/or Sigarda, Font of blessing to protect all our stuff from everything but boardwipes.

-Bishop of Wings One of the MVPs of the deck, we want him on the board ASAP. It being out of bolt range is huge (this is a theme in the deck, xD) It gains you a ton of life while being quite a good blocker for 2 mana (as long as you are certain that she's not going to die if you block). It also gives you tokens when angels go to grave, which gives you extra blockers if you are a bit overwhelmed. Bear in mind that if they board wipe with a bishop in play, you would get tokens for all the angels that die, giving you some board presence even after a wipe.If you have more than 1 bishop you will get that many tokens per dead angel. If they don't have board wipes we want to stack as many of this as we can.

-Youthful Valkyrie Good card over all, good blocker (what we need in the early turns), comes out of bolt range quickly and it can become a menace if left unchecked. We don't have many 2cmc angels, and the other ones are not playable enough (Serra Avenger is the only other one, but the and not actually being able to play it T2 makes it a 2x at best if you want to give it a try) so this is good enough. The most expendable creature of the deck in case of need. We will often use this to bait a removal or a counter spell.

-Giada, Font of Hope She ramps and pumps our angels, she's amazing. Only con is that the irregular way she makes counters can make a bit confusing to keep track of all the triggers and life gains.

-Righteous Valkyrie The MVP of the deck, this thing is amazing, gets us a ton of life (you guessed it, out of bolt range, xD) and it's actually not hard to activate its ability. If they don't have board wipes we want to stack as many of this as we can. Never risk her. There are a bunch of sequences that lead us to T4 wins but all of them involve her +2/+2.

-Resplendent Angel Great card, one of the wincons of the game. If left unchecked it can fill the board with angels with vigilance. Unfortunately it dies to bolt so try to hold it until you can activate its ability the same turn it ETBs. Bear in mind that the ability activates at the beginning of each end turn so it can be reacted to even if you gained the life and you can activate it on the opponents turn (normally by putting something in play with Aether Vial. You are not going to activate its second ability much but it can be really helpful in long grindy matches.

-Shalai, Voice of Plenty Great card, similar to Giver of Runes protects all our creatures giving them hexproof. But this also gives us hexproof, protecting us from a ton of relevant things. Combos with either Giver of Runes and Sigarda, Font of Blessing to protect all our stuff from everything but boardwipes.

-Sigarda, Font of Blessings The new card on trial. This thing is great, She gives us much needed card advantage, it's our beefier body and extra protection to all our stuff. Also combos neatly with Giver of Runes and/or Shalai, Voice of Plenty to protect all our stuff from everything but boardwipes.

-Archangel of Thune The killer, our biggest wincon. This thing is brutal. We would almost never cast this without putting at least a couple of counters in all our creatures. It makes everything huge super quickly. Bear in mind that when ETBs if its killed while the life gain triggers are still in the stack its ability doesn't trigger so she can only be answered during that brief time.


-Aether Vial Amazing card. You want to play it as soon as possible, and always put a counter on it at least until you reach 4. Once there if you are low on mana you may want to keep it to maximize the options to play things with it. If not just go to 5. Bear in mind that on upkeep with it's "put a counter trigger" on the stack you can tap it to put a creature in play and still put the counter on it. You would be using that a lot here since you don't want to miss counters. It also provides some interesting interactions with some of our cards like allowing us more lines to trigger Resplendent Angel on t3,and the ability to do it during opponents turns (it says EACH end step) just remember to do it before their end step. It also let us hold Sigarda, Font of Blessings and Shalai, Voice of Plenty as a short of counterspell against removal.


-Generous Gift Arguably the best mono white universal removal. Amongst all the life gain, and Giada, Font of Hope and Archangel of Thune making our already decently big stuff bigger, there are very few creatures that we care about, a vanilla 3/3 is deffinitelly not one. But we get f*d by some planneswalkers, enchantments and our old nemesis, Ensnaring Bridge. It doesn't tend to be a problem but it also stops Urza's Saga. Basically this thing destroys everything that can worry us. Taking out an Archangel of Thune for a 3rd of this is an option depending on the meta.


-Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire colored land with huge upside that ETBs untapped, run it in every deck that can afford it. And we run enough legendaries to have it be cheaper quite often.

-Eiganjo Castle Not as good as the other Eiganjo, but can help protect our varios legends with no downside.

-Cavern of Souls Amazing card against control. Be careful and try to play it as late as possible. Set the first one on angels. If you get two bear in mind that everything is not an angel is a cleric, so if they don't play land destruction set the second one to cleric.

-Seraph Sanctuary great land, it helps us reach the 5 life gained for Resplendent Angel and super good to trigger Archangel of Thunes ability a few times per angel.

-Horizon Canopy We don't care about paying a few life and we really need drawing and the color fixing.

-Windsept heath To thin the deck and color fix.

-Temple Garden To ensure our green mana.

-Plains Not much to add about this ones, xD just mana.


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92% Competitive

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #6 position overall 3 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Modern 3 years ago
Date added 3 years
Last updated 3 months

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 4 Mythic Rares

36 - 8 Rares

12 - 3 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.49
Tokens Angel 4/4 W w/ Vigilance, Angel 4/4 W w/ Vigilance, Angel 4/4 W w/ Vigilance, Clue, Illusion */* U, Spirit 1/1 W, Spirit 1/1 W, Spirit 1/1 W
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