Card draw and storm in mono-green? What!? *DISCLAIMER: Not actually storm*
Based off of John Suarez's deck in Commander VS S6E7.
Better description/primer coming soon™.
Deck colors
Deck colors
We're running mono-green, so our card selection is a bit throttled compared to other commanders. Thankfully, since we're trying to abuse our commander's ability that focuses on creatures, we are in the best color for creature tutors, as well as a good amount of support for anti-artifact/enchantment, ramp, and a surprisingly large amount of card draw.
Deck strengths
Deck strengths
- Drawing a ton of cards
-Ramping to a ton of mana very early
-Multiple win conditions as well as infinite loop lines to prevent getting nuked by one exile spell
Deck weaknesses
Deck weaknesses
-Ramp is mostly creatures, which draws a lot of attention early
-To further the previous point, board wipes really hurt
-It is possible (more than I'd like to admit) to just keep drawing ramp and more mana with nothing to sink it into or no way to draw more cards
The Strategy
General strategy
General strategy
The strategy really is to just obtain infinite mana as fast as possible by drawing through a large chunk of your deck before combo killing the table.
Early game
Early game
Your first hand will almost always want to be two basic forests and a one mana dork, or Green Sun's Zenith. Reason being is you can cast your commander on turn two, which seriously speeds up your clock. Since his ability ignores summoning sickness, you can proceed to cast any other one drops in your hand, followed by casting a lot more the next turn. If all you do is play one land each turn, the dork turn one, and your commander on turn two, you'll have access to 5 mana turn 3, with the potential to exceed 10 on turn 4.
Mid game
Mid game
Once you've started ramping and have a large supply of mana, you're going to want to do something with it. A large portion of this deck is made up of cards that draw either whenever a creature etbs/is cast, or draw equal to the amount of creatures on your board. So as you start to fill your board with creatures, you're either going to want to set up one of the multiple draw on cast/etb cards or get into a position where you can draw a ton of cards off of one draw spell thanks to your flooded board. More often than not, once you start drawing your ludicrous amount of cards, you can easily transition into comboing off.
Late game
Late game
Once you've established a way to draw lots of cards, you want to win. This is achieved by getting infinite mana to then churn through your deck to get a Walking Ballista and mini-gun everyone to death, or get an Aetherflux Reservoir and nuke each player. If for whatever reason those two don't work out, or you fill your board with enough creatures fast enough for the other players to not really have a board state, you can also fall back onto the Craterhoof Behemoth plan, though I tend to stay away from it since it requires the combat step. It's more of a back-up or a surprise plan.
Contingency plan
Contingency plan
Don't draw too much attention to yourself. Really. That's not a joke, even though it sounds like one even to me. This deck folds in on itself if you can't maintain a board state. Although it is possible to win after 3 board wipes, the second one tends to make it very difficult. Don't attack people despite having a full board of creatures. Engage in small talk. Get on people's good sides. Rally people against other players to try and direct attention away from yourself. Use politics to try and get people to be neutral with you. Destroy things ont he field that threaten other players but don't really have an impact on you. Do literally whatever you can to not be the target. That or just turbo out the win as fast as possible. Otherwise strap yourself in and watch your graveyard rise.
You really, really want to have two forests and a way to get an extra mana one the field, be it dorks like Elvish Mystic, or Green Sun's Zenith to get Dryad Arbor. IF you can't get your commander out by turn two, ask yourself how much it will hurt you to get him out on turn three. IF you have a hand capable of casting him on turn 3 and don't have anything you really can do before that, then go ahead and keep it. But more often than not you're going to want him out asap.
Combos and synergies
Combos and synergies
Card Choices Explained
Other cards
Other cards
Other Information
Building this deck
Building this deck
Event record
Event record
Change log
Change log