liljramos88 says... #4
You inspired me to make this deck after play testing I would suggest Biogenic Ooze and Hydroid Krasis for some extra push. Making copies of ooze can overwhelm the opponent.
You inspired me to make this deck after play testing I would suggest Biogenic Ooze and Hydroid Krasis for some extra push. Making copies of ooze can overwhelm the opponent.
Sorin_Markov_1947 says... #1
Nice! Your mana curve is a little high though, and unless you draw one of your seven dwarves (granted, not too unlikely) you're kinda sunk. I'd recommend removing Rhythm of the Wild and going for some more card filtering or something. Rhythm of the wild doesn't really add to your theme.
September 27, 2019 3:49 p.m.