Severely Burnt Queso

Modern* quesobueno123

SCORE: 285 | 672 COMMENTS | 37487 VIEWS | IN 81 FOLDERS

Zulama says... #1

In my opinion your just diluting burn by adding cards like Kor Firewalker or Rending Volley. As a burn player, I find that efficiency is critical to win a match against the current meta. Your just wasting your sideboard space with those two cards along with Path to Exile. Rakdos Charm is better then Rending Volley, sure it costs 2 mana, but it can END the game, compared to Rending Volley. I find that Kor Firewalker should not be on a burn deck. It requires two white mana, which is just retarded, its not mana efficient. Its not a bad choice, but it doesn't cut it in a burn deck.

April 2, 2015 7:56 p.m.

quesobueno123 says... #2

Zulama I am 95% sure you are joking about firewalker. It's not only me, here is all the top 8 burn decks played in large, live tournaments in the last two months. Almost all of them run firewalker.

April 2, 2015 8:02 p.m.

This is Naya, why does your tags say Mardu?

Anyways, the deck looks good. Searing Blood though?

April 2, 2015 8:08 p.m.

quesobueno123 says... #4

Blaze is better.

April 2, 2015 8:41 p.m.

wwhitegoldd says... #5

rakdos charm can end the game however a good twin player will play around it by holding up a counter spell before they combo however a twin player cannot play around volley.

April 2, 2015 9:25 p.m.

@Zulama I sort of agree. Rakdos Charm is really great, and perhaps superior to Rending Volley, in a ControlTwin matchup where they plan to slowly stall the game until they assemble the combo. Killing 1 Twin'd Exarch will not win you the game. However, that little piece of text at the top of Rending Volley becomes CRUCIAL in many situations as well. In some of the faster Twin decks (TarmoTwin) and/or (BlitzTwin) they might be able to play around your Charm a bit better because of their formidable board presence. I don't think that it's fair to say one is flat-out "better" than the other. I do agree that Rakdos Charm's versatility is GODLIKE. Moving on to Kor Firewalker, I don't really see what you're getting at... I personally don't run KF but that's because I run Jund Burn, so no access to white. I have played against Firewalker, and it is perhaps the second, if not the most annoying card to deal with. Imagine this. You and some other fellow are playing a match of burn mirror. You win game 1. However, in game 2, that fellow plays a card that you cannot destroy, target, deal damage, or block. And every burn spell you cast now deals 2 damage instead of 3. This is nearly impossible to fight your way out of. With a manabase of all fetches and shocks pretty much, you need a way to scrape out a win in the mirror. This is what White is so great at. While Lightning Helix in some matches is just a Lightning Strike, in other matches it is Life Saving. Sorry about the super long comment, but those are just my experiences with burn.

April 2, 2015 9:28 p.m.

Zulama says... #7

Not everyone is going to a Grand Prix, a SCG or a Pro Tour everyday. Most people just play in their LSG, and it depends on your meta which route you want to go. Copying the top player's deck list isn't always the way. You should determine what you want and how you want to play your deck. I feel that Kor Firewalker just isn't good in a burn deck. Since your all about results and pro players, read this: "Trading one-for-one when your deck is full of Lava Spikes is a recipe to lose the game with your opponent at seven life. As such, I have no interest in Red Elemental Blasts, Shattering Sprees, or other similar cards I see scattered in other people's sideboards. The only things I want are things that deal damage, or cards that lock my opponent out of the game entirely." - Patrick Sullivan. I prefer to use the JUND version of this deck, because it suits my LSG. Besides, none of those so called tournament winning players have dedicated their whole MTG career on one archetype, as Sullivan has. I would rather listen to the words of a true red mage, then posers who just change their decks cause their just better for the time. I don't mean to insult you, I am just saying my opinion.

April 3, 2015 4:44 p.m.

JRaynor says... #8

Zulama, you come off like a troll when you start calling the last 2 months of Top 8'ing burn players posers.

How can we take your seriously after that?

April 3, 2015 8:15 p.m.

Zulama says... #9

That is because they are, they are dedicated burn players, who have piloted the deck all their MTG Careers. Most of them just decided to play burn because it was the best meta choice, they don't give a shit about actually playing the deck.

April 4, 2015 6:48 a.m.

JRaynor says... #10

You sound ridiculous. It's a card game. There is a problem if you have to be condescending and verbally abusive to players who want to enjoy all aspects of the game, in order to justify your reasoning.

April 4, 2015 5:44 p.m.

Kjartan says... #11

Zulama - if giving a shit meens playing a worse version of the deck just because you wanna stay in "flavor" or whatever, not giving a shit is claerly the competitively superior choice.

April 4, 2015 6:43 p.m.

Zulama says... #12

All I am saying is that there are players who have just favored one deck and have stuck with it. You people are just acting like jackasses because I questioned your particular deck, and are just giving me a hard. I just came here to express my opinions and ideas. I didn't expect so much hostility from my fellow burn players, because the truth of the matter is that none of you are true burn players, your just posers who are playing this deck because of competitive necessity and do not care at all about the archetype. I am out of here, do what you please.

April 6, 2015 1:23 a.m.

Myself, I'm kind of reluctant to drop black. Call me stubborn, but I'm fond of having a low mana curve. I'm basically waiting to see if anyone ends up topping with four color burn soon.

April 6, 2015 5:45 a.m.

quesobueno123 says... #14

Zulama you do know that I have played burn for a year, even before it was tier one.

April 6, 2015 6:15 a.m.

YamishiTheWickedOne as it turns out, at the most recent star city games tournament, the highest placing burn deck was mardu, so you may be onto something.

April 6, 2015 7:19 a.m.

JRaynor says... #16

Zulama I'm not trying to be rude brother. I was taken aback at your aggressive and zealous opinions regarding what is probably your favorite deck. But you are a red mage so I don't know why it surprised me. ;)

I've read the article by Patrick Sullivan. It's a great resource and I agree, Yeah we don't want to trade one for one. But I feel like you're missing out on a great card just because it doesn't say "Deal X damage to target player." Kor Firewalker is an unblockable/unkillable creature in the mirror match. That means he's a guaranteed 2 damage multiplied by the number of turns left in the game after you play him. We didn't even talk about his ability to gain you life for every red spell played and he is already meeting all of Patrick Sullivan's requirements for a good burn card.

This has nothing to do with the fact that some people are playing burn because it works in the current meta. This is just about the fact that while you may not like using him, Kor Firewalker WORKS if you're playing a Boros Burn build. In fact I would argue that he's a good part of the reason you would run Boros Burn over some other variation.

April 6, 2015 7:40 a.m.

You really need to bring back the spellbombs. At the moment you scoop to firewalkers and that is not a good thing

April 17, 2015 10:23 p.m.

quesobueno123 says... #18

Path to Exile buddy.

April 18, 2015 8:51 a.m.

MADMatt7777 says... #19

How well has Atarka's Command been working for you? I run it as well, but I'm still on the edge about the number to run, since I still run Skullcrack to deal with Kor Firewalker. Has it made any significant change or improvement in the decks overall performance?

April 18, 2015 9:27 a.m.

quesobueno123 says... #20

It has made the deck a lot better. The card is insane.

April 19, 2015 9:02 a.m.

Kjartan says... #21

It's kind of crazy, I play UWR, and before the command I have never lost a single match against burn, not one. Somehow, I just can't beat it anymore XD

April 19, 2015 9:18 a.m.

rhyptherock says... #22

Seems like you might be a psycho killer with this deck...

April 25, 2015 9:26 a.m.

quesobueno123 says... #23

Yeah people would think i'm on drugs

April 25, 2015 12:32 p.m.

rhyptherock says... #24

This deck is of once in a lifetime quality

April 25, 2015 1:01 p.m.

quesobueno123 says... #25

Or the great curve that the deck features.

April 25, 2015 1:08 p.m.

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