Severely Burnt Queso

Modern* quesobueno123

SCORE: 285 | 672 COMMENTS | 37487 VIEWS | IN 81 FOLDERS

quesobueno123 says... #1

It more means that I won't pay fifty bucks for one card plus 200ish is cheap for modern.

July 9, 2014 10:01 p.m.

True, My Deck was about 150, and i was missing a Few Cards

July 10, 2014 11:53 a.m.

sirbar says... #3

try mana confluence instead of city of brass it does have the drawback of having you opponent tap it and damaging you.

July 11, 2014 9:45 p.m.

quesobueno123 says... #4

I would if I was willing to pay ten bucks a pop for lands, plus the drawback has not been an issue yet. Thank you though

July 11, 2014 9:47 p.m.

TheMercadian says... #5

Umm LOVE Bump in the Night . Might have to splash black into my burn deck.Thanks +1

July 28, 2014 9:56 p.m.

quesobueno123 says... #6

Cool Glad you liked the deck!

July 29, 2014 7:06 a.m.

Scorprix says... #7

Wow, cool RDW deck! :D

4 Eidolon of the Great Revel for 4 Magma Jet . Magma Jet is good in standard, but not so much in modern, since 2 damage for 2 mana isn't very goo, even with the scry. However, eidolon generally deals 6-8 damage if played on turn 2, and is amazing in standard, modern and even legacy! 2 Shard Volley for 2 Lightning Helix . Again, 3 damage for 2 mana isn't very good in a deck like this. The life gain isn't very important here either. 2 Searing Blaze for the final 2 Lightning Helix . THIS thing has good value. 6 for 2 is good, even if only 3 goes to the dome. It kills chumps.

July 29, 2014 2:03 p.m.

quesobueno123 says... #8

scorpix I will definitely put in Eidolon of the Great Revel but I only run 2 Magma Jet . Lightning Helix sorry, but it has performed very well especially in the mirror, do you have any sideboard suggestions?

July 29, 2014 2:47 p.m.

usohatchi says... #9

Wow, I don't see how this could be much better, it's already nearly perfect. Some minor things I would recommend would be to switch out the City of Brass for Mana Confluence s, it's a really minor change that honestly won't do much but would definitely help in some situations. I would also love to see Searing Blaze in this deck, maybe in the sideboard vs aggro. Very Solid Deck +1

July 31, 2014 8 p.m.

quesobueno123 says... #10

usohatchi Thanks!

August 1, 2014 5:49 a.m.

slovakattack says... #11

With all the graveyard shenanigans, would Burning Vengeance be too slow for this deck?

August 12, 2014 10:20 p.m.

Jojja says... #12

If you can get them fetches feed your lavamancers real well. Also I prefer Young Pyromancer in my deck over Vexing. The tokens really help against aggro and midrange decks where you dont want to have to start burning creatures.

August 13, 2014 5:17 a.m.

quesobueno123 says... #13

slovakattack Yeah burning vengeance is much to slow for this deck.

Jojja There's a reason it has the budget tab, I will consider young pyromancer. Thank you guys!

August 13, 2014 6:19 a.m.

Here's that 9-0 Day 1 GP Boston decklist.

August 13, 2014 9:45 a.m.

I dig your splashing colors for RDW. Neat take. You're vulnerable to Blood Moon , though, which kinda sucks as it completely shuts down Tron. Now I have some critique, good sir.

If you can swing the dough for 4x Arid Mesa , do it. The fuel for Lavamancer, being able to set up your mana base, shuffle, and should you choose to run it, a Searing Blaze trigger would benefit greatly. You could remove the SoM lands and City of Brass to make room for the playset. Next I'd take out 1x Dragonskull Summit for a Clifftop Retreat . This way your and splash is about evenly covered.

You could remove 1x each of Boros Charm and Lightning Helix to make room for 2x Eidolon of the Great Revel , as he's a house. Def worth having a playset.

Lastly for your sideboard, I'd remove Satyr Firedancer in favor of a sweeper like Anger of the Gods , Pyroclasm , or Slagstorm . I prefer the reach of Slagstorm and Anger otG over Clasm, personally. This can even up matches against Affinity, B/W Tokens, Zoo, and other Aggro decks on your favor. Anger otG helps w Pod. If you run into any larger critters that need removing, Doom Blade , Go for the Throat (great against Twin as it hoses Spellskite ), Combust , and Dismember could be considered.

August 13, 2014 8:30 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #16

This here is just a list so I can accurately put them in the suggestions. Easier for you as well, just copy and paste from the maybeboard. I really don't like this new suggestion format because I want to be able to suggest cards in the middle of a long monologue, like this one!

Ding ding.

There are a few things that I would do to this deck. I did see your budget tag after making this article, so I tried to keep things budget friendly. May have forgotten some things though.


There is a reason I've long since sworn off Vexing Devil in modern. Actually, there is a reason I've sworn off CHOICE cards in general unless I can abuse that choice card with another mechanic, like sets of 4 with Gifts Ungiven or Spellheart Chimera with Steam Augury . Basically, choice cards mean that they are whatever you don't want them to be. You want that card to be burn to the face? To bad, it's a creature now. You want an early game beater or blocker? Too bad, it's now damage. This is evident against life-gain decks as they will always choose the damage even though you are hoping for more. If you really just want the damage because they've got too many creatures, too bad, you don't get the damage, and it probably gets PtE'd the moment you end your turn.


I'm really interested in this card and am tempted to try it in a mono red RDW (was on a hiatus when JOU came out). But here is my gripes about it. It is probably doing you more harm than good in numerous situations. Facing an U/W/r control? They can just bolt you to the face and your dead. Or hey, a single Vendilion Clique will end you. B/G/x builds will pummel you with Tarmogoyf , among other things. My reasoning here, is that against many decks, *you are losing more than you are dealing to your opponent.* Yes there are many decks it works really well against. Storm, sisters and aggro all fall to this, but control, Midrange and combo decks will be laughing at you. So my suggestion? Sideboard it. It is much better there when you can use it against the decks it works against, and not have it back-fire against the decks it doesn't.



You ARE running white, so why not run its white equivalent, Aven Mindcensor ? It is really useful against hosing combo decks and their tutors, and any heavy control deck or 3+ coloured deck in that regard. I should probably mention that these are superior alternatives to Molten Rain , but you could also potentially run Sowing Salt , Leonin Arbiter , Magus of the Moon , Boil or Flashfires . My main criteria for these cards is that they either shut down fetches, land tutors for tron, or just destroy a particular colour entirely.


Anti-life cards are imperative to have. And there are 3 I generally consider good, normally there would only be two, but you also run black. Skullcrack isn't enough against life-gain, as a sister build gains more life than you can manage. Everlasting Torment , 3 mana and easy to cast. Leyline of Punishment , as a 3 of, that before the first turn play can be devastating against sister etc builds. Erebos, God of the Dead , indestructible anti life gain. Very very good in this regard because that draw function is POWERFUL in a RDW build, more about draw later.


Remove the cards that have anti-synergy with your deck. Rest in Peace does not work well with Bump in the Night nor does it work well with Grim Lavamancer , a very potent card. Instead, put in cards that work. I personally like halvsies on Grafdigger's Cage and Tormod's Crypt , but dega has access to Rakdos Charm , which is so much better than Tormod's Crypt . Grafdigger's Cage allows for anti-pod and anti-chord of calling decks, shuts down snappy, dredge and Haakon, Stromgald Scourge builds. Rakdos Charm helps get rid of Knight of the Reliquary , Tarmogoyf , anything else that gets buffed from the graveyard, artifacts and finally token builds, potentially dealing 4-7 damage with one spell.


Too many copies of a card isn't a good thing. I say remove Smash to Smithereens as you'll desperately need Wear / Tear s instant enchantment removal against Leyline of Sanctity , and having 6 artifact removal without any of them being artifact wraths is taking up too much space in a situation that you wish you would have sideboarded something else in to destroy an alternative deck.


Satyr Firedancer , goes and never should come back. Lots of speculation was on this card when it came out, and I put a stop to them all with an article about it a while back. Unfortunately I'm not about to try and find it so you are out of luck. Basically, the reasoning behind Satyr Firedancer is also the reasoning behind a lot of "modern possibilities", like Young Pyromancer , that might work every now and then at FNM, but really doesn't do much when faced a competitive scene. Here is my reasoning: *If a card has to rely on other cards to provide benefit, it is generally not worth the inclusion.* I say generally because Athreos, God of Passage is something I'm really interested in. Now why does Ahreos and Eidolon of the Great Revel stay in a deck and not Satyr Firedancer ?
Number one, protection. Athreos, God of Passage is indestructible, so I can guarantee it is going to pull its worth through numerous turns. Satyr Firedancer does not have that, and can also be destroyed by green enchantment removal. Meaning, EVERY DECK has an answer to it.
Number two, it relies on more than just you, Eidolon of the Great Revel is a potential include because it also acts on your opponent, no longer relying on whatever you are doing at the time. So while your opponent has just spent removal on it, they also take two too the face, so they lost a bit of their turn in that regard but you still gained damage potential. Satyr Firedancer relies on a specific condition for you to gain its effects, and 1/3rd of your deck does not meet this requirement.
Number 3, there are better alternatives for the purpose you are using it. Satyr Firedancer is obvious creature control for when you want to burn to the face, * but are there better includes?* HELLO Pyroclasm ! HELLO Anger of the Gods ! HELLO Slagstorm ! HELLO Drown in Sorrow ! HELLO Day of Judgment ! Is that enough reason?


I mainly like Slaughter Games for a budget build because it is really useful in decimating win cons for control and combo, allowing you to sit happily into a much slower pace once you've destroyed their only means of winning.



There are a tonne of really good creatures at your disposal if you are running dega colours. I'm just gonna present a large list of high P creatures at 1, 2 and 3 mana and let you do some thinking. My personal favourites are Ball Lightning , Keldon Marauders and Elemental Appeal . They almost guarantee damage and are at the top of the damage mark for their mana cost. This list is also a bit for myself as well, I got three different Dega builds in prototype at the moment, one is as a Dega Deck Wins, another is a Dega Self Sacrifice Aggro, and finally the third is Dega sisters with Athreos, God of Passage (which unfortunately, someone else beat me to the punch in making it here on T/O).


Now the final point I said I would talk about is the draw. Every RDW player knows how dangerous the top decking situation is, and how fast you end up getting there. So the only way to bypass this via draw. Normally modern red has limited access to draw, Wild Guess , Wheel of Fate Browbeat and Dangerous Wager being the only good ones. Browbeat is a choice card so you won't be getting the draw when you need draw, or damage when you need damage. Wild Guess is just as it says, you aren't sure if what you are getting is worth it, as many times you are paying 2 mana for one card. Wheel of Fate is utterly useless in any game other than a turn 2 play, and even then it only procs at turn 6. Dangerous Wager is what I use in mono red RDW. No drawback after the draw, guaranteed to draw, and you usually already have an empty hand by the time you want cast this, so no worries on that regard.
But you have black. And normally I'd say Dark Confidant ! But budget. Currently we have Erebos, God of the Dead as a sideboard suggestion that has a draw function, but you may be able to mainboard it at 2x, run 2x of Sign in Blood , and only have to run 2x Skullcrack , which leaves room for a couple of Magma Jet s and Ball Lightning s. Magma Jet is useful because it helps filter out the next two turns to what you want it to be, and that is generally all that is needed in RDW. Sign in Blood I also really like, because not only can it draw you two cards, it can potentially kill your opponent by making them lose two life, so it serves a double purpose.
That is what I would do. This is, of course, after removing Vexing Devil and putting Eidolon of the Great Revel in the sideboard, freeing up 6 cards, 8 cards after putting Skullcrack at two. You may not like this idea, but at least you need to run draw, and Sign in Blood is my favourite budget candidate in dega colours.

If you have any questions feel free to ask, this is a massive suggestion list and it helped with my own builds as I considered yours vs mine. Mine are private though, they aren't up to my standards to show them to the public yet :p

August 13, 2014 9:10 p.m.

So I think Femme_Fatale is wrong about a couple of things and I'll point them out. Hopefully I do it more succinctly.

Eidolon of the Great Revel should be a 4-of. It's not bad at all. If UWR is going to Lightning Bolt you, they still take two damage to do it. That Tarmogoyf ? Costs 2 life. The Vendilion Clique ? Costs 2 life. You turn all their spells into liabilities (which is the real advantage), while applying pressure. Play four, and never look back.

The alternatives suggested to Molten Rain (especially Flashfires and Aven Mindcensor ) are god-awful in a Burn deck. The Molten Rain s are perfectly fine, and actually the sideboard cards of choice for your land destruction needs.

Anti-lifegain is fine, but not so good that you should commit entire card slots to it. You want the maximum number of your cards to deal damage, which the suggested cards do not do. Play a set of Skullcrack , and go no further. If you are set on anti-lifegain, Rain of Gore is probably the best option.

Rakdos Charm is another Affinity hate card that has applications elsewhere at the same time.

Gotta agree that Satyr Firedancer isn't optimal, for the reasons Femme_Fatale cited.

The suggested creatures are all moderately playable, but I would really only think about Ball Lightning , Keldon Marauders and Spark Elemental .

Card draw is useless in a burn deck, at least in my opinion. Erebos, God of the Dead is pretty horrible in terms of cost and actual usefulness. Having velocity is generally good, but not when that card-draw spell could be the last three points of burn or something. If the goal of Sign in Blood is to draw into something that was cut for Sign in Blood , what are you accomplishing?

Also, I think Femme_Fatale is giving too much consideration to Soul Sisters. That deck is unbeatable for Burn anyway, so I wouldn't bother devoting cards to beating it, especially since it's not too prevalent.

August 13, 2014 9:26 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #18

The problem I have with Eidolon of the Great Revel is it will probably be doing 2-4 times more damage to you, than it will be doing to your opponent. Basically you end up with no real resilience against a simple threat, as it will take hardly any effort to kill you a few turns sooner than normal because of the damage Eidolon of the Great Revel has done to you.

I would prefer Eidolon of the Great Revel in a build with a bit more heavy cmc burn, like the aforementioned Ball Lightning , Keldon Marauders and even two Elemental Appeal s if that is down your alley. This way, you aren't getting pinged for 4-6 on turn 3 and on turn 4 by playing a lot of low mana burn, and you will still have fuel left over by the time you hit you would normally hit top-decking mode.

If it truly is worthy of inclusion, I'll be able to tell with my playtesting. But I'm not noticing anything overly special about it.

I forgot about Rain of Gore ... much better than all of my other mentions >.>

Card draw is quite important in an burn deck, especially when that draw can be used as burn itself. Massive card draw? Certainly not. 3 or so card draw cards are more than enough, you only need to get one a few turns in. When I include card draw for a burn deck, it is because the alternatives are not good enough to warrant playing in a situation in which where getting 2 cards for one is much better. You use the draw cards as when you no longer have enough burn to finish off the opponent's last 6 or so life. The Sign in Blood draws you two cards deeper into your deck to find the answer either right there in those two cards which you can play that turn, or the next draw afterwards, providing a win at the very least, one turn faster than than if you just had a burn or creature in your hand as the last card.

August 13, 2014 11:22 p.m.

That's a fair assessment. I'd personally rather be dealing a guaranteed three damage than drawing into cards that could do nothing (Goblin Guide against a clogged board state, more lands). Night's Whisper seems better for the role, unless you really want to be able to deal exactly two damage with your draw spell, and is less color intensive.

August 13, 2014 11:31 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #20

I also forgot too mention to try and get Mana Confluence instead of City of Brass . While I don't recommend playing Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth with only 4 black cards, or even 7 if you include the draw cards, your opponent may play Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth if they are playing black. It creates a nice little damage evasion if you ever need to tap for colourless or black mana.

As for which one is better, Sign in Blood or Night's Whisper , you'll have to playtest. 10 black mana is a fair portion, and getting two out by turn 3-5 shouldn't be much of a problem, but it all boils down to how the numbers work out in your playtesting.

What I personally would do to your board is remove Vexing Devil flat out, Eidolon of the Great Revel gets sideboarded, and you lower Skullcrack and Lightning Helix by one to put in 3x Sign in Blood and any combination of the following for the other 5. Ball Lightning , Keldon Marauders and Elemental Appeal . Personally I would go 3/2 on the ball on appeal, but others may choose something different like 3/2 keldon and ball.

August 13, 2014 11:53 p.m.

Keep on doing what your doing. Don't listen to anyone that tells you to drop Eidolon of the Great Revel , in fact, you should up it to 4. People who think it will "do more damage to you int he long run" have not played burn in modern. Your spells are hitting them for 3 damage on average, so the two damage you are getting hit with doesn't matter since they are 3 damage closer to dieing and you have managed to outpace damage dealt to you by 1. Eidolon of the Great Revel comes down on your turn 2 most of the time if you have 4 copies meaning that their turn 3 is when it starts its effect on the game. It is virtual card advantage in Red burn decks which is crazy. It is like casting a burn spell for two damage to their face FOR FREE whenever they cast something 3cmc or less...which in modern is 85% of all the cards in the format! Again, FREE 2 damage burn spells in a format littered with fetch and shock lands! Burn and RDW needed to get to that magical 20 damage through 7 spells before, but with Eidolon it is more like 5, throw Goblin Guide in there and you are at something that is more like 4-5. It drives the power level of this deck up and into a place where it can hang with all of the tier 1 decks with ease. Raising your CMC will only slow you down which is something RDW and Burn decks do NOT want to do. Ball Lightning and friends is not the way you want to go, you want to go under the other deck and reduce the amount of 3 damage spells you need (7 before Eidolon's printing) with Eidolon of the Great Revel and get to 20 as fast as possible. That being said, I have been playing Burn mono red to reduce the amount of life I take from Eidolon and haven't been missing any of the other colored spells in the deck.

I like Molten Rain in the mainboard simply because it catches a lot of decks off guard. I do not like the inclusion of Vexing Devil because he is not very good outside of turn 1, I like Mogg Fanatic and Pillar of Flame in the deck because of how rough the pod match up can be. Anyway, congrats on top 8 with this list.

August 14, 2014 1:21 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #22

Na man, I know how to play RDW, and my meta knows how to face RDW. Eidolon of the Great Revel will at most be 2 damage to your opponent. Maybe 4 if it swings. But that turn three scenario means it will also do 2-6 damage to yourself. Where's the benefit? I say sideboard it because there are only certain decks it works really well against. And that is decks that don't have much removal, discard, counterspells, or tutors/toolboxes. Your opponent can use Eidolon of the Great Revel against you in counterspells on a tempo deck, effectively making you deal the same amount of damage to yourself. They can plop removal after any creature you played, once again, no massive net damage. AEther Vial and Birthing Pod both effectively get around Eidolon of the Great Revel .

He is great against some decks, but not against others. He just fails the not having an immediate benefit the moment he comes out test, which is something RDW NEEDS to have. It just comes out to your meta in the end. If your meta does not know how to deal with a Standstill the moment it comes out, then you can run Eidolon of the Great Revel easily in any game. If they do, like my meta does, then this little guy will just have a little impact.

August 14, 2014 3:06 a.m.

quesobueno123 says... #23

Hey Everyone, thanks for all the help, as you can see in my newest update I made some changes, Femme_Fatale, thispersonisagenius, ConBurnMadMan, and aeonstoremyliver How does it look now?

August 14, 2014 7:31 a.m.

Still don't like Lightning Helix and think it should be Searing Blaze or Shard Volley . Grim Lavamancer is a little worse with no fetchlands, so I would consider dropping to two.

August 14, 2014 9:36 a.m.

quesobueno123 says... #25

thispersonisagenius Searing Blaze is now a four-of and Lightning Helix always does great for me.

August 14, 2014 9:37 a.m.

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