

HAH, the plan worked! You looked because of the name! MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!

Once you go black...well, you guys know the rest. LILI GONNA GET SMASHED. that thats out of the way, kets take a look at the layout.

First we have our guys that just keep coming, Tenacious Dead. This little guy can pose as quite the nuisance when I continuously sac it every turn and bring him back for 3 mana and gain 4 life AFTER BLOCKING and potentially trigger Dark Prophecy.

Second we have our nasty little Pack Rat. He's a lot cleaner than you probably think. This little guy allows me to boost my field presence and my devotion, and allows me to feed Obzedat, Ghost Council and AEtherling to the graveyard where they belong, so I can whip 'em back on to the field for a devastating entry effect or unblockable 4 that also gains me 4. Oh, and as you probably already know, they tend to stick around with their kick ass exile effects!

Third we have our lovely lady of the evening, Liliana of the Dark Realms. She fetches my Watery Grave and goddless shrine , adds to my devotion, and adds a devastating boost to my creatures...or slays gods if we have the devotion for it. Neat

After that, we have our Deity of the Damned, Erebos, God of the Dead. This nasty guy lets us draw the things we need, and stops those annoying life gain effects.What a stud.

Desecration Demon, is the guy behind the curtains, he keeps the show in check and makes sure everything is going smoothly, if they're not, he gets pissed. He obviously adds that much needed pressure to the field, abolishing the troublesome, or smashing face pretty hard, whatever my opponent decides they want to do.

Gary, the Gray Merchant of Asphodel, he brings us the goods. I can discard him then whip him, or I can just play him, and then sac him, and then whip him, whatever I feel is appropriate at the time I suppose. He's a pretty classy guy.

That was the cast of the show, now please, if you'll take just a little time, tell me about their performance so I know if I should do some firing. If that is the case, I'll be happy to interview whomever you think may fit the role a little better. Thanks in advance everyone!


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Alright, so after playing around with this a little, the tenacious dead/bubbling cauldron/cartel aristocrat thing just plain doesn't work. So I figured I'd get a little dirty and add some rats to the party.

Pack rat helps me discard my obzedat and aetherling, and also work well with the mutavaults and drainpipe vermin.

Added another hero's downfall as my meta is planeswalker heavy. Took out a temple of silence and a couple swamps to make room for the mutavaults.

I'm not sure about my mana build as of now, I'll have to test things out. Let me know what you dirty fucks think! ;D

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Revision 9 See all

(11 years ago)

-2 Bubbling Cauldron main
-3 Cartel Aristocrat main
+3 Dark Betrayal side
-1 Dark Prophecy main
+4 Drainpipe Vermin main
-3 Grim Return side
+1 Hero's Downfall main
+2 Mutavault main
+4 Pack Rat main
-2 Swamp main
-4 Tenacious Dead main
+1 Underworld Connections main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #9 position overall 11 years ago
Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 2 Mythic Rares

32 - 7 Rares

8 - 3 Uncommons

8 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.19
Tokens Copy Clone, Emblem Liliana of the Dark Realms
Folders Other People's Decks, black, Dope, Interesting Builds, Favorites, sack/w/e enters ideas, Bookmarked Decks
Ignored suggestions
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