The2ndHorseman says... #2
Perhaps if you want to use Tenacious Dead for Dark Prophecy You could use this to keep swarms at bay, Death Pact Oh and decent name oh and i have a level two rogue, his innuendo is very high in deed!SO 1+!
November 13, 2013 11:15 p.m.
Vindemiatrixx says... #3
So you say you want card advantage, but disagree with Nightveil Specter am I missing something?? This guy SCREAMS card advantage, not only gives you a card to possibly cast including lands, but also can be devastating to the enemy. What more card advantage could you want? My $0.02 I do love the use of the cauldron with the tenacious dead. but like it was previously stated, you need alot of pieces for that combo to work out. I suggest 4x Nightveil Specter makes "gary" and erebos happy with 3 devotion and gives a huge upper hand, if card advantage is what you seek then the specter will shine. 2 on the field and enemy has no flying then your automatically getting 2 cards that turn as well as you draw, add Underworld Connections to the play and thats 4 possible cards per turn. Thats massive.
November 15, 2013 11:10 p.m.
GreyFawkes says... #4
See, i didnt think of Nightveil Specter like that, and its an excellent point. Thank you for the thurough explanation, ill be making room for Nightveil Specter !
November 16, 2013 12:39 a.m.
GreyFawkes says... #6
I need something as a one drop or two drop. I don't particularly care for Thoughtseize or Pack Rat , but I do like the rat's discard ability for use with Whip of Erebos . Any ideas on decent replacements?
November 16, 2013 12:16 p.m.
I like it all. The only thing I'm thinking is that Nightveil Specter might not work. I might cut one copy of that. Then again, I'm just looking. You're the expert.
November 20, 2013 7:02 p.m.
Only 23 lands and an average CMC of over 3...yes, I know you have some that boost those, but I think you might be mana-light.
December 29, 2013 1:49 p.m.
SkateandDestory says... #11
Very solid. I can't see much i would change. I think its an awesome deck. I was confused by the one drop rat but then after seeing Pack Rat it made perfect sense. Maybe switch your planeswalkers out for Liliana of the Dark Realms ? I see that bringing you closer to victory faster but i could be wrong.
December 29, 2013 2:05 p.m.
GreyFawkes says... #12
DrLitebur what would you suggest I remove for an additional swamp or goddless shrine?
Liliana of the Dark Realms is already in here lol
December 29, 2013 3:59 p.m.
I know AEtherling is a great card, but with your other win conditions and other power cards in the deck, I might think about moving that to the sideboard, and dropping a Shadowborn Demon from there, as you have plenty of creature removal. And if you have another Godless Shrine available, use that. Better to have dual lands than just a single type...makes for more flexibility.
Just my thoughts, and suggestions. Take it as you will.
December 29, 2013 4:06 p.m.
Ooh, that deck looks nasty! I like it!
Have you tested it competitively yet?
December 29, 2013 7:57 p.m.
GreyFawkes says... #16
I haven't tried it with the rats and mutavaults just yet unfortunately. I had tenacious dead, cartel aristocrat and bubbling cauldron in their places before. I'll be playing it this Friday if my gf ends up playing my aura deck, otherwise I'll be playing that.
And I know aetherling is very unnecessary, but I really want to try it out before I remove it. It seems too fun to not use lol
December 30, 2013 4 p.m.
Aetherling is a beast of a beater, but you're already splashing white for Obzedat, and its double-white casting cost seems hard to pull off with only 4 white-mana sources in the deck. I think replacing Aetherling with Mr. Vizkopa and replacing the Watery Graves with more white mana sources would make it more consistent.
It is still very workable with Lili there to fetch those lands and the Whip to unearth Aetherling or Obzedat some times, but I dunno.. it just seems a little too sexy. ;-)
December 30, 2013 9:03 p.m.
GreyFawkes says... #18
That was another idea I was looking at. I'll play around with this first, and then make more changes after this FNM. Thanks for the suggestions!
GreyFawkes says... #1
Does blood baron fit in here?
November 13, 2013 9:17 p.m.