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Sexy Sultai Butts - Modern (~$45)

Modern Aggro BUG (Sultai) Casual Theme/Gimmick



Modern Assault Formation deck based off of my Sultry Simic Butts - BFZ Standard (~$10) deck. This is a pretty casual deck compared to competitive Modern decks, but fun and competent nonetheless.

Price on 10/27/2015: $45.13

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  • Assault Formation (AF): The signature card of this deck. It makes creatures attack with their butts. The pump for 2G provides a nice mana dump for late game.


  • Disciple of Deceit (DoD): Decent rear ended creature. It's Inspired ability will work for searching AF and looking for answers due to most of our Instants being of a similar cost.

  • Dimir Infiltrator : Unblockable creature with a good sized butt. It has the added utility with Transmute of being able to be discared to search for AF or some of our sideboard answers.

  • Jhessian Infiltrator : Doesn't depend on AF and can sneak in damage early on. Solid creature.

  • Benthic Infiltrator : With AF out, it becomes a 4/4 that can't be blocked. Ingest is a nice little bonus. Also helps sneak a few pings or act as a nice blocker while looking for AF.

  • Elusive Krasis : A second Benthic Infiltrator, sort of. Evolve will let it grow a bit to be relevant if AF is not out or more dangerous when it is.

  • Phenax, God of Deception : Not only can he be an Indestructible creature with a huge butt, he provides an alternate win condition to the deck.


  • Mizzium Skin: A small buff to damage with AF out and some cheap protection for our creatures. Overload can help push even more damage through.

  • Pongify: Cheap removal. The 3/3 isn't an issue, since he won't be blocking much of anything. DoD can take one for the team if need be.

  • Shred Memory: Transmute lets us search for AF or sideboard answers. Also works as graveyard hate.

  • Spell Pierce: Cheap counter spell for enchantment removal or board wipes.

  • Triton Tactics: This works as a nice combat trick to either push up to 6 more damage through or block two creatures as a surprise.


  • Cyclonic Rift: One sided board removal. Can search for it using Transmute or DoD.

  • Dispel: Mainly to counter burn decks or removal.

  • Golgari Charm : Lots of utility in this one: kills mass tokens, works as enchantment removal, or can save a creature from Deathtouch.

  • Hero's Downfall: Planeswalker removal.

  • Oxidize : Artifact removal.

  • Reality Shift: For when destroy just won't cut it.

  • Whip of Erebos: Life gain to help against faster decks. Ability on it is just a cherry on top.

If you're looking to lower the cost of this deck, here are some suggestions:


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

12 - 4 Rares

23 - 8 Uncommons

13 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.05
Tokens Ape 3/3 G, Manifest 2/2 C
Folders Budget, Budget decks, decks that look interesting
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