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Don't worry it izzent storm (Competitive Control)

Modern Artifact Blue Moon Competitive Control Cruel Control UR (Izzet)




Creature (2)

Instant (1)

Sorcery (4)

Competitive blue moon build. Suggestions and comments welcome, I am looking to make this deck as competitive as possible. The deck is fairly self explanatory, cantrips and counters for card advantage, slam blood moon as early as possible to just destroy any hope out opponent has of playing any of their cards, then grind out until we can win with 1. Chandra, Torch of Defiance, 2. Batterskull, 3. the classic Snapcaster Mage beatdown, or my personal favorite 4. take one of the few creatures our opponent was able to play with Vedalken Shackles and beat them down with their own creature.

Once our opponent puts us on blue moon they start fetching up basics, which we gladly destroy with Ghost Quarter before we drop Blood Moon. Our opponent scrambles through their deck looking for more basics only to find that(in the case of many modern decks) they have only one of each basic color they run.

An ideal first few turns include any of the following(On the play)

T1: Either Serum Visions to set up our next turn perfectly or leave a potential red mana to Lightning Bolt a mana dork, Noble Hierarch, etc.

T2: Leave up both our mana and pass the turn. Keep a Spell Snare Remand or Mana Leak in hand to stop any T2 play of our opponent.

T3: With our opponent tapped out after being countered we slam Blood Moon. At this point the game is essentially over. Even if our opponent does manage to stumble across one of their few basics to play a card in later turns we will have a hand full of counters and a huge base of mana to play as many spells as we need to counter it.

When I was first introduced to Vedalken Shackles I really saw it more as a funny flavor card, but it is surprisingly effective, even against more aggressive creature heavy decks. One deck I did not think it would be too effective against was b/w tokens, but it really holds tokens at bay. Each turn we can take the most powerful token and either chump or trade with it against the opponents remaining tokens. It either will hold our opponent from attacking, or is essentially a kill spell very turn(by chumping with it). Just having one out there is extremely effective, let alone if we have both out, or another threat such as Batterskull

Looking for ideas on what do do against decks like boggles, which I would say is one of our worst matchups. One idea I had was for me to side all the material to run madcap moon, with 4 Madcap Experiment and 2 Platinum Emperion because then all you have to do is make it to turn 4 and you're pretty safe because decks like that dont have anything that can deal with Platinum Emperion. However that simply is a huge amount of space to take up in the sideboard. It could be doable with less than 4 Madcap Experiments with set up cards such as Serum Visions but my goal is not to make this a madcap deck but a true grindy control deck.

This deck is a ton of fun to play, just watching our opponents best and most valuable cards become useless pieces of cardboard they have no way of casting!


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Revision 9 See all

(7 years ago)

-1 Electrolyze main
-1 Flooded Strand main
+1 Scalding Tarn main
+2 Spreading Seas main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #64 position overall 7 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

25 - 6 Rares

17 - 7 Uncommons

6 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.27
Tokens Emblem Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B
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