

Dimir Ninjas

Theme song: Ninja Rap by Vanilla Ice

This deck started out as just something fun to play outside my usual colors (I usually run Selesnya), but it's developed into one of my most fun decks to run. It's incredibly fast and the draw power helps keep up the pace.

With the addition of the Modern Horizons Ninjas, the deck has become much more heavily focused on type-matters and low-costed Ninjas.

For some reason Tappedout labels Sewers of Estark as being illegal in commander formats, but Gatherer lists it as legal. And I realize Sewers isn't that great of a card, but I personally like it and wanted to include it. EDIT: It's side-boarded now.

"The Ninjas have the Soup"

Fun combos:

Tutor for any creature: Arcane Adaptation + Higure, the Still Wind

Fear the Ninjas: Arcane Adaptation + Cover of Darkness

Tsabo's Decree, Plague Sliver, Shadow Sliver, and Vedalken AEthermage are side-boarded to deal with Sliver Decks. Decorated Knight is side-boarded to be wished in with Mastermind's Acquisition.

For a silver-bordered variant of this deck check out Un-Clad Ninjas


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98% Casual


Date added 7 years
Last updated 1 year
Exclude colors WRG
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This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 1 Mythic Rares

36 - 4 Rares

21 - 1 Uncommons

22 - 2 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.03
Tokens Copy Clone, Emblem Kaito Shizuki, Keimi, Morph 2/2 C, Ninja 1/1 U, Plant 0/2 G, Treasure
Folders My EDH, Ultra Budget, Ninja Deck, Yuriko, Oloro, Commander, Rogues/Ninjas
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