
This is my first Commander deck ever. I'm trying to get into the format and after getting Rivaz of the Claw for another of my decks, I thought it would be a great commander to start with, especially since who doesn't love Dragons right?


As Rivaz of the Claw traveled the world, he found it lacking. He dreamed of the peerless glory, terror and might of his winged ancestors. The days of reveling in fire and death were long gone, ever since dragonkind almost faced Damnation by the hand of Gods

Long ago, in fear of their growing power, dark wisdom and burning ambition, a group of Gods devised a way to end the Dragon bloodline, in an event known as the Crux of Fate. Only lesser beings like the ones that would later evolve into the Viashino escaped the treacherous extermination that claimed their vastly superior ancestry. This was due to the intervention of another of the Gods, and legend says that he was locked away by his peers in the harshest, most deadly volcanic mountain range in the world for his defiance

One day, while crossing some Sulfurous Springs, Rivaz found a mysterious egg-shaped rock resting in a bubbling pool. As Rivaz examined the curious object, he discovered that it was an actual dormant dragon egg, long encased in the ground. The egg was restored back to a living state by a mere touch. Surprised but very pleased, he took it as a sign that his time had come to bring about the Draconic Age once more. Embracing his fate as the Dragon Prophet, the harbinger of Flame and Shadow, he took the egg and raised the hatchling dilligently

For some years, together with his now full-grown beast, known as Tyrant's Familiar by its countless victims, he honed his dark skills to the fullest while assembling a small but cunning cult of beings that desired the return of their Dragon overlords. Dragonspeaker Shamans descended from the secluded mountains and the infamous Nogi, Draco-Zealotfoil and his band of Dragonlord's Servants emerged from the fathomless caves

After that, Rivaz and his Familiar released the ancient volcanic God Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded from his fiery prison and through this act caught the attention of the legendary Planeswalker Sarkhan, Fireblood, who scoured the planes of existence for draconic power. Now, Rivaz has the means to fulfill his destiny as the Dragon Prophet, and unleash great beings of primal, merciless and cunning power upon the multiverse once again

Rivaz has the favor of many powerful dragon spirits:

Rivaz has access to great relics and knowledge of the dragons:

Rivaz and his cult are well versed in forbidden secrets and rituals to fuel their plans

Rivaz needs plenty of resources to summon his dragon masters:

Rivaz is an accomplished warlock and uses shadowflame magic to destroy his foes:

  • Bedevil destroys a creature, artifact or planeswalker
  • Crux of Fate is a secret weapon that delivers the board to the Dragonlords
  • Damnation is a classic Black boardwipe with no strings attached
  • Deadly Rollick is a great nuke in the format
  • Feed the Swarmfoil is one of the very few ways to get rid of enchantments in these colors
  • Molten Collapse destroys a creature and/or a cheap artifact or enchantment
  • Dreadbore and Terminate are simple but effective removal

Rivaz has many tricks up his sleeve to ensure draconic domination

Thank you for your time looking up this deck. Any help appreciated!


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Revision 7 See all

(1 month ago)

+1 Animate Dead maybe
+1 Ashnod's Intervention maybe
+1 Conjurer's Closet maybe
+1 Diabolic Servitude maybe
+1 Emergency Weld maybe
+1 Erratic Portal maybe
+1 Karlach, Fury of Avernus maybe
+1 Kaya's Ghostform maybe
+1 Raise the Draugr maybe
+1 Reanimate maybe
Top Ranked
Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 month

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

21 - 0 Mythic Rares

43 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.52
Tokens Dragon 5/5 R, Dragon 6/6 R, Dragon Illusion */* R, Shapeshifter 3/2 C, Treasure
Folders Decks, comander, I Like These
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