Shai-Hulud, the Old Man of the Desert

Legacy Lame_Duck


ErebusX says... #1

June 29, 2015 9:37 p.m.

Lame_Duck says... #2

@ErebusX, to replace what though? There really isn't much flexibility in the deck's design; there's not a lot that can be removed without seriously damaging its consistency.

June 30, 2015 8:01 a.m.

ErebusX says... #3

perhaps get rid of the Mind Stones... They dont do a whole lot... At least the revives are ALWAYS useful. Especially when they target your Cheat creatures.

June 30, 2015 10:23 a.m.

Lame_Duck says... #4

The Mind Stones are incredibly useful; they're ramp early in the game when you need it and they replace themselves later when you don't. The weakest card in the deck is probably Elvish Mystic, but I certainly don't want to go down to only 7 pieces of ramp. Also, Revive is absolutely not guaranteed to be useful, especially in a format with cards like Swords to Plowshares and Council's Judgment.

July 1, 2015 7:42 a.m.

+1 for all the Dune references a deck could ever need. Where's the Spice, is all I have to ask? Lmao.

July 1, 2015 7:46 a.m.

Gravelman62 says... #6

+1 for wurms! the only problem I see is that there is no way to defend against flying creatures. You should add cards like Plummet. other than that it is great!

September 19, 2015 5:23 p.m.

Lame_Duck says... #7

Thanks, Gravelman62. My experience with the deck is that it really has no way to defend against any creature that's not just a dumb ground pounder. I'm planning on experimenting with a version that's more of a combo-control deck; removing the ramp and some of the cheat-effects and replacing it with a bunch of removal and board-wipes.

September 22, 2015 8:08 a.m.

zyphermage says... #8

December 22, 2015 3:45 p.m.

Lame_Duck says... #9

No. Unless there's something I'm missing, it has almost no synergy with the deck; the only card I have that searches the library is Sakura-Tribe Elder, I won't reliably have 7 mana to cast it and it's a worse creature to cheat in than all of the things I already have.

December 22, 2015 5:26 p.m.

Green Sun's Zenith and Dryad Arbor are not only ramp when combined, but also can fetch your cheaters and sac to Liliana of the Veil respectively.

September 19, 2016 10:08 a.m.

Lame_Duck says... #11

Oh, I had no idea that Green Sun's Zenith was so affordable; thanks for the suggestion, thecakeisalie42.

September 20, 2016 4:22 a.m.

buford420 says... #12

DUNE! He who controls the spice controls the universe.

Nice deck

February 20, 2017 4:41 p.m.

Lame_Duck says... #13

Thank you, buford420.

February 22, 2017 4:25 p.m.

Wouldn't Sandwurm Convergence be pretty cool here?

May 1, 2017 2:16 a.m.

Lame_Duck says... #15

Not really; I can't cheat it into play and it's not a Wurm so I'd have to replace one of the cheap cards with it, which would make the deck less consistent overall. The card from Amonkhet I think is most likely to be an improvement for the deck is Greater Sandwurm since it reduces the chance I end up with a hand full of expensive creatures that I can't get into play.

May 1, 2017 7:17 a.m.

TheRedGoat says... #16

Is Sneak Attack banned in Legacy? You would need to splash red to use it but I feel it would be worth the upgrade of using sneak attack to get a hasty Wurm out, or to be tricky with it, you could sneak out the piper, and with that gaining haste you "normal play" a wurm.

If nothing else only one of your wurms has no effect from death, and only a few don't have ETB effects. Why not let the spells that cheat your creatures out be your main means of getting them into play, and then the rest of your budget can go into player interaction instead of purely ramp? Or else the other way around maybe?

Additionally, I've actually got the same "Tribal Wars" thing going on at my LGM, but, being based for the real world, our budget is $50 versus whatever the store would charge for the card at its cheapest. Foils/expeditions don't matter (which is kinda nice). It has made some rather downgraded power-levels compared to what you have here, but it forces us into making decks that actually have good temp or synergy.

July 23, 2017 3:59 p.m.

Lame_Duck says... #17

Sneak Attack is legal and I agree that it would work well with the strategy but it's just too expensive, unfortunately. Thanks for the suggestion anyway.

July 23, 2017 5:19 p.m.

TheRedGoat says... #18

Whoops, didn't catch that is was so high. Is that also why you exclude black and reanimation effects? Or had you considered that route yet?

July 23, 2017 10:04 p.m.

Lame_Duck says... #19

No, the tools for reanimation are much more affordable but I just kind of hate playing Reanimator decks for some reason.

July 24, 2017 4:33 a.m.

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