ShapeShifting Shenanegins

Standard AjMcGamer


AjMcGamer says... #1

I have thought about adding in some Notion Thief s mainly to stuff Sphinx's Revelation any thoughts would be appreciated.

June 5, 2013 10:24 p.m.

Mysphyt says... #2

Have you considered Havengul Lich ?

June 6, 2013 7:10 a.m.

AjMcGamer says... #3

wow, no I hadn't. He would fit very well in this deck. I think I may see if I can grab a couple. It seems that he would be a better fit than the Nightveil Specter

June 6, 2013 7:25 a.m.

gufymike says... #4

Dissipate is the preferred counterspell at this time because of the 3cmc and exile. Rewind is best used when you want to use a ton of flash and instances where you play more on their turn than anything else.

June 6, 2013 7:50 a.m.

agGravity says... #5

Just a small question that should help your chance to win games: How do you deal against control archetype. What threat can you take from them? I'd focus my sideboard against these match as they should be your harder matchup

June 6, 2013 9:52 a.m.

Demarge says... #6

You may want to find room for a playset of Crypt Ghast and maybe a Mind Grind or two, that way you can have a strategy of your own in the even that you're just fighting a lot of aggro (which would be cloning Crypt Ghast over and over, piling on the extortion while also setting up a huge grind)

June 6, 2013 10:38 a.m.

AjMcGamer says... #7

@MurasakiRose If I were to run into that issue I would use my AEtherling for offence and my Fog Bank for defense, cloning both as needed. I am still thinking about adding in either some mill cards or splashing in red just to throw some burn spells in there.

@Demarge I like the idea of using the Ghast and Mind Grind together, I may make a mill oriented sideboard in case i need that alternate win-con. I am also thinking that Increasing Confusion would be a great card to pair with the ghast as well. Thoughts?

June 6, 2013 1:07 p.m.

ElderPeko says... #8

In my opinion I would switch out the Dispel In your mainboard for the Dimir Charm and Cyclonic Rift in your sideboard. Switching these out gives you a little bit more versatility, but it all depends on who you think you will be going up against.

June 6, 2013 7:08 p.m.

AjMcGamer says... #9

I think you make a good point. If I switch them out then I can save the dispels for fast paced burn decks and the like. I may just try that.

June 6, 2013 7:11 p.m.

AjMcGamer says... #10

I just had a crazy idea. make a sideboard consisting of - 4x Master of Cruelties , 4x Skullcrack , 4x Searing Spear , 3x Slaughter Games and putting in four of each the Izzet gates and Rakdos gates along with two mountains to assure red mana sources while not flooding myself with useless reds should I not sideboard. It would limit the amount of control I get with counters but would definitely increase my damage output, and the MoC could always be a fun wincon.

June 6, 2013 7:34 p.m.

ElderPeko says... #11

If you go that route then you may want to try and have some things like Dragonskull Summit so you are not tapped down by a lot of gates. Also keep in mind that the rule changes are coming up and that you will be able to have a sideboard of 1 card or a whole sideboard of 15. You will also be able to switch in as many as you would like and you don't have to switch them out 1 for 1. That may come in handle if you are going to play off your sideboard a lot.

June 6, 2013 7:39 p.m.

AjMcGamer says... #12

Yeah I need to get some summits, blood crypts and/or steam vents. The funny thing about the rule changes is that soon after they come out I will have to revise this deck anyway once the M13 stuff phases out. Until that time though I am very excited about the sideboard rule changes, not so much about the legendary changes but thats another subject XD. Thank you once again for your input.

June 6, 2013 7:47 p.m.

ElderPeko says... #13

M13 won't be phasing out until the fall so you should be fine.

June 6, 2013 7:59 p.m.

sylvannos says... #14

If you play against control, you're not going to have any targets for your Clone effects, except for Fog Bank . I'd suggest running Vampire Nighthawk instead of Fog Bank with Cyclonic Rift in your mainboard as well.

Four copies of Dispel is also too much in the main. I'd run one copy main with two Syncopate and three Dissipate .

Your land base is also wonky. Your deck is mostly blue, but you have a 50/50 split of lands.

That all being said, here's what I'd change:

-4x Fog Bank
-2x Notion Thief
-1x Reap Intellect
-2x Whispering Madness (you don't have much to cipher onto)
-3x Dispel
-3x Swamp

+4x Vampire Nighthawk
+3x Dissipate
+2x Syncopate
+2x Cyclonic Rift
+4x Island

June 6, 2013 8:11 p.m.

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