Shapeshifting Vampires

Modern Geoxis


Zen_Toombs says... #1

Seems alright. I've been... less than impressed with Vraska the Unseen though - how does she play for you?

October 23, 2012 9:23 p.m.

Geoxis says... #2

I've been playing against less than competitive decks with her and it's been useful, only have one so it's kinda hard to judge. I have enough removal that I usually don't have to kill her off with her removal ability when I draw her.

Ring of Valkas is useful with the tokens, colorless haste

October 23, 2012 9:28 p.m.

Kravian says... #3

Is Corpsejack Menace in this deck solely for the Desecration Demon ? Seems to be a bit unflexible if so. Also, your 4 drop slot is really heavy. I see you have a few good answers to early aggro (Golgari Charm , Ultimate Price ) in a lower slot cost, but I wonder what happens when they counter you on turn four. Because if they are patient and hoard counterspells, it will take you a long time to get more than one threat out in a single turn. Even if you get to six and can cast and Negate on the same turn, who's to say you won't just get Dissipate d and/or hit with Syncopate ?

October 24, 2012 9:47 p.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #4

"Your 4 drop slot is really heavy" is a bit of an understatement; ALL of your creatures are 4 drops. It makes Heartless Summoning suddenly seem appealing for this deck.

And yes, Corpsejack Menace is a good beater in his own right, but I don't see why he is in here; if Desecration Demon is the nexus of your attacking plan, why bother with much else, especially the Shimian Specter s. How about swapping out the Corpsejacks for something cheaper? Like those Korozda Guildmage s in the sideboard. Or maybe card:Judge's Familiar if you are worried about instants and sorceries wrecking your creatures?

October 24, 2012 10:08 p.m.

Geoxis says... #5

Corpsejack Menace is in this deck solely for awesome art and because he's a 4/4 that is decently easy to cast with my mana base, but I agree. Cheaper creatures in his place will more than likely be beneficial

and suggestions on Shimian Specter ? I feel as if they at least deserve a sideboard slot of 1 or 2

October 24, 2012 10:46 p.m.

Silver23 says... #6

after looking at this deck, you rely on the expensive like cards that is just creature control. any quick killers like Doom Blade that should of came back. i would go through a major overhaul and deplete blue and put in red for aggro burn. OR you can use cards like Devastation Tide and other cards to clear the board and prevent the human overrunning that is my problem. get some cards that can do spot removal so you can do some striking.

October 28, 2012 7:28 p.m.

Geoxis says... #7

well I like the shapeshifters that make not "taken care of" Vampire Nocturnus into two or three :D

get's very deadly quickly!

Taking out blue would probably not be the best idea, counterspells will be the next step I guess.

Thanks for the comment

October 28, 2012 7:32 p.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #8

Look at your mana curve. It's so back-loaded with four-mana spells you will genuinely struggle to a) Beat aggressive strategies and b) Deploy threats with any kind of speed or consistency; this is barely helped by having merely 22 lands, when most controlling decks like this run 24 at least (23 might be a good number).

Do have something on the 2 drop slot; maybe Divination can make way for Think Twice . Put two of your Sever the Bloodline s into the sideboard for Ultimate Price s or cheap removal of a sort. Make room in your sideboard by taking out copies of either card:Curse of Death's Hold or Mutilate (having so many in the sideboard here gives your sideboard a smaller range of answers!). And think how you can make creature deployment a bit smoother.

Gatecrash might be worth waiting for, for all we know, the new Dimir Guildmage will be just what you need! :D

October 28, 2012 8:48 p.m.

Geoxis says... #9

pookypuppy6 you are right! This deck needs curve work for sure, wish there was a one drop vampire that wasn't red!

October 28, 2012 9:03 p.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #10

I should probably mention I'm not the best person to ask about Standard deck construction. Better advice is around.

To put my own advice down, I merely gave solutions to your noncreature suite. Your creatures are the big curve-breaker here. Out of 22 creatures, 18 are 4-drops. Are you sure you can't just drop one of each Clone /Evil Twin to pop in something cheaper, like Vampire Interloper or something (not really a typical standard pick, mind you).

If you did decide to go red as Silver23 suggests, the curve would be more aggressive and even, as you would have access to Rakish Heir , Stromkirk Captain and Stromkirk Noble amongst others.

Again, Gatecrash may prove to help you out immensely!

October 28, 2012 9:11 p.m.

Geoxis says... #11

Thanks for the advice! So help me god I will make this deck work x_x

the dimir are going to help alot

October 28, 2012 9:37 p.m.

floopthepig says... #12

Desecration Demon take that horrible thing out of your deck and put some speed in you crazy crazy man like Vampire Interloper . you could try some Dark Impostor if your into cloning an stuff. Downsize out Unsummon in Duress out and Undying Evil in. You cant half arse control vampires or youl get dominated by aggro or even mill will eat you alive. a couple of Bloodline Keeper  Flip wouldn't hurt

November 1, 2012 12:48 a.m.

Geoxis says... #13

@floopthepig you think the demon is that bad? I will try out some of your suggestions.

November 1, 2012 7:15 p.m.

Chrisbox says... #14

Shadow Alley Denizen 1 mana drop that isnt red, great card.

February 17, 2013 2:28 p.m.

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