Match One: V.04 ~ Burn 2/0
Burn is a rough match up, but we can control their creatures and fetch for basics to offset their burn spells. Tempo Tempo Tempo. Side out Thoughtsieze for Weather the Storm and pray they keep a single land hand.
Match Two: V.04 ~ Hammer Time 1/2
"You had my hands sweating." Hammer time beats us again, but this time it was close. Force of Vigor is a must in the sideboard. We can keep them off stoneforge and urza's saga. But their ability to give a permanent hexproof and indestructible makes removing tricky equipment and Sigarda's Aid almost a flip-of-the-coin gamble. I feel with Vigor we could blow them out game two and prevent a game three, which is where we lose pretty badly.
Match Three: V.04 ~ RG Ponza (w/Karn -- Karnza as the creator called it) 2/0
Ponza is in a tough spot right now. We were able to control their hand and kill their creatures in game one, and their land targets really didn't matter with Shardless Cascade gimicks. Game two we surgicaled their Blood Moons and their Karns (with a fun Snap-play). After that we had to fight through a hard casted Fury, which was killed by an Assassin's trophy for the win.
Match Four: V.04 ~ Blue Moon 2/0
Another Blue Moon player, but this one half a country away? I don't know if the deck is trying to make a comeback or what, but it feels less powerful than Murktide. Used a similar strategy as the last Blue Moon match, siding in Mystical Disputes to mess with their plays and popping their Blood Moons with basics into Assassin's trophy's and Boseju's. Their Murktide feels less powerful in this shell and is susceptible to our Drowns, Assassin's Trophy's, and a cheeky Subtlety in game two.
Match Five: V.04 ~ Creativity 2/1
This match up is an interesting one. Controlling their hand feels good, Archon landing is painful. I find that Tempo plays are important here. Game one was a loss. but games two and three, with surgicals, mystical disputes, and counterspells. Controlling their lines, beating with early tarmogoyfs and ledgers feels good. SIDE OUT SHARDLESS. YOU DO NOT WANT TO CASCADE INTO A COUNTERSPELL. That and Shardless feels weak in this match up. In other words, go full control, don't try to play a fair game because they aren't. Play around Spellpierce, and be prepared to counter persist and creativity.