Shared Aggression (w/r)

Standard* razelfark


charlesovery says... #1

You should also play the red three drop goblin bush whacker like guy! He speeds up your damage cycles and increases the possibility of forcing third and forth turn alpha strikes.

December 3, 2016 12:34 a.m.

razelfark says... #2

Bush whacker is not good for this deck. His mana cost is just awkwardly placed with the cards in deck that makes him too slow of a card or doesn't do anything to help progress much in the deck. His haste he could spread with Odric is already covered by two cards (Village Messenger  Flip,Hanweir Battlements). He also doesn't fit the human shell that it currently runs. While I do like bushwhaker for decks that go wide, this deck doesn't make that its focus. I have tried the card before which is why I can say I am not a fan of it for this deck. Thanks for the suggestion though.

I honestly think your copter idea is really good for deck and would like to try it out. When I can get the chance to pick up some to test in the deck I will try to let you know how it worked.

December 3, 2016 3:05 a.m.

Kataclysm says... #3

God I hate that it's come to the point where the only thing left to do is run Looter Scooter in this deck razelfark.

In similar news, the budget brew went 5-2 at my local FNM last Friday. Only lost to the guy who would eventually win the night (similar style of deck - Avacyn Humans w/ Looter Scooter & Chandra).

December 13, 2016 3:54 a.m.

razelfark says... #4

Yeah it makes me sad that the Copter is best answer to add to the deck at this point because I was trying to avoid using it since I see it in so many decks. The loot function, its early aggression, and keyword makes it a solid card for the deck that can't just be ignored. With the goal to add this card to the deck, I am going to be adjusting some cards again and likely bring back Thraben Inspector to the main so I have early creatures more consistently. Sadly this means I will likely cut the Angel of Invention because it will likely be too slow of a card to go to with the new build.

Kataclysm it is great to hear the version of your deck is working out for you. If you find you are having trouble with Avacyn, just remember to pay attention to your opponents land count and be wary about attacking in when they have 5 lands open. Also remember that you can still kill her when she enters the battle field with a spell before she passes her trigger (Skywhaler's Shot in your decks case). While the trigger will still resolve and make other creatures indestructible even if she dies, this is useful because you stopped her from being a blocker potentially saving one of your creatures but also allowing you to sneak creatures past their defense if you manage to swing wide enough.

December 13, 2016 5:18 p.m.

Kataclysm says... #5

Ahh after a disappointing week this week at FNM I have realised that I have almost every card needed to make the same deck. However in my luck I have managed to pull Archangel Avacyn  Flip to use as my 1-of Indestructible on a stick. Trading 1 Needle Spires for 1 more Plains; 3 Gideon for 2 Galvanic Bombardment and 1 Stasis Snare, and; 1 Thraben Inspector for aforementioned Avacyn.

Picked up 2 Looter Scooters in the 1 Kaladesh Bundle last week too! Amazing luck lately...

December 23, 2016 9:17 p.m.

N1996 says... #6

Selfless Spirit is great for flying and protecting from board wipes and I think it would help a lot.

December 24, 2016 1:30 a.m.

razelfark says... #7

Kataclysm I hope the deck works out for you. The avacyn should provide you with some good value.

N1996 I agree that the spirit is a great option, but like loot copter it isn't particularly cheap. I think if I were to run it that I would put it mainly in the sideboard to bring out vs control decks or decks with sweepers. If I were to dedicate to mainboard I would maybe take out messengers to make room for them; although the haste and general early aggro they have has won me a few games. I will have to give it some more thought and see about how to fit them in.

Thanks for the comments and suggestions. No update for FNM this week since I attended a holiday draft with friends. Will have update for progress with current decklist next Friday. Well after I tweak a little more after holiday. Hope you all can enjoy which ever holiday you choose to celebrate, and if you don't celebrate any then enjoy the week none the less.

December 24, 2016 5:02 p.m.

HairyManBack says... #8

Oooo fun. Nice deck. +1

December 26, 2016 9:32 p.m.

razelfark says... #9

HairyManBack Thanks for the +1.

January 3, 2017 7:55 p.m.

Kataclysm says... #10

Love the end of year results. I played at a different store for my end of year FNM. Ended up 5W/3L/0D and placed 4th. Came at me with so much random stuff - Bant Agro, 4 colour Superfriends, 4 colour Aetherflux Reservoir. Had a ball.

Tweaked the deck again for testing with 22 vs 23 land (1 extra mountains) as I managed to hit 0 land in all 3 opening hands of my lost games (~3.27% chance) and again in my 1st mull in 2 of the games (~0.18% chance for both in a row). Probably just janky shuffling.

Hyped for some AER pre-release with all the spoilers floating around or ignoring it?

January 4, 2017 12:53 a.m.

razelfark says... #11

Kataclysm I am hyped for a number of cards I am seeing and have already thought up some silly deck concepts, but nothing too serious at the moment. Might be revisiting a silly red blue deck because of Mechanized Production. While instant win isn't the real aim for why I want to use the enchantment. It does offer a bit to my existing decks strength.

As for cards they have revealed that this deck might run; I haven't seen anything in particular that fits in the main board. There have been a few sidedeck options that have popped up, but it will all pend on what gets popular as to if the sidedeck card options will be used.

Here is hoping there might be something that will benefit the deck in the next reveal.

January 4, 2017 7:03 a.m.

razelfark says... #12

Well with recent releases on spoilers might cause for some major changes. Might just make a new deck list for those changes as it involves dropping not only the human shell, but maybe even going a different set of colors. Will post a link to the other deck idea once I get it flushed out and see if I try to shift the deck that way or not later. Only thing that is for certain is that Solemn Recruit is finding its way into the deck at some point.

Hope you all are interested in the new deck design once its ready.

January 6, 2017 4:02 a.m.

Kataclysm says... #13

I'm looking forward to it. I might consider trying to see if I can keep Humans and put Metallic Mimic in there for the Human anthem, only sad thing is it dies to Liliana, the Last Hope's +1

January 6, 2017 6:41 a.m.

Kataclysm says... #14

Also have you seen Kari Zev, Skyship Raider? Another 2 relevant keywords, cheap first strike and ability to trigger revolt each turn!

January 6, 2017 8:13 p.m.

razelfark says... #15

Kataclysm I agree that both those cards look interesting and I might even consider Kari Zev, Skyship Raider for the deck if I stay in color. I won't likely use Metallic Mimic because all it does is allow you to put additional +1/+1 counters on cards and there is only 1 card in deck that does that (Thalia's Lieutenant). If I was to try and make use of the Mimic I would need at least 1 other card that adds counters to other cards or more creatures that put counters on themselves in the deck to make it worthwhile.

Have the new deck rough concept made up now. It is called Odric's Aether Revolt and puts more of a goal on lifelink and flying then current deck build with some extra card draw power. No sidedeck for it at the moment but already have some cards lined up to fill certain gap goals. Will try to maintain the current r/w deck here as I work on the b/w and see which I like more. The r/w deck won't see any updates of new cards till I have a chance to play them and see how they function. Will try to update the Maybe Board to include the future release cards that will likely make the deck later.

Thanks for the comments and willing to hear any more questions or suggestions if you have them.

January 7, 2017 8:19 a.m.

Kataclysm says... #16

If budget allows I might consider consolidating both ideas into a Mardu build. Filter out almost everything without keywords (especially Thalia's Lieutenant) in favour of a more diverse keyword spread. The black will also give me access to Anguished Unmaking and Grasp of Darkness to remove targeted threats.

See how we go.

January 7, 2017 6:10 p.m.

razelfark says... #17

While budget for going Mardu is not likely too much of an issue. The main problem is how many of the cards for the ideas my red build don't even bring keywords with the exception of Village Messenger  Flip. It doesn't seem worth trying to keep the red for only 3-6 card copies when I would need to have access to a lot of double white and black sources for new build idea. It is either better to go r/w or r/b based on my build strats; the blend of the two would get in the way of the other slowing it down and making things difficult to play. That is just how I feel about it, at least when I tried mixing it with other colors before. If you think you can find the right balance of cards then I say go for it, but I will stick to two colors for the simpler deck build.

January 7, 2017 8:58 p.m.

Clockwurk says... #18

Smuggler's Copter got banned sadly replace w other Mirrorwing Dragons and maybe another Blessed Alliance idk nice deck too!

January 10, 2017 5:59 p.m.

razelfark says... #19

Making the changes after the ban date hits. Partly because I am not 100%sure what will take its place.

January 10, 2017 9:54 p.m.

Kataclysm says... #20

Got any copies of Thalia, Heretic Cathar? Should be a decent stop-gap filler for a week until AER drops.

January 10, 2017 10:32 p.m.

razelfark says... #21

I am actually thinking that the copter might be replaced by Metallic Mimic, Selfless Spirit, or Aethersphere Harvester. With Spirit and Mimic, I can keep the card slot at 2 cmc and have either a strong utility flier or another human synergy card that causes Hanweir Garrison and Thalia's Lieutenant to be even stronger (misread mimic, he does place counters even if they don't start with one). The Harvester is a nice new vehicle I am considering because it brings enough energy to power its lifelink for 2 turns, has good stats, and (like copter) has a crew requirement of only 1. I am currently leaning towards the mimic because the cost($) of card will be cheaper and fits the human theme well, but I think the spirit will benefit the deck more. Still more to consider before I make the final decision.

Sorry Kataclysm about the misread and turn down of mimic at first. Now that I have read him properly I see him as a good options for the deck. As for the Thalia suggestion, I have been trying to get her for a while but the stores I go to have been sold out of her for months. I would like 2 copies for the side or even possible to get in the main.

Currently looking at the side and thinking I need to make some serious tweaks to get ready for ceratin decks and combos. Currently the deck has no answer for the Saheeli Rai/Felidar Guardian combo and I know the people at my shop are already jumping on the idea of using this trick. My plans for countering it will be Thalia, Shock, and Authority of the Consuls. Thalia and consuls stop it the combo in the same way by tapping the creatures as they enter denying them an attack. Consuls takes it a step further by making sure they don't use an untap card and still kill me, because I will gain 1 life for each creature they bring in. The card shock can interrupt the combo as they start it to kill Saheeli as she activates to spawn the first token. These cards being brought into deck still need some time to decide what might make it to main deck or which card to replace in the side. Cards on the potential cut list are Lithomancer's Focus, Repel the Abominable, Skywhaler's Shot.

Feel free to let me know what you think about these ideas. All comments and suggestion are welcomed. Actual deck changes to main deck coming next week since we have one more FNM to enjoy our copters. Kinda glad to see them go but sad since I just got the number I liked in deck.

January 12, 2017 1:14 a.m.

HairyManBack says... #22

You seem to really not like that cat combo, friend. :P

But I do like Kev and the double strike dwarf here. Looks fun.

January 18, 2017 11:06 a.m. Edited.

Zulfi says... #23

Why exactly is Stitcher's Graft in here? Just curious.

January 18, 2017 3:04 p.m.

Kataclysm says... #24

Looks like i'll be dropping a Solemn Recruit and Thalia, Heretic Cathar into the deck in place of the Gideon's you have (Although I am likely to have my own 2 copies of Gideon soon, for cheap). Looking forward to seeing if I can still stick it to people especially in my super control heavy meta at my LGS.

January 18, 2017 4:17 p.m.

razelfark says... #25

I use sticher's graft as a cheap equipment to deter attacker because it makes the smallest of creatures into walls when needed, but primarily because it is a very strong card when paired to a vigilant creature. Since we have a creature with vigilance normally and always watching to make most the creatures have the function; it makes card like lone rider and responder big threats. Suggest sidding out when it looks like you opponent is siding in removal for it because of its issue or causes when removed from field.

Sorry I am not linking cards for description as I am answering from cell phone.

January 19, 2017 5:18 a.m.

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