Sharing is Caring (Zedruu Control)

Commander / EDH LittleLeaf


NoPantsParade says... #1

Pyromancer's Swath is never a disappointment to give someone. I like it. +1

May 26, 2014 10:25 p.m.

LittleLeaf says... #2

That's definitely worth consideration..... I like where you're going with that, and thanks for the +1.

May 26, 2014 10:32 p.m.

I love Zedruu and your deck so +1. Have you considered Archmage Ascension ? I think It would work extremely well in your deck. Also, Jace's Archivist could be pretty helpful.

May 29, 2014 5:21 p.m.

LittleLeaf says... #4

Thanks for the +1. I can't agree with Jace's Archivist here, to be honest, as my deck is built to hang onto a lot of its cards as answers to things, and the list is getting less and less room for cuts. I do like Archmage Ascension here, though, for many of the same reasons I don't much like Archivist. I am thinking of ways he could be very good, but I'm not yet ready to test it here.

May 29, 2014 8:54 p.m.

Tata says... #5

I'm unfamiliar with Zedruu decks but maybe I can offer some advice since I often play control EDH.

Stranglehold is very, very good.

I'd replace the group-hug stuff like Words of Wisdom , Temple Bell , and Howling Mine unless you really need the political leverage for some reason. This ain't no Nekusar! Replace with toolbox cards like Enlightened Tutor , Mystical Tutor , and Sensei's Divining Top .

Needs more removal! And countermagic. Swan Song is a very good card... and not only in EDH.

Do you face voltron in your meta? Condemn is good, as is Unexpectedly Absent and Spin into Myth .

Also... please... cut Dissolve for Counterspell !

June 6, 2014 12:30 a.m.

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