Sharpen Your Ears

Commander / EDH* Hexbringer0


Coinman1863 says... #1

What about Coat of Arms? It could basically break the other player if you have enough elfs out.

April 12, 2015 7:10 p.m.

Hexbringer0 says... #2

I play against a very mean Krenko goblin tribal most of the time. He doesn't even like to play that two edged sword. I liked it and originally had mine in. It was awesome when i already had the advantage....but against other tribal it can decimate the player and honestly has no ue otherwise. It's always fun in pod though :) I have tended to play more one on one recently.

April 12, 2015 7:49 p.m.

Coinman1863 says... #3

Well, as a less dangerous choice, how about Voice of the Woods? If you have so many elves, making a 7/7 trample isn't the worst thing you could do.

April 12, 2015 7:57 p.m.

Hexbringer0 says... #4

Very true. I have a hard time even with the protection i have, with avoiding board wipes. Eldrazi Monument is the plan when i can get it....and i had Soul of New Phyrexia meantime. Soul just wasn't as useful as making my land drops more consistent. Having five creatures for one big one is possible, but doesn't seem too likely for me in any consistent manner. My most common win con is ridiculous mana 3 or four elves and Ezuri, pump into him. Game. I have also Considered Omnath, Locus of Mana. I think he would really benefit my build. Removing cards however is another story.....

April 12, 2015 8:05 p.m.

Coinman1863 says... #5

What about Skyshroud Claim, Nature's Lore, Kodama's Reach, Land Grant, or anything of that ilk? Does that make it too slow for wasting a turn for getting mana? Also as psudeo-removal, how about Lignify?

April 12, 2015 8:15 p.m.

Hexbringer0 says... #6

I love Land Grant, and i had forgotten about Lignify. I really like that, very my style will have to figure a way to get those and put them in. The others are good...but it was hard enough to fit in Sylvan Ranger and Farhaven Elf....and they are elves :)

April 12, 2015 8:21 p.m.

Gavvin says... #7

Missing a bunch of cards:

Umbral Mantle is cheaper mana-wise than Sword of the Paruns to get infinite mana if you are only going to run one. I run both and Staff of Domination.

Big mana creatures that are missing: Wirewood Channeler, Karametra's Acolyte (not an elf, I know, but making infinite mana gives her a pass), and Viridian Joiner.

Maze of Ith coupled with Argothian Elder will give you infinite mana during your attack step (which is when you really need it).

Illusionist's Bracers coupled with Seeker of Skybreak and any mana elf gives infinite mana. If you get the bracers before finding Seeker, doubling up Ezuri activations is always good. They also create infinite mana with Argothian Elder and Wirewood Lodge, allowing Elder to untap 4 lands.

Kamahl, Fist of Krosa can be a backup to Ezuri, wrath protection (go ahead and wrath, in response I make all of your lands 1/1 creatures!), and another way to make infinite mana by animating Nykthos so you can stick Umbral Mantle/Sword of the Paruns on it.

Fierce Empath + Craterhoof Behemoth - Secondary win condition

Ring of Three Wishes / Planar Portal - Yes they are expensive in terms of mana use. You are playing Elves. You can afford it. They find your combo pieces.

Soul of the Harvest - HUGE turns as you play Elf after Elf. With Cream of the Crop, you would have to be unlucky not to play every elf in your deck.

Cauldron of Souls + Melira, Sylvok Outcast - wrath protection

Cloudstone Curio + Big mana elves and haste granter = infinite mana If you add Aluren, you can do it with any two mana elves costing 3 CMC or less.

Copperhorn Scout - allows you to tap attacking elves for more mana to feed into Ezuri

Since I have recommended a lot cards, here is some of what I would cut:

Nissa's Chosen - Not very good as a singleton

Nissa Revane - Not very good without 4 Chosen and lifegain is subpar in EDH(you still die to 21 Commander damage)

Steely Resolve - Can't use Ezuri's regeneration ability with this out or equip your equipment

Elfhame Sanctuary - You should not be skipping draws for land. A proper Elf deck can run on 2-3 lands in play

Talara's Battalion - Just a big, dumb beater. Once you get infinite mana, ALL of your elves are big, trampling creatures.

Realm Seekers - See Elfhame Sanctuary and Talara's Battallion

Nissa, Worldwaker - Elementals are not Elves and are not pumped by Ezuri. Also, opens your land up to destruction by creature removal. Untapping Forests is ok, but would be better if she untapped Elves. You will never get her ultimate.

April 14, 2015 3:15 p.m.

Gavvin says... #8

Also.... if you want to be "That Guy", you can include Winter Orb and/or Storm Cauldron. Neither should slow you down much as your guys are cheap and make their own mana.

April 14, 2015 3:20 p.m.

Hexbringer0 says... #9

Thanks so much for the suggestions! have been looking for an Umbral Mantle for awhile also the Staff of domination. I really like that go ahead and wrath Kamahl and will try and get a hold of him as well. Illusionists bracers and Rings of Brighthearth have been on my list for awhile. i already have a Soul of the Harvest, copperhorn scout, fierce empath, and a Craterhoof Behemoth. Copperhorn, Soul and Behemoth were cut out actually. Copper horn tended to die too easily in my playgroup, Behemoth rarely showed up when he'd be of use, and i don't think i ever really gave Soul of the harvest a chance. Also you certainly justified a lot of those cuts and i will consider them as i move forward with this deck. It'll be hard top see some go, as Elfhame Sanctuary has recovered near unplayable games for me and Realmseekers, when they are used, have always been a game changer. The Nissas are more personal choice and flavor then all too practical i see now, but i still love em. Didn't even know of that Maze of ith, Argothian Elder combo. gonna try and get the Copperhorn back in tonight. Thanks so much Gavvin.

April 14, 2015 8:30 p.m.

Gavvin says... #10

Here is what I am running currently. Wins quite a few games.

April 14, 2015 10:46 p.m.

Hexbringer0 says... #11

Checked it out. very cool...couple cards out of my price range but tons of inspiration. Thank you!

April 15, 2015 12:35 a.m.

With so many creatures Gaea's Cradle taps for a lot of green mana.

July 31, 2015 12:28 a.m.

Hexbringer0 says... #13

Gaea's Cradle would be awesome. It's a bit out of my price range at the moment though. It will be in here someday!

August 1, 2015 11:10 p.m.

Kaity_32 says... #14

I've always loved elves, and always wanted to make a commander deck surrounding them. took one look at this deck: WANT

August 6, 2015 4:36 p.m.

Kaity_32 says... #15

I've Actually been playtesting it some, Sword of the Paruns+Elvish Archdruid almost assures you of infinite mana, combining that with Seeker of Skybreak, Rings of Brighthearth, and Skyshroud Poacher ends up with you having infinite mana, and all the elves in your deck out. then just imagine if you got out Omnath, Lord of MANA!.

August 6, 2015 7:15 p.m.

arthurxisde says... #16

No love for Avenger of Zendikar? It's the primary target for Tooth and Nail (along with Craterhoof) for the win.

August 10, 2015 5:59 p.m.

Hexbringer0 says... #17

I hadn't thought about Avenger of Zendikar. I see how awesome that combo is, but if i am going for the Craterhoof Behemoth win con usually it's because i have tons of elves.....that combo could be terrifying to see hit the board successfully. My only issue would be his usefulness outside of that combo. Usually i only have three to five lands out before i reach one of the win cons. Also what high cost card would come out to keep my curve about where it is? Definitely a very good suggestion and i'd love to see the victim's face when both those hit. Thanks so much!

August 10, 2015 9:35 p.m.

RoarMaster says... #18

Best flavor text ever, am I right?

August 25, 2015 7:49 p.m.

Hexbringer0 says... #19

Yes indeed. I've caught myself using it before or without realising as well....hilarious.

August 25, 2015 11:35 p.m.

Txport says... #20

Descendants' Path is great for tribal and only affects you.

August 31, 2015 1:54 a.m.

Hexbringer0 says... #21

I ran (decendant's path) for a while way back when i started this deck. it just hurt me more than helped. THis deck has trouble drawing land and saying goodbye to a needed removal or artifact is deadly to me. Thanks for checking it out!

August 31, 2015 4:04 a.m.

Hexbringer0 says... #22

Wow....shoulda grabbed it when i had the chance awhile back...oh well. Thanks so much! Most people in my local meta play multi colored so it would've probably been quite effective. Guess I'll run a proxy to see if it's worth the investment. Though my friends Krenko would just chuckle at it, but the Nivmizzet player would be crushed when i infinite and he can't. Pretty cool idea for sure!

March 21, 2016 8:10 p.m.

Hexbringer0 says... #23

I want to get another land in here....and want to take out an artifact...Can anyone convince me of one worth taking out?

March 21, 2016 8:12 p.m.

Hexbringer0 says... #24

It's been between that and Skullclamp for awhile now. The plate has it's uses in my meta, where destruction is more common than exile....but the more i think about it the less effective in my build it seems. Ezuri, Renegade Leader, Argothian Elder, Copperhorn Scout and my Lords Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen, Elvish Champion, Imperious Perfect, Joraga Warcaller and Elvish Archdruid are it's primary targets. Also in Duel commander, one indestructible blocker can make some serious difference...but is it more effective than a slightly larger land base? when i get my new alter forest in i'll try it out. I'm also thinking Sylvan Library, Scroll Rack and Sensei's Divining Top may be too much draw control...

March 22, 2016 2 a.m.

kengiczar says... #25

First off I like the deck although I have never played mono elves myself.

Second...that alter is freaking sweet!

March 22, 2016 2:25 a.m.

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