Sharuum Combos: Infinite Possibilities [Primer]

Commander / EDH oo7x7oo

SCORE: 170 | 144 COMMENTS | 67848 VIEWS | IN 86 FOLDERS

_bullseye_ says... #1

Fantastic deck!

Wouldn't Enduring Renewal give you about 26,247 more combos? :)

February 21, 2017 4:29 p.m.

oo7x7oo says... #2

Hi, thanks for the suggestion but I don't think the enchantment works in the deck. First, I certainly don't want to give other people information about that I can potentially win any turn. This deck is all about speed and combo out as fast as possible but opponents do not know which plan I am going until I pull the trigger. Second, Enduring Renewal break my Sharuum the Hegemon + Phyrexian Metamorph/Sculpting Steel combos, which is my potential easiest combo (requiring fewest cards and not too much mana).

I understand that Enduring Renewal adds some combo potential, but this deck used to have a lot more combos (perhaps 50% more) to a point that the deck was not competitive enough; plus, less efficient combos are just never pulled off, thus including less efficient combos almost equal to not having them in the first place. Thanks for the discussion and upvote.

February 22, 2017 11:41 a.m.

viewtifulstyle says... #3

March 3, 2017 1:37 a.m.

oo7x7oo says... #4

Panharmonicon adds only couple combos and the deck has about 6 cards that can benefit from it, some aren't even relevant. Unless there are a lot of combos (3 cards or fewer) I am missing out with Panharmonicon I will not consider it.

March 3, 2017 11:09 a.m.

viewtifulstyle says... #5

It combos really nicely with just the Sharuum Loop. Infinite artifact reanimation. Any artifact you sacrifice for anything immediately goes infinite.

Incredibly strong with cards like Lotus Petal, but you do run a lot fewer of those than I do.

March 4, 2017 12:26 a.m.

oo7x7oo says... #6

Sorry but which combo are you referring to? I know it can get all artifacts back with Sculpting Steel or Phyrexian Metamorph, but unless there is another artifact win con like Blasting Station in the gy, infinite recursion is not relevant. Keep in mind this is a fast combo deck without dredge, so a lot of times my gy has no artifact. The situation where Panharmonicon become useful requires setup or late game my gy hasn't been exiled, which is pretty unlikely to happen. Thanks for advice and discussion!

March 4, 2017 1:55 a.m.

DreamingMTG says... #7

Hey! Just wanted to say I'm a big fan of the deck you have made. A lot of combo potential and looks fun to pilot. I have a Sharuum deck and it is not as combo heavy as this by a huge margin.

March 5, 2017 10:46 a.m.

oo7x7oo says... #8

Thank you BigRedFireTruck for the comment and upvote, I am glad that you like the deck! =)

I will definitely keep testing and updating the deck.

My philosophy of building the deck is to be competitive as well as fun to play. Obviously keeping just 2 or 3 most efficient combos is the most competitive build but the game plan will always go through the same route and become auto-pilot and boring.

March 5, 2017 12:38 p.m.

chaosumbreon87 says... #9

No reshape, lotus bloom or open the vaults? reshape lets you reuse artifacts and is a good tutor (not as good as whir or TA but still decent). Open the vaults lets you recover and gives you more routes (self mill now becomes very good). For example, traumatize yourself early game so you can open the vaults same turn or next. Lastly, lotus bloom is just basically a black lotus for the deck and is recurrable. The suspend doesnt even matter most games.

March 7, 2017 10:30 a.m.

oo7x7oo says... #10

Thank you chaosumbreon87 for the great suggestions. I am actually considering the deck with couple cards you mentioned, since the deck is pretty close to optimized it's difficult to cut cards out. On top the list to remove are control cards like All Is Dust and Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. I had Reshape before but it was not that great to use because sacrifice artifact is part of the cost oppose to Transmute Artifact at resolution, plus paying additional x something is a big problem. However, my deck has evolved that it has much more mana base and overall lower cmc artifacts I think Reshape can be a great card. Lotus Bloom is difficult to see the effect, I was actually thinking about Lion's Eye Diamond instead but I will give Lotus Bloom a try during testing since it is 1/10 of price of LED

March 7, 2017 10:58 a.m.

Do you mean 1/15 the price? (8$/120$). I dont think anyone will mind you proxying a LED with a Lotus bloom since they are similar in effect. Also, you can probably fix the land base a bit with the zend fetches (They will be cheaper now with the reprint [yay reprint]). I understand that the OG duals are expensive but they hold value so i'd pick up revised or unlimited duals while they continue to climb (yearly).

Other card suggestions: treasure mage, memory jar, salvaging station, ponder, serum visions, preordain (little cantrips are good in all stages), brainstorm, grim monolith, (power artifact or dramatic scepter combo).

personally think dramatic scepter is better out of the 2. (not to mention putting lim duls on the scepter)

Have fun

March 7, 2017 11:21 a.m.

oo7x7oo says... #12

Yes I will fix my land by replacing 3 temples with 3 (proxy) duals and add BW fetch (not a big fan of off color fetch). Another suggestions I have thought about is Grim Monolith, but adding it most likely will end up getting Power Artifact so I haven't thought how to cut cards for them. Other suggestions are good for consistency, but again, I don't have cards to cut unless I want to get rid off one entire combo potential. The deck concept is to have endless combo potential so I am trying to keep as many as I can (I recently cut Clock of Omens and Myr Turbine and lost a few combo options for speed and consistency), because I don't want to end up a super competitive combo deck where I just ramp into the same combo every game.

March 7, 2017 11:33 a.m.

PapaBear97 says... #13

Would you mind explaining for me the Combo "Sharuum the Hegemon + Mirrorworks/Minion Reflector + Krark-Clan Ironworks/Ashnod's Altar (colorless)" I'm just confused as to how the stack is working here

March 8, 2017 9:07 p.m.

Sharuum trigger fetching irrelevant. Mirrorworks trigger pay using sac sharuum. Pay by sacing sharuum to ashnods. Mirrorworks resolves sharuum copied targeting sharuum. Repeat to infinity.

March 8, 2017 9:13 p.m.

PapaBear97 says... #15

Got it, thank you very much!! Awesome deck

March 8, 2017 9:18 p.m.

oo7x7oo says... #16

Thank you chaosumbreon87 for explaining the combo. Also thanks for the upvotes guys!

March 9, 2017 1:20 a.m.

hi there,

could you explain me this combo plz Metalworker + Staff of Domination + Rings of Brighthearth and 2+ artifact cards in hand (colorless mana, infinite life, draw entire deck)

iam from germany and i dont get it :D

and also this plz

Tezzeret the Seeker + Rings of Brighthearth (use Tezzeret's second ability for x = 3 and copy with Rings of Brighthearth to search twice for Basalt Monolith and Staff of Domination. Get infinite mana and draw entire library to kill the board however you want)Same follow up works with Ring of Three Wishes + Rings of Brighthearth

for the basalt + rings combo you need two colourless starting mana or not?

thank you very much

March 21, 2017 9:06 a.m.

Yes you need 2 colorless mana to start any rings combo but it is easily refunded. With inf mana you can draw inf cards, gain infinite life through staff. metalworker would need 3 or more artifacts to go infinite mana. Otherwise youre just going nowhere (or have 2 mana to spare). In which case you repeat the above arguement.

Dont see how you being from germany would equate to not getting it.

oo7x7oo i think it might be worth putting in the description that rings combos needs 2 mana from elsewhere to start the infinite

March 21, 2017 9:20 a.m.

Ah yes, thank you very much. i was a bit confused do to the lack of the two mana needed.

Very nice deck

March 21, 2017 11:12 a.m.

No problem. (really dont mind explaining combos so if you have any more questions, oo7x7oo or I could possibly answer them)


oo7x7oo sorry for double mention but have you ever thought about Auriok Salvagers, Seat of the Synod, Ancient Den, Vault of Whispers, and Darksteel Citadel? the salvagers goes infinite with LED, and is good recursion value to the artifact lands or your other value rocks.

Also no C rift? its very powerful in edh but I can see why if you decided to cut it.

On the other side of the coin, have you thought about the leyline helm combo. It might help if sharuum gets locked out.

March 21, 2017 11:25 a.m.

oo7x7oo says... #21

Thank you chaosumbreon87 for the explanation and suggestion, I will add more description to the combos with ring.

I thought about Auriok Salvagers when I decided to put LED, but decided not to use it because he only combos with LED which is not the best combo (I don't win unless staff, ring of three wishes on the board or response to a search). He is not that cheap cmc wise, for artifact recursion is not really worth a slot. If I am not using salvager there is really no reason to run artifact lands and expose to higher risk of facing mass artifact destruction.

I actually have never decided to use Cyclonic Rift in this deck (I use it in all my other blue decks), because a competitive combo deck the top priorities are 1. speed 2. consistency 3. ability to win with disruption. There are very few things a counter spell cannot take care but rift can, that makes rift conditionally better.

The helm combo is a nice two card combo but they don't fit with any other cards and only eliminates one player, so i will pass on that. (Similar reason I took out mind slaver)

One card I want to test out would be Trinket Mage. Any thought?

March 21, 2017 2:53 p.m.

Aah i was thinking helm, rip and leyline are decent to fight opponents' graveyard shenanigans and helm is easily fetchable.

As for trinket mage, it currently has 6 targets. It may be worth testing. On the testing note, how is lotus petal treating you?

March 21, 2017 4:07 p.m.

oo7x7oo says... #23

Do you mean Lotus Bloom? That was the one we discussed and I chose to test with LED. FYI, I ordered LED and received it, that tells you how well it works.

Speaking of Lotus Petal, I am considering to add Dark Ritual for mana ramp, and can be tutored with Mystical Tutor which has very few targets, that's probably my next testing targets.

March 21, 2017 5:33 p.m.

Jamiemac says... #24

Nice deck. Up vote from me. Check out my sharuum deck if you will thanks

Sharuum Dreams

March 26, 2017 7:04 a.m.

Hi oo7x7oo, i have one more question.

have you considered to play planar Bridge ? iam testing it, and i think, its real good. But i dont have the experience with the ring of three wishes.

which one is better? how do you think about it ?

March 28, 2017 4:46 p.m.

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