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Sharuum, the Doomsday Riddles Begin

Commander / EDH*



Trying a new aspect of artifacts. It's basically egg combo with a side of Doomsday, but instead of the doomsday pile having Laboratory Maniac (although still an option, just in case), you rush the basic "Sharuum combo."

SHARUUM COMBO:Sculpting Steel + Phyrexian Metamorph + Sharuum the Hegemon +Disciple of the Vault : for anyone who is not familiar with this combo, its basically having sculpting steel and phyrexian metamorph in grave and using sharuum's ability to pull them back, having them enter as a copy of Sharuum. you sacrifice to the legendary rule, and recycle the process while the infinite triggers with disciple of the vault deals infinite damage. Vault is replaceable, you can use cards like Altar of the Brood to mill out the other players decks (not recommended, milling a deck is never a reliable way to end games unless you can exile all graves at instant speed), use Bitter Ordeal to exile their decks, or Blood Artist for the same effect as disciple.

The doomsday piles would be similar, using Gush, Frantic Search, Gitaxian Probe, etc. to draw cards. And things like Lion's Eye Diamond, Dark Ritual, Cabal Ritual, Lotus Petal etc. for mana. The Difference is instead of attempting to draw your deck, you can use doomsday to limit to the only cards you need. Since sculpting steel and phyrexian metamorph might be on the field already, you can use doomsday to leave your deck with krark-clan to put them to grave, disciple/blood artist for damage, and a draw spell to get them both. If you are close to the egg combo, before sending everything to grave you can use doomsday to limit your deck to the last key cards you need. If you can open doomsday early enough, before any other combo is set up, you can go with the traditional laboratory maniac to draw your deck.

For anyone who hasn't seen the lab maniac doomsday, the deal is to attempt to draw your deck. There is a ridiculous amount of variations to this, there are primers that you can find, because I can't possibly list them all now. I can give an example of a doomsday pile that could be achieved rather early:

IN HAND: Doomsday , anything that draws a card

DOOMSDAY PILE (from top to bottom): Gush, Gitaxian Probe, Lion's Eye Diamond, Yawgmoth's Will, Laboratory Maniac.

After casting doomsday and arranged the cards in order, you cast whatever it is to draw gush. You bounce your islands to play gush, drawing git probe and led. You play led, cast git probe to draw yawgmoth's, and in response, activate led for 3 black. Use the 3 black to cast yawgmoths. You recast led from grave, and activate it for 3 blue. You recast git probe from grave, draw lab maniac and cast with the 3 blue. Then with no cards in your library you cast whatever you used to draw gush to win the game.

Again, this is the most common/easiest way I know to use doomsday. There are SO MANY other piles you can use, if you don't have two islands in play you can replace gush with Frantic Search, if you already have lab maniac in hand, maybe put a counter for protection, the possibilities are literally endless. There is one primer that I think is Fantastically well done, and if you are looking into playing doomsday, it is definitely worth checking out.

The EDH Doomsday Primer

Unknown* AlwaysSleepy


EGG COMBO:Krark-Clan Ironworks + Codex Shredder + Open the Vaults/Second Sunrise/Faith's Reward : for anyone who hasn't seen the artifact "egg combo," this is what generally is needed. you also need any amount of artifacts that can produce at least 2 white mana (1 if using Faith's reward). By floating all the coloured mana, you then sacrifice all of your artifacts to krark-clan to float colourless mana. Then you use any one of the spells to bring them all back to the battlefield (note; open the vaults is not usually a first choice as it brings everyone's artifacts/enchantments back regardless if it was sent to the grave this turn, and costs more to use. But its still useful if you didn't have enough to get it going the first time around. Just be cautious as to what else your bringing back). After everything is back you use codex shredder to return whatever spell you used to you hand to repeat the process. This usually generates infinite mana, as well as infinite ETB and grave triggers. You can use the same end results as the "Sharuum combo," Disciple of the Vault, etc. Depending on what artifacts you are using, you could also draw your deck ( Commander's Sphere, Darkwater Egg, Skycloud Egg ). There are other ways to achieve this combo. Like most, there are replaceable cards, but it's not as straight forward. Scrap Trawler can be used to replace codex shredder and second sunrise, by sacrificing your artifacts from lowest to highest cmc, then using a card like Myr Retriever to return the highest cmc back to your hand to start the process over.

There are other "two card combos" that are in here or could be in here, Metalworker + Staff of Domination + 3 artifacts in hand, Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal, Ad Nauseam + Angel's Grace, and there's another that's 3 cards, but can also draw your deck; Sensei's Divining Top + Future Sight + Cloud Key/Helm of Awakening.

If anyone has any tips, questions, or comments they would like to make, please feel free to share. This is just a beginner rendition, so it does still need work.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 0 Rares

28 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.01
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