Sharuum, the Hegemon EDH

Commander / EDH* asmodean_


March 19, 2014

I removed all Swamps and added more Islands to make colour wheel better

Foxtober says... #1

Nice! I've been trying to make a "fun" Sharuum the Hegemon deck as well, check it out if you like: Steampunk Toybox

I notice you have very few ways to put targets in the graveyard for Sharuum to reanimate. I haven't tested my deck enough yet to know if that is important though.

I've heard Trading Post can be a versatile addition, helping with discard and retrieval. And Burnished Hart is an all-star for ramping in a non-green deck - he's in almost every deck at our group's table. I would probably remove Darksteel Reactor because it would take forever for it to gain enough counters on its own - it's usually seen in a counter-doubling deck like with Vorel of the Hull Clade .

March 18, 2014 4:55 p.m.

asmodean_ says... #2

thanks for comment :)

Reactor is in case of a stall situation but maybe it's a good idea to remove it. I'd put Entomb there so threr are more options... Burnished Hart - great idea I wonder why I didn't think of that :) Trading Post hmm... could work well... it was there for a brief moment not sure why it went out... I'll have a look on your deck too :)

March 18, 2014 5:52 p.m.