Sharuum The Hegemon

This Deck is a fast combo deck featuring none other than Sharuum the Hegemon the master of riddles and infinite combos. This deck is not an engine deck and will not try to out value the other decks at the table instead going for the win as fast as possible. So now let me begin the introduction of the combos.

Explaining the Combos

The Sharuum Loop

The main Combo of the deck is to copy Sharuum with either Sculpting Steel, Phyrexian Metamorph, Copy Artifact, or Mirrorpool. Due to state based effects you will sacrifice either Sharuum the Hegemon or the copy DO NOT SACRIFICE TOKEN COPIES OR COPY ARTIFACT. Then due to the copy's enter the battlefield trigger you can bring back Sharuum the Hegemon and repeat this any number of times. This is ended by either choosing to bring something different back from the graveyard or bringing the copy in as something other than Sharuum the Hegemon. Usually cycling is the better option as you can force her to return to the command zone.

Using the Sharuum the Hegemon Loop

The Sharuum the Hegemon Loop can be combined with the following cards.
  • Bitter Ordeal Pretty Self-Explanatory after having cycled Sharuum the Hegemon or the copy for however much is neccesary to exile all opponents cards you cast Bitter Ordeal. This is the preferred method of winning as there is almost no way for them to win on upkeep or get the cards back
  • Altar of the Brood A very good win condition as it is an artifact and can be tutored by a variety of spells or creatures. This must be cast before cycling using Sharuum the Hegemon and will then mill out the opponent. Beware of Eldrazi Titans as they can prevent a win on draw.
  • Disciple of the Vault This is one of the weakest win conditions as it has to be cast before and is a very weak creature. This is the weakest way to end the game with a combo. However since they are losing life you get a instant win with no chance on upkeep. Cast before Sharuum the Hegemon then cycle until everyone has died.
  • Lotus Bloom + Salvaging Station This combo does not win the game but generates infinite mana of any color. Play Salvaging Station and have Lotus Bloom on the battlefield then start the Sharuum the Hegemon Loop to get infinite uses of Salvaging Station. This combo applies to any other 1 cmc artifact.
  • Combos not using the Sharuum the Hegemon Loop

    All of these combos are not as good as the ones above but some of them get around graveyard hate and getting infinite turns will win the game through the other combos use these when you have them available or cannot search up a winning combo faster.
  • Thopter Foundry + Sword of the Meek Combo works as follows sac Sword of the Meek. Then return it attached to the thopter created netting 1 life 1 thopter for 1 colorless mana.
  • Thopter Assembly + Time Sieve Play Thopter Assembly and wait one turn until you get the 5 1/1 thopters. Then play Time Sieve sacrificing the 5 thopters to take an extra turn. Make sure you can play Thopter Assembly on each turn unless you are going to win.
  • Sword of the Meek + Thopter Foundry + Time Sieve Use aforementioned Sword of the Meek + Thopter Foundry combo to generate 5 thopters to sacrifice to Time Sieve each turn take infinite turn while gaining thopters and life.
  • Card Explanations

    Clones or Tokens
  • Copy Artifact Cheaper than other clones however it cannot be brought back with Sharuum the Hegemon meaning you have to hard cast it on the turn.
  • Phyrexian Metamorph Can be brought back with Sharuum the Hegemon so it can cost less than the non artifact copies. Also can cost 3 in a pinch and can be tutored by both creature tutors and artifact tutors.
  • Sculpting Steel Same as Metamorph but cant copy a creature as well so slightly less utility.
  • Mirrorpool A Slower more Expensive copy that is a token. Comes in tapped so make sure to prep it but for the most part this is a back up to losing the other copies/clones
  • Tutors
  • Tezzeret the Seeker 5 mana is alot but putting a 4 cmc or less artifact on the battlefield from your deck is probably the strongest "tutor" effect you can get this card will win games on its own with 1 or 2 uses.
  • Muddle the Mixture Not a super strong counter but the transmute on two finds us Copy Artifact, Animate Dead, Thopter Foundry, Sword of the Meek, or Time Sieve as combo pieces. It can also fetch other tutors or bounces to get you out of bad situations
  • Sidisi, Undead Vizier Great tutor effect and if you dont have to sac her the body is great for getting some beats in. Also with bounce effects the tutors get out of hand.
  • Enlightened Tutor Slower than some other tutors but super cheap at 1 mana and instant speed can fetch win cons or draw in necropotence
  • Buried Alive Only gets creatures and relies on graveyard but can get Thopter Assembly, Phyrexian Metamorph, Metalworker, or Jin-Gitaxis Core Augur try not to grab both combo pieces unless you can deal with graveyard hate.
  • Tainted Pact The I am going to win this game or lose this turn card since it exiles what you dont take. However you can go through the entire deck minus the one Swamp which will be changed shortly. Meaning it functions the same as a instant speed Demonic Tutor.
  • Mystical Tutor Can search out protection for combo or a tutor/mass card draw. Just makes the deck much more consistent. Best Spell Tutor
  • Dark Perdition Worse Demonic Tutor but still pretty good plays about the same if you meet the requirements even though it has the 5 mana cost.
  • Demonic Tutor Into hand no reveal Tutor only drawback is sorcery speed but it's pretty much the best tutor printed.
  • Fabricate Gets an artifact into hand although you have to reveal it better really early or later into the game with you have mana to cast it on the same turn you are playing a combo since players can prep for it.
  • Diabolic Intent Have to sac a creature which is worse than not having to but with Thopter Foundry and Hangarback Walker it almost doesn't even cost extra at all.
  • Reshape Sacrificing an artifact is not a big deal at all and putting it straight onto the battlefield makes this a must have. Don't have a clone get one. Don't have a win con get one. Not next turn or even into hand straight onto the battlefield in most cases acts like a Demonic Tutor but much better
  • Artificer's Intuition Pitching artifacts into our graveyard is great but getting a search for one of the many answers in our deck or a grabbing a mana rock is fantastic. Do not Underestimate this card.
  • Trinket Mage Same an Intuition but no pitch cost. So situationally it will be better or worse still fantastic in almost every possible point of the game.
  • Draw and Filter Suite
  • ad nauseum This card is not fair with 40 life and with our avg cmc being below 3 its going to draw a lot of cards. Also instant speed so we can go off on our turn without the hefty mana cost.
  • Necropotence One of the best card draw ever printed. Draw to seven with this almost every turn and you might not even need any tutors.
  • Necrologia Gets cast at our end step so you don't get to play any of the cards this turn. However they will not get discarded so you get a nice hand to start the next turn. In most cases draw 10-15 cards with this unless you really need to go super deep as you will most certainly win after this is resolved.
  • Fact or Fiction Almost no one knows how to make piles when you play this and I don't blame them since we benefit greatly with almost anything this gets. Puts cards we want in the graveyard in there and cards we want in our hand in our hand
  • Will be Adding more Descriptions Later
  • Thanks for Taking a look a this Deck any suggestions are welcome. Looking forward to the great stuff on the way in Kaladesh and will be evaluating the new cards. Hoping for exciting stuff.


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    Date added 8 years
    Last updated 8 years

    This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

    Rarity (main - side)

    5 - 0 Mythic Rares

    49 - 0 Rares

    20 - 0 Uncommons

    21 - 0 Commons

    Cards 100
    Avg. CMC 2.44
    Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Copy Clone, Thopter 1/1 C, Thopter 1/1 U
    Ignored suggestions
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