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Sharuum's Guide to a consistant win

Commander / EDH WUB (Esper)



Sharuum wants to combo off; It's in her nature. We're just here to ensure that she can do that neatly and consistently. With Krark Clan Ironworks, sculpting steel, and myriad other puzzle pieces, it's just a matter of getting them onto the board.

Play this deck if you love combos, playing with your graveyard, digging through your deck, and putting the fear of artifacts into your opponents hearts. Do not play this deck if you like combat damage, simple games, don't like to tutor, or have a very Gruul outlook on artifacts.

There are a few combos in the deck, but they all revolve around one idea: infinitely blink Sharuum to get infinite enter and exit triggers.

Altar of the Brood + Sculpting Steel + Sharuum the Hegemon 1. have Sculpting Steel or Phyrexian Metamorph enter as a copy of Sharuum 2. the new Sharuum ETB trigger (from the copy) triggers, but is not yet put on the stack 3. as priority is passed, state-based actions are checked. This triggers the legend rule, so resolve Sculpting Steel to the graveyard. 4. the triggered ability is now put on the stack, targeting Sculpting Steel 5. Sculpting Steel enters the battlefield as a copy of Sharuum, restarting the cycle 6. Infinite ETB and LTB triggers can be abused with Altar of the Brood, Disciple of the Vault, or Blood Artist Alternate ways to abuse the ETB trigger is with Panharmonicon to pull everything from your graveyard, Krark-Clan Ironworks to get infinite mana (sac the clone after you resolve Sharuum to the graveyard), Bitter Ordeal to remove all opponents libraries, or mill with Grinding Station (same method as with KCI). There are more interactions, however these are the most common of them.

Krark-Clan Ironworks + Nim Deathmantle + Sharuum the Hegemon and any other artifact that provides ETB/LTB/tap value 1. have all combo pieces on board 2. sac your other artifact, for example Perilous Myr, to KCI for 2 mana and 2 damage 3. sac Sharuum to KCI for 2 mana, for a total of 4 mana floating 4. use the Nim Deathmantle trigger to bring Sharuum back 5. Use Sharuum's ETB to bring perilous myr back, restarting the cycle This combo can abuse draw effects, mana abilities for infinite mana, Myr Sire, Noxious Gearhulk, Blood Artist effects, and more. Ashnod's Altar can replace KCI, but it only works for artifact creatures.

Krark-Clan Ironworks + Mirrorworks + Sharuum the Hegemon This is a variation of the combo before. 1. Have KCI and mirrorworks in play 2. play Sharuum, stack triggers so Sharuum's ETB happens first and mirrorworks second 3. bring back anything (usually something with value) with Sharuums trigger, then sac it to KCI for 2 mana 4. (Optional) sac sharuum for 2 mana. This is not necessary, however it will provide infinite mana 5. Use 2 of that mana to pay for Mirrorworks triggered ability 6. Sharuum copy ETB trigger targets the real Sharuum 7. Sharuum ETBs, restarting the cycle

There are other interactions with cards like Scrap Trawler and Grinding Station, but they are less common than the three listed above. This is an incredibly fun combo deck if you enjoy using your graveyard as a second hand to blow your opponents out on turn 6, 5, or 4. The deck is not optimized as far as it can be, and the way to make it better is by pouring money into it in the form of dual lands and better tutors. Other edits may include a bigger protection suite. The group I play with, I am usually able to work just fine with the few protection cards I have, but if you constantly go against exile effects then you may have to adjust accordingly. One of the reasons that this deck is not fully optimized is to match the power level of my playgroup, because with cards like Demonic Tutor, Intuition, Transmute Artifact, Vampiric Tutor, Imperial Seal, and Tinker I would win too often. If you find this deck isn't quite right for your group, the easiest changes are the tutors to make them better or worse, but it also depends on your budget.

And remember: go infinite or go home


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92% Competitive

Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 0 Rares

25 - 0 Uncommons

23 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.70
Tokens Copy Clone, Phyrexian Myr 1/1 C, Servo 1/1 C
Folders Sharuum
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