Sheogorath's Madness

Standard xuerebx


Mythimine says... #1

My take would be to move Mizzium Mortars to the sideboard and replace it with Brimstone Volley . Remove the 4 Deviant Glee for 4 Bump in the Night . 2 Vampire Nighthawk for the Thrill-Kill Assassin s. Remove Searing Spear and sideboard the Murder s for Tragic Slip . Where Murder is a good card, your Ultimate Price should take care of most things and if it doesnt work on a certain creature only 1 creature would need to die and not many things in the current standard can stand up to a -13/-13. Just my $0.02

February 3, 2013 4:27 p.m.

xuerebx says... #2

I like Mizzium Mortars because if I don't manage to win within the first few turns, I'll be able to at least wipe the battlefield with it (and then utilise a Carnival Hellsteed next turn).

I do agree that I could move some removals to the sideboard, and use more burn and tragic slip. I assume you chose Tragic Slip because it's good against indestructibles, and because it's cheap, right?

February 3, 2013 4:59 p.m.

Mythimine says... #3

Fair enough on the Mizzium Mortars . Personally I have 2 of them in my sideboard just in case of decks that are more geared towards making games last longer. Yes I did choose Tragic Slip for those reasons however, when something is given the -x/-x things like Golgari Charm and other regenerate effects can't take place which works well against things like Lotleth Troll and a few other cards I have seen floating around in standard right now.

February 3, 2013 6:40 p.m.

xuerebx says... #5

So, I spent some time thinking of how I want my deck to become, and I'm getting these cards, thanks to your recommendations :

2x Brimstone Volley

4x Bump in the Night

3x Hellraiser Goblin

2x Madcap Skills

2x Pillar of Flame

3x Rakdos Charm

4x Tragic Slip

4x Undying Evil

2x Vampire Nighthawk

Before I order these, any other suggestions? (So I'll order them together and save on shipping costs)

February 4, 2013 2:39 p.m.

AzogTheDefiler says... #6

+1x Rakdos Cackler4x Vexing Devil2x Fakenrath Aristocrat 2-4 Hellrider4 Ash Zealot4 Legion Loyalist4 Diregraf ghoul

February 7, 2013 5:47 p.m.

xuerebx says... #7

Made a couple of changes from the recommendations given!

February 11, 2013 10:28 a.m.

JayZ1483 says... #8

This deck needs only one thing: The WABBAJACK!!!

February 14, 2013 5:35 p.m.

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