Shepherd Of Fire

Standard* 8BitNecromancer


The_Antonio says... #1

You need more removal to control the board state

January 27, 2014 9:28 p.m.

2 slaughter games to the sideboard and replace them with what? Between bile blight or devour flesh or somethin like that.

January 27, 2014 11:16 p.m.

Mizzium mortars?

January 27, 2014 11:27 p.m.

The_Antonio says... #4

In my deck I ran doom blade and Mizzium Mortars

January 28, 2014 8:50 p.m.

Asaaaaaand added white for more useful control cards like elspeth, assemble the legion, blood baron, ghost dad, and boros charm and all that.

January 28, 2014 10:06 p.m.

tman007 says... #6

Chained to the Rocks would work well. You should be able to get a Mountain out every game with the Blood Crypt and Sacred Foundry .

January 30, 2014 7:14 p.m.

Yeah i was really considering it but idk what to take out for it atm.

January 30, 2014 10:39 p.m.

voltoth says... #8

With so many mono coloured devotion decks going around atm, Ultimate Price wouldn't be a bad card to run. In addition, to maintain your life total, consider Whip of Erebos and to deal with opposing gods, Ashen Rider . The whip works well with Obzedat, Ghost Council too (remember the rigger) ensuring that if he dies, he always comes back. In addition to this, since you're running token generators (Elspeth, Sun's Champion ), a Purphoros, God of the Forge would be incredible in this deck. I know Pack Rat is a powerful card but in order to "feed" it you're throwing away answers you may need for later. This is just personal preference here but I prefer to deny the opponent of their answers instead and so in my RWB deck, I ran Rakdos's Return and Sin Collector .To make the debt a win condition more than a tempo card, I also ran Liliana of the Dark Realms and Crypt Ghast . both also helped power out creatures and hard cast the Ashen Rider if necessary. Not to mention the extort trigger is something to sink an extra mana into every turn. That one life with a turn (at least) stacks up really fast with Obzedat, Ghost Council around.

Hope these suggestions help.

February 2, 2014 7:54 p.m.

I have no real use for anything like ultimate price cause thats literally nothing that Hero's Downfall , Dreadbore , Orzhov Charm , and Chained to the Rocks couldn't kill just as easily without any drawbacks. Whip i experimented with but since its a control deck, not midrange there were times where i just had no use for either of its abilities when i was just controlling the game, causing it to be an extremely dead card in hand or an even deader draw. Purphoros, God of the Forge is a no. Sorry but in a deck that uses tokens as a fringe benefit against control decks and decks that can't deal with Assemble the Legion , something that is a win more is just that. A win more. And again not midrange, so the usefulness of it is marginal at best. Crypt Ghast is similar, in that i have no real need to ramp more than i am, and most of the time i kill an opponent with a Rakdos's Return outright, or just get enough of a buffer in life totals that i can easily win through Debt to the Deathless . Ashen Rider is cute. Thats all i got for that one. Sorry if i seem a bit harsh but most of these options aren't enough to be worth playing. :/

February 3, 2014 7:28 p.m.

STABtrain says... #10

+1 for the name, though Shepherd of fire makes me think of a mono red burn deck tbh. And It's good to see a dega deck with potential. If you've got time you can check out my Minotaur tribal dega deck, Kill one to warn a hundred

April 13, 2014 9:41 p.m.

@STABtrain, thanks man. I kinda liked it more for a red white black deck since when i think of shepherd i kinda think of more of a white creature, but then allow it to be in control of something as volatile and dangerous as fire and then the red comes into play, and the eventual destruction plays into black mana as well. To be honest it could really go for either deck lol.

As for your minotaur deck, i really like that people are getting around to making a tribal deck like this, it really seems powerful and has a load of potential to be really quite potent and dangerous. Seriously the amount of win conditions i can see in the deck is great. I like it. +1 from me. :)

April 14, 2014 8:40 a.m.

Aytonday says... #12

I'd drop Spear for another assemble the legion in SB.

April 15, 2014 12:12 a.m.

Aytonday says... #13

Also I'd SB Slaughter Games for 2 Demons MB

April 15, 2014 12:13 a.m.

@ Aytonday: Hmmmm another assemble in the side would definitely be very useful against esper control, though Spear of Heliod does help quite a lot against cards like Obzedat, Ghost Council , which can be a large pain in the ass, and for making Brimaz, King of Oreskos and my other cards more of a relevant threat and a contender against the GR Monsters decks.

As for Slaughter Games and Double D, i really do kinda prefer main boarding Slaughter Games over Double D because i feel like a lot of current standard is kinda building around how to beat mono black right now, and with double d being a mainstay of mono black people can deal with him rather easily. Its kinda like how cards like Pack Rat or Master of Waves get "worse" over time because people have been playing against them for too long and know how to beat them, and i'd rather get rid of their Blood Baron of Vizkopa or Jace, Architect of Thought or Master of Waves game 1 instead of playing a guy, who is by no means a bad card or a bad choice, but is just not in a good position meta-wise.

April 15, 2014 8:08 a.m.

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