![Alt text](http://media.wizards.com/images/magic/daily/rc/rc190_dru.jpg)
Lo Mein and Behold, my novel RGWB homebrew aggro deck which I have dubbed "Shere Khan eats Biscuits".
I'm not sure what a stampede mixed with an explosion would look like, but I'm guessing it resembles what this deck does between turn 4-7.
The deck was inspired by
Druids' Repository
. The idea of stockpiling mana while attacking was glorious to me, so I went about making a deck that can consistently get hordes of creatures and a ton of mana. This is what I came up with:
Alright, alright, alright- I want a lot of creatures and a lot of mana...Mana dorks! Birds of Paradise and Avacyn's Pilgrim fit the bill wonderfully. They give me more mana to play with, accelerate me a turn, and give me more attacking creatures (yes, even 0/1 birds or paradise will attack in this deck). They take games all by themselves as attacking on turn 3 equipped with Sword of War and Peace is often lethal. Between these guys and druids' repository, this deck can accelerate out a terrifying board presence or threaten with massive "X" spells like Bonfire of the Damned, Fireball, and
Divine Deflection
Lingering Souls and
Midnight Haunting
provide tons of creatures to attack with. The tokens are more difficult to block than most creatures due to their flying nature, so I don't lose many to blockers and hence can keep the attacking numbers high. So what does one do with 6 1/1 fliers on the board? Well Overrun, Gavony Township, Sword of War and Peace, and
Rally the Peasants
turn 1/1 fliers into terrifying bringers of pain, death, and pot stickers (I picture gavony township as a meeting place for potluck parties where the spirits eat and turn into fatties). The recent addition of Elspeth Tirel means I can gain tons of life & threaten her ultimate. More importantly, she insures I am not dead in the water after most mass removal spells. As long as I have her in hand, I can go balls to the wall with my token spells :)
Oh, yeah- and for even more ridiculousness- Lingering Souls,
Midnight Haunting
, Fireball, Devil's Play, non-miracle Bonfire of the Damned,
Rally the Peasants
and Overrun can ALL be copied by this little lady:
![Alt text](http://media.wizards.com/images/magic/daily/ld/ld200_chandra.jpg)
P.S. If you were wondering about the name- this deck makes me happy, so does the name- that's all there is to it. If this type of deck does get popular, I doubt "SKEB" will be the name found in the deck hubs....buuuuut HONEYBADGER DON'T GIVE A SHIT! :P