Shere Khan eats Biscuits

Standard* HoneyBadger


sweelo says... #1

omg really? honey badger!

May 11, 2012 11:43 a.m.

elifosl says... #2

Lingering SoulsMTG Card: Lingering Souls when not running any black? You're far better off with Midnight HauntingMTG Card: Midnight Haunting

May 11, 2012 1:28 p.m.

elifosl says... #3

By the way, great deck. Any problems i forsee you having are mana issues that are resolved as long as you get your repository out. +1!

May 11, 2012 1:29 p.m.

RagnorViking says... #4

Put in Hero of BladeholdMTG Card: Hero of Bladehold. It gives Druids' RepositoryMTG Card: Druids' Repository 3 counters for one attack and it powers up Champion of Lambholt MTG Card: Champion of Lambholt real fast.

May 11, 2012 2:24 p.m.

Hero of BladeholdMTG Card: Hero of Bladehold does power up the Champion of Lambholt MTG Card: Champion of Lambholt very quickly, but doesn't add 3 counters to Druids' RepositoryMTG Card: Druids' Repository. The repository gets counters when your creatures declare an attack, a step that the tokens actually get to skip.

May 11, 2012 3:37 p.m.

Cornebus says... #6

Love it. This deck gets stupid McNupid in less than 4 turns. Also, why isn't Hero of BladeholdMTG Card: Hero of Bladehold here? She's a BEAST. Midnight HauntingMTG Card: Midnight Haunting seems better for you than Lingering SoulsMTG Card: Lingering Souls like others have said.

May 11, 2012 3:46 p.m.

AvinChaos says... #7

Unfortunately the creatures put into play by Hero of BladeholdMTG Card: Hero of Bladehold were never declared as attackers so they won't trigger Druids' RepositoryMTG Card: Druids' Repository

May 11, 2012 3:55 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #8

sweelo- there are so many things that statement could apply to: my username, the deck name, how ridiculous the deck is... help me out here

elifosl- I actually have 8 sources of black mana: 4 Birds of ParadiseMTG Card: Birds of Paradise and Druids' RepositoryMTG Card: Druids' Repository. Note the repository gives me access to any color I may need. I've been thinking about adding black mana lands too, but there are SO MANY directions I could take this deck, I haven't had a chance to experiment with it yet. Though I am thinking of adding Midnight HauntingMTG Card: Midnight Haunting anyways because it's good.

I actually have 4 Hero of BladeholdMTG Card: Hero of Bladeholds. I don't know why I didn't think to use her. The promo edition art is some of my favorite in all of magic. Oh, and the creature creation and battle cry would be super helpful too, particularly battle cry. What would you all recommend I take out for her?

May 11, 2012 4:05 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #10

Ok, I'm finding myself constantly thinking, "If I just had a FireballMTG Card: Fireball, this game would have been over 4 turns ago!". So that's gonna have to happen

May 11, 2012 5:01 p.m.

blackaddicus says... #11

+1 just for the name, the deck looks good to

May 11, 2012 8:58 p.m.

Shane says... #12

Perhaps Azure MageMTG Card: Azure Mage. drawing cards is always good.

May 11, 2012 10:06 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #13

Not worth adding blue. Besides I'm currently using Garruk, Primal HunterMTG Card: Garruk, Primal Hunter for that duty. If I find I need more card drawing, I'll use Reforge the SoulMTG Card: Reforge the Soul before adding another color. I have access to all 5, but not all the time. So I can hit Lingering SoulsMTG Card: Lingering Souls most of the time, but when I can't it is still useful. I couldn't say the same for the mage

May 11, 2012 10:24 p.m.

cobracon7 says... #14

Thatcher RevoltMTG Card: Thatcher Revolt 4 of! It pays for itself with Druids' RepositoryMTG Card: Druids' Repository is insane with Champion of Lambholt MTG Card: Champion of Lambholt , which I would switch to a 4 of over HellriderMTG Card: Hellrider, the 1 extra is good, but making everything unblockable seems better. Maybe even add a Hero of Oxid RidgeMTG Card: Hero of Oxid Ridge no idea what you'd pull out though, great deck! +1

May 12, 2012 5:43 a.m.

HoneyBadger says... #15

Well, I already have 4 hellrider's so that was easy! I do love me some hasty haste, and I do own a Hero of Oxid RidgeMTG Card: Hero of Oxid Ridge already, and he would be solid in this deck too... Idk about Thatcher RevoltMTG Card: Thatcher Revolt though. I already messed around with having 4x Lingering SoulsMTG Card: Lingering Souls, 2x Timely ReinforcementsMTG Card: Timely Reinforcements, and 2x Midnight HauntingMTG Card: Midnight Haunting. I found that I was constantly wishing for either a FireballMTG Card: Fireball or Revenge of the Hunted MTG Card: Revenge of the Hunted , so they were what came out and so far I haven't regretted it

May 12, 2012 9:49 a.m.

Magickid says... #16

I think you should add a Hero of Bladehold and take out red sun's zenith

May 12, 2012 1:41 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #17

Right now I'm really thinking hard on that type of thing. My killer creatures are currently 4 hellriders, 3 hero of bladehold, and 2 champion of lambholt. I'm currently trying to figure out which of the 3 is the most potent and stack my deck accordingly.

I have a full play set of Hero of BladeholdMTG Card: Hero of Bladehold so adding a 4th isn't a money problem, I was lucky enough to buy her when Jace, the Mind SculptorMTG Card: Jace, the Mind Sculptor was still legal. His -1 made her useless in standard so she was only 4 bucks!

I have never been unhappy to draw into a Red Sun's Zenith MTG Card: Red Sun's Zenith - the removal/game ender aspect of it is too valuable. (I would consider replacing it with Bonfire of the Damned MTG Card: Bonfire of the Damned )

If I did add a 4th Hero, it would probably replace a planeswalker, hellrider, or champion of lambholt

May 12, 2012 1:51 p.m.

MaritLage says... #18

Please take a look at my reanimator if you get the chance! I'm hoping to possibly play it at GP Minneapolis next weekend so all Comments and or +1's are greatly appreciated. My deck name is SHENANIGANS! >:D

May 12, 2012 3:03 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #19

I playtested vs. it and I think I have some helpful suggestions. Good luck at GP!!

May 12, 2012 3:14 p.m.

kizer5 says... #20

I like it. looks real fun, my most "fun" deck was for casual multiplayer - coply/clone deck.

Most of my decks are for casual play and I think its a lot better than tournaments. You get great card combo's you'd never see or would never work in a seriously competitive format.

Keep it Fun. Biscuit Eater!

May 12, 2012 4:28 p.m.

generalmoepie says... #21

with ur druid's repo and birds, u can get the flashback to lingering souls quite easily, so i would definitely stick to ur lingering souls. I have to ask, do you really think Revenge of the Hunted MTG Card: Revenge of the Hunted > Angelic DestinyMTG Card: Angelic Destiny? i would run 2 and 2, sure miracle playing a revenge is insane, but i like how angelic destiny is a permanent enchantment, and can re-cast. I also think you should go up to at least 20 creatures to optimize your HellriderMTG Card: Hellriders etc. I agree daring a fireball is a life saver, but i would -1 fireball -1 red sun to +2 some creatures to help ur druid's repo and hellrider. a Sun TitanMTG Card: Sun Titan, Hero of Oxid RidgeMTG Card: Hero of Oxid Ridge, I would have to recommend Inferno TitanMTG Card: Inferno Titan tho, beast control with his 3 damage, like a mini fireball. last thing, i would try fit in 2x Slayers' StrongholdMTG Card: Slayers' Stronghold, it is absolutely amazing with a titan and ur hero. Then primeval titan would a pretty good addition as well to fetch ur crazy lands.

May 12, 2012 5:13 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #22

I do think that for this deck, and this deck only, revenge of the hunted is better suited to my needs. Don't get me wrong, Angelic Destiny is a helluva card (and it probably has my favorite art of any card): throw it on a doublestriker and watch the opponent cry. But it's just a really good power up card. I have Kessig Wolf RunMTG Card: Kessig Wolf Run to pump things.

There are 2 reasons why I run Revenge of the Hunted over Angelic destiny:

First, it is a sorcery, which means Chandra, the FirebrandMTG Card: Chandra, the Firebrand can copy it for a +12/+12 boost, which is pretty sexy. This alone wouldn't be a good enough reason to choose it over Angelic destiny. It's ability which forces creatures to block is why I run it. Both Revenge of the Hunted MTG Card: Revenge of the Hunted and FireballMTG Card: Fireball offer both defense and offence that have saved my ass or dealt a fatal blow countless times. I did take out red sun's zenith to give Bonfire of the Damned MTG Card: Bonfire of the Damned a shot.

I used to run more creatures than this, but a lot of the times I found myself wishing for either a fireball or revenge of the hunted, so I trimmed a few creatures and added Garruk, Primal HunterMTG Card: Garruk, Primal Hunter to help me draw into stuff. I will admit though, the creatures are where I'm least certain of.

I've tried slayers' stronghold, it's great, but the mana requirements for this deck require I have at least 3 green, 2 red, and 2 white if I want to be able to play any card at any given time. Having 2 of those and 2 kessig wolf run meant running a lot of colorless mana lands. The deck wasn't operating at maximum efficiency, but since I've taken it out, things go smoother. If I ever find a way to sneak it in there, I will.

I've been keeping away from 6 cmc creatures, don't ask me why. I need to nut up or shut up and just try one or two. If I did, it wouldn't be Sun titan as he can only fetch mana dorks & Champion of Lambholt MTG Card: Champion of Lambholt . I'd probably go for a titan, though Inferno TitanMTG Card: Inferno Titan is my favorite, Primeval TitanMTG Card: Primeval Titan can fetch Kessig Wolf RunMTG Card: Kessig Wolf Run, which is one of the most difficult to remove win conditions and a very effective one in this deck.

I still have so much to try! I want to give Elspeth TirelMTG Card: Elspeth Tirel and Hero of Oxid RidgeMTG Card: Hero of Oxid Ridge a try next. Thanks for all the great ideas!

May 12, 2012 6:10 p.m.

JamesHughes says... #23

you need 2 more cards in the sideboard.

May 12, 2012 6:19 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #24

I know lol. I just don't know what I want/need. Lord knows I don't need Wrack with MadnessMTG Card: Wrack with Madness but I don't have much exposure to the metagame so I'm not sure what would be helpful. Suggestions?

May 12, 2012 6:22 p.m.

JamesHughes says... #25

maybe more Bonfire of the Damned MTG Card: Bonfire of the Damned for weenie decks, or Day of JudgmentMTG Card: Day of Judgment. Board sweepers, you know? other than that, I'd say maybe a Chancellor of the AnnexMTG Card: Chancellor of the Annex to slow down either ramp or speed.

May 12, 2012 6:27 p.m.

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