Shere Khan eats Biscuits

Standard* HoneyBadger


JamesHughes says... #1

Jamie Boy, XD

July 3, 2012 10:59 p.m.

krotash says... #2

How about Urabrask? He's utility, not Much more than the heroes and let's you recoup mana costs immediately.

July 4, 2012 4:38 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #3

Urabrask is probably my favorite card of that set- he's a badass, but if I'm gonna pay 5 mana for something, it'll be to kill. I wouldn't be able to kill as fast with urabrask as I could with hellrider or predatory rampage

July 4, 2012 6:22 p.m.

Lonethief says... #4

This is one of those quirky magic decks that keeps me playing. +1. I would give +2 if I could, but I can't, so +1 until I learn to clone myself. And maybe try Increasing Devotion ? You can easily ramp into it, and it generates tons o' weenies, then comes back for more!

July 5, 2012 10:38 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #5

There has been something funky with the +1 button, because it hasn't been working today, idk why, but thank you none the less :) Increasing devotion would be pretty sick with druids' repository and one I definitely will be keeping in mind. With card:Druids' Repository out, I could flash it back the very next turn after attacking with 5 creatures. I've been tempted to move this deck towards humans with things like increasing devotion and Gather the Townsfolk . If I did, I'd want to change up a lot of things to include some of the amazing human tribal cards in standard right now. If birds of paradise isn't reprinted in return to ravnica (it was in the original ravnica, so hopefully it will be), I probably will.

One of the strengths of the deck is the pseudo unblockable nature of flying tokens allowing me to keep my attacking numbers high. Unboosted human tokens are easily blocked an killed, which is why I haven't added any gather the townsfolk. The other strength of this deck is speed. Ex turn 1 land, birds, turn 2 land lingering souls. Turn 3 land, druids' repository, attack with 3 creatures, flashback lingering souls, 1 counter left on the repository. Turn 4 Attack with everything, hard cast and flashback Rally the Peasants that's 4 5/1 fliers and a 4/1 birds of paradise. Turn 4 win.

If I ever find that this deck is getting shut down too hard by something and needs a stronger late game, I will definitely be looking at increasing devotion and Entreat the Angels . So far, it's 2-0, but I don't work until 11pm tomorrow so I'm going to try my hand at FNM and see how it fairs. Hopefully that will tell me more.

July 5, 2012 11:36 p.m.

I like this homebrew! +1

I think you might have a hard time against Wolf Run Ramp game 1, with all of the board sweeps they run. Your sideboard can take care of a lot of the threats, or steal them. If you were take out the 1x Rally the Peasants and 2x Blessings of Nature for 3x Nevermore , it would help IMO.

I have 2 Wolf Run Ramp decks. I playtested this one, Jund, against yours and went 2-1:

Kinky Coitus, Ugly Babies

and this Naya Ramp (which I didn't test against yours):

Lady GaGa and Her Sexy Crew

If you were to mainboard more cheap threats, like mentioned above, ala Hero of Bladehold or Hellrider , it could improve your deck.

July 7, 2012 1:32 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #7

I've actually playtester vs. your decks long before and you are right, the mass removal, particularly slagstorm sucks pretty hardcore (I had less success vs your naya version if that helps you decide, I remember a post of yours asking which one was better). When you are playing this deck vs. mass removal, you have to play very different than you usually would, you HAVE to respect it the possibility and hold back so you still have ammo left after the mass removal drops (never cast all your tokens and all your mana dorks, save one set of each unless you are able to identify they don't have it in hand, and even then, you should wait till the opportune moment). sword of war and peace makes life much easier and I'm looking to add a 3rd copy. Also, burn spells should be spent on mana dorks like birds of paradise early on instead of held on to, viridian emissary should NEVER be blocked and killed (he can't kill me fast enough, but your late game can). No worries though, this deck is really, really weird and it took me many frustrating playtests to figure out how to play it properly vs. your naya wolf run deck (and many thoughts of "I fucking hate slagstorm!" when my board would be wiped the turn before I'd kill- it was frustrating enough to make me willing to pay the money for sword of war and peace lol). I played way fewer games vs. the jund version, idk why, but I never had a problem vs the jund version... I probably just got lucky in the few games I played and I would want to play test more vs. it to find out.

July 7, 2012 3:04 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #8

I used to have both hero of bladehold and hellrider in the deck. I replaced hero of bladehold with hero of oxid ridge and more hellriders because she is often removed before she has the chance to do anything and the haste of the other 2 lets me get turn 4 kills if they can't block. In the WNM I was running 4 copies of hellrider and I learned that I really would rather have more copies of overrun and rally the peasants. Here's 2 examples of turn 4 kills, 1 with hellrider, 1 without:

Turn 1- land, birds. Turn 2- land, lingering souls. Turn 3 land, hellrider, attack for 8 if hellrider is unblocked/unremoved. Turn 4 land, attack for 9, burn for 3.

This turn 4 kill requires hellrider to survive 2 attacks and not be blocked. Hellrider does not have flying. He can be chump blocked or even killed no problem by a flipped delver or 3/3 golem token from Blade Splicer or via a removal spell that most opponents don't use because it'd be a waste to use it on just tokens. I've often found that not only does he rarely live to attack twice, but the damage output is usually not enough to win me a game that I couldn't already win with an overrun or rally the peasants. Lets take a look at another turn 4 kill:

Turn 1- land, birds. Turn 2- land, lingering souls. Turn 3 druids' repository, attack with 2 spirits, use the 2 mana from repository to flashback lingering souls. Turn 4. Attack with birds and 4 tokens, use 5 mana and 1 of the 2 lands to cast and then flashback rally the peasants 24 damage. You only have to have 2 lands, if you have more, you can use the extra mana for burn if they manage to block one of the fliers. This is turn 4 kill is much harder to stop as the opponent must be able to block flying or have lands untapped and and instant speed kill spell available.

Multiple times at WNM, I found myself holding hellrider and thinking "If this were an overrun, this game would be over". So reluctantly, hellrider came out and I haven't regretted it yet.

Thanks for the imput man, I love your decks :)

July 7, 2012 3:04 p.m.

Haha! Yeah,Slagstorm is a beast, hence why I run the 3x I have. I was pondering taking out the 2x Druidic Satchel for 2x Day of Judgement in the Naya Run. Also, Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite is a plus if I get her out.

The Jund Ramp version I run has card:Black Sun's Zenith, which gets around Hexproof, Protection from black, and Indestructable stuff. Massacre Wurm is fun too... Viridian Emissary is an underrated card. I don't mind if it dies, hence your comment above lol, and it's a great target early game for exiling. Saves my bigger dudes later. So you said you prefer the Naya version?

I see your point about Hellrider . Makes sense. All in how you play it.

Yeah man, the Rally the Peasants is absolutely STUPID with card:Druids' Repository lol. Why not run 4x Overrun in place of Predatory Rampage ? The Trample is an insta-kill. Contested War Zone could be a fun land to play with. Pumps your dudes, is a land slot, and use it to swing for the win... Just a thought.

You're welcome, and thank you!

July 7, 2012 3:47 p.m.

iGrixis says... #10

i would throw in 2x Kessig Wolf Run just for another win condition

July 7, 2012 5:22 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #11

Oh shit! I thought predatory rampage gave trample!! No! I'm so bad at reading cards with more than 2 lines of text. I already misread Fireball lol. I'll make that switch. Thank you for pointing that out. I have been really messing around with the lands of this deck, trying to figure out the optimal mana distribution and how many ability lands I can squeeze in. I learned some cool things between Gavony Township and mana dorks this friday. I looked at contested war zone, but an important part of my game is strategically NOT blocking (which might change thanks to the aforementioned gavony mana dork thing. In the first few turns, I really don't block, and to lose in the early game while giving the opponent an extra land and something that makes there attacks which I won't block even stronger is enough for me to be too timid to give it a chance.

In regards to your naya deck, I wanted to see either Shrine of Boundless Growth or Garruk, Primal Hunter (if your mana can support 2ggg) over Druidic Satchel, but he does so in a way that doesn't cost mana per turn (though you can't get him turn 2 like the satchel), his tokens are better too. The shrine is just an under appreciated, but extremely good ramp spell, when all else fails, it won't. I'm not totally sure what the primary reasoning for the satchel is, so those suggestions might be not as helpful as I might hope. Either way :)

July 7, 2012 6:19 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #12

iGrixis I used to run 24 lands, 1 Gavony Township one kessig wolf run. I found most time, gavony was more beneficial, but I've been tweaking the lands a bit and I think I might just try 2 gavony, 1 kessig wolf run and see how that goes. There definitely are some times where kessig would be nice to have

July 7, 2012 6:34 p.m.

HoneyBadger, no problem lol! Yeah, the War Zone was just a thought. Good points though.

I totally forgot about Shrine of Boundless Growth . It IS a hugely underrated card. I don't own a Primal Hunter, but it would be sweet to fit one in if I ever get one. I could see the Shrine being very useful, especially with a card:Green Sun's Zenith or card:Red Sun's Zenith .

The Druidic Satchel is great for cheap. It offers a ton of utility. I can pay 2 to get 2 life, a 1/1 chump, or put a land directly into play, all depending on what's on top of my deck of course. My Naya (and Jund) Ramp is a mid to late game deck, thus I'm losing alot of life in the first few turns. Wurmcoil Engine , Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip , and the Satchel provide me ways to get my life back.

July 8, 2012 7:29 p.m.

NecroPen says... #14

If you run red you run 4 bonfires.

July 10, 2012 12:34 a.m.

NecroPen says... #15 Here's my deck. Example Naya play test it it's great

July 10, 2012 12:43 a.m.

HoneyBadger says... #16

If I had the money for 4 bonfires I might. I used to give away cards that I wasn't using to my friends so our little circle of magic would improve. That said, I only had 3 decks worth of cards and I sold them all to get the store credit for this deck. Sadly I'm a poor college student so 2 more bonfires is a bit out of the question right now, even though it can be a huge game changer. When I tied for 1st at FNM, I got like 8 or 9 packs and one of them had a bonfire in it. As long as I keep winning with this deck, I might either find enough bonfires or just get enough cards to trade in for 1 or 2 more (though I think I'd get another Sword of War and Peace before I get another bonfire, idk). I'll check out your deck

July 10, 2012 1:10 a.m.

thejadejedi says... #17

I took your deck challenge and was slightly pleased with how my own deck did (also against your SKEB deck). I really enjoyed playing against your decks & I think they are very original and interesting. (Solid too!)

July 11, 2012 6:03 p.m.

thejadejedi says... #18

If you have the time, I'd love for you to check out my deck The Things Venser hid in His Closet and leave me some comments about how I can make it better (+1 if you like it). And don't forget to leave me a link if you want some feedback on one of your decks.

July 11, 2012 6:10 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #19

I'm glad you like my decks. Unfortunately, I'm not really paying much attention to any of my other decks besides this one right now as SKeB is the only deck I own (I gave the cards I wasn't using to my friends long ago and sold my other 2 decks to help fund SKeB). I'm using it in WNM & FNM so any feedback on this one would help, particularly on some of the cards in the maybeboard :) I'm still messing around with the mana base as i kinda want to figure out a way to be able to play card:Druids' Repository and Bonfire of the Damned with 3 lands and Angel of Jubilation with 4 lands, and Overrun with 5 lands, so that's like 3 greens, 4 white, and a red between 5 lands... Idk, the mana base is what needs the most work, but it's difficult to give suggestions on mana bases if you haven't playtested the deck a million times so don't worry about it.

Gratz on building a deck that has some success vs. my own homebrews :) Depending on the hands, I can see the venser deck doing well vs.mainboard SKeB as I have played vs. a bant flicker deck at WNM and I barely beat it 2-1 (though his was much more control oriented), even still, Stonehorn Dignitary and Silklash Spider a pain in the...deck...ha... Since playing him and a bunch of other flicker decks (it is pretty common at my store) I have added 3 Torpor Orb to the sideboard, which does kinda neuter flicker decks...

July 11, 2012 7 p.m.

thejadejedi says... #20

Your sideboard needs to be designed with some of your worst match-ups in mind. Using Nevermore is always pretty good for a white deck. After game 1, you should know kinda what they're playing and get the chance to nevermore something. Zealous Conscripts should replace Act of Aggression because it allows a much larger variety of things that can be stolen. Intangible Virtue , Rally the Peasants and Blessings of Nature are all things that I would say, should either be main board, or not considered at all. I just don't ever really seeing you making an in match choice to move those in.

Fireball , I think it needs to come out. If it didn't divide the damage between targets (rounded DOWN) then maybe keep it...but it does, so it's really not worth it. Try using extra card:Devil's Play or card:Red Sun's Zenith in it's place and see what you think.

Geist-Honored Monk is a consideration for you since it puts more spirits into play and gives you plenty of creatures to swing with each turn. Or maybe Mausoleum Guard for getting a nice block/swing, and then out pops two spirit tokens (helps control board wipes a little I think).

As for Divine Deflection , I want to say yes...but I'm just thinking you have way too many high/X cost spells. Even with all the ramp, I'm not sure you'll be able to keep up with all you need.

Hero Vs Hellrider ? I would go with the Hellrider, because that's just instant damage. The Hero of Oxid Ridge has haste, but he really doesn't do a whole lot besides the battle cry, which hellrider does better in a way. Maybe consider using the Hero in SB for a white weenie deck.

July 12, 2012 1:54 a.m.

HoneyBadger says... #21

I have been messing around with the cards with an X in their mana cost. red sun's zenith is meh. Yeah, it shuffles back in and exile is nice vs. zombies, but the flashback of devil's play is more valuable in the majority of matchups. From experience in my store's meta, which is very aggro, fireball's ability, while less desirable due to the whole divided evenly thing, has saved me more times than devil's play has.

As far as divine deflection goes, this deck doesn't play defense. The deck prefers to build up a critical mass of creatures and/or a ton of mana, then explodes with a massive burn spell or tons of creatures pumped by rally the peasants or overrun. But to do that, it can't be losing mana dorks and tokens by chump blocking, so you really don't block with this deck unless you absolutely have to. I took devil's play out for devine reflection because divine reflection essentially reads "when you need it most, gain x life and deal x damage to target creature or player". Which means I can survive longer while dealing damage AND maintaining a high attacker count. I just added it, but I know from experience, I have lost games that could have been won if the devil's play in my hand was a divine deflection.

I love zealous conscripts and I didn't realize her ability worked on any permanent which is pretty cool. Even still Act of aggression is slightly better in this deck for 3 reasons. 1- it can be copied by Chandra. 2. It works at instant speed, so you can steal that phyrexian obliterator and use it as your own blocker muhahaha! 3. I have 3 torpor orbs sideboarded and flicker is a common deck at my store, so I might want to steal that inferno titan in my opponent's naya flicker deck, but I can't if torpor orb is out :(

I ABSOLUTELY AGREE with your statements regarding rally the peasants, blessings of nature, and intangible virtue. Each has it's advantages and disadvantages. Vs. decks that have a lot of flying or curse of death's hold, I will ditch rally the peasants for the sideboard boosters. Vs. Decks without flying, I'll put rally the peasants in for overrun. But I think those spots on the sideboard could be filled MUCH more efficiently to deal with particular matchups that I hate. I've got a ton of ideas and I'm looking everywhere I can for answers.

July 12, 2012 4:26 a.m.

HoneyBadger says... #22

I really, really, really hate mass removal. So nevermore would be useful vs. mass removal IF there wasn't so god damn much of it in standard right now! Seriously, with m13 out, every color has at LEAST 3 mass removal spell available to them (ratchet bomb and corrosive gale can be played by any deck). Sadly, almost ALL decks at my store run at least 2 cards that can remove all my spirits, so nevermore is kind of a gamble: hopefully he won't draw the card I couldn't name. Once Return to Ravnica hits and the Scars of Miroden block cycles, and slagstorm, whipflare, day of judgment, black sun's zenith, corrosive gale, ratchet bomb, etc can't trouble me any more, nevermore will likely be added to the sideboard.

I used to run both hero and hellrider, but they usually only get one shot off before they die, so if I'm only gonna get one shot, I prefer overrun. geist-honored monk doesn't work with torpor orb either. I like the idea of mausoleum guard... might have to test with that one, but it feels sooo slow :( idk

Thanks for the imput :)

July 12, 2012 4:27 a.m.

thejadejedi says... #23

Very true. And I hadn't thought about for matches that you side in Torpor Orb . Do you have any good infect decks in your meta? If you do, sideboarding 2-3 Melira, Sylvok Outcast might be a good idea.

Have you considered running Reverberate or Increasing Vengeance over your planeswalker? It works just as well but can also stop a counter spell, touch a miracled Bonfire, or any other of your heavy hitting spells at a cheaper rate ;)

I've seen people not swing if the defender has one or two Doomed Traveler untapped because they don't want to give him flying tokens. This guy would give you TWO and people would be far less inclined to attack. I wouldn't swing with the Mausoleum Guard unless you need that 1 extra mana or if they have no creatures on the field.

Timely Reinforcements might be a good sideboard card if you find that a deck, (maybe another token deck) is just moving too fast for you to keep up with in the first game. It helps gain life AND some dudes to swing or block.

Burn at the Stake while not exactly having great synergy this is still something that could be game ending. If you've got 4 creatures (2 spirits and 2 mana dorks), that's 12 damage to the face right there, but sadly, you can't attack with the creatures first so idk. Ehh...It was an idea.

And No problem, I like helping out neat decks and I like the advise you gave to me on my deck :)

July 12, 2012 8:01 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #24

I overheard one of the guys talking about his deck- from what I gather, it is one of those infect decks where if you don't block it, he pumps it with really cheap boost spells and you die on like turn 3-4 -_- I haven't had to face him yet, but given the no block nature of this deck... I think Melira might be a good use of a couple sideboard slots as that might be a straight up matchup loss if I ever come across it... And I suppose she could be helpful for dealing with card:Black Sun's Zenith too.

Chandra vs. Reverberate: Reverberate adds 2 mana to the casting cost, chandra makes you a turn slower at casting it. When copying X spells, paying the 2 extra mana means you lose 4 of what it could have been for chandra. What's really nice though, is that people ALWAYS attack chandra which buys me back the extra turn I'd lose from casting her before playing the spell to be copied, plus she pops really annoying X/1 creatures like blade splicer, delver of secrets, blood artist, grave crawler, etc. all of which are common at my store.

I had burn at the stake in here for a bit back when I had 4 chandras and hellrider (I was running more red mana sources which I have since removed) and burn at the stake is seriously deadly, but the the way I had my lands selected meant they were entering tapped too frequently so I took it out to make the mana more fluid.

You know, I think timely reinforcements might actually be worth while... I am frequently behind in life and my board does get wiped way too often (and with m13 out soon, it's only gonna get worse)... I think either timely reinforcements or Elspeth Tirel would make this deck a lot more stable which is something it really needs

July 12, 2012 8:49 p.m.

thejadejedi says... #25

That's called pump-fect. It's considered a cheep ($30-75) deck type and is very weak to Gut Shot , any small burn spell, or maybe an enchantment that could give him shroud/pro-green (since pump spells in that deck type are almost always green.) Also, things like Vapor Snag will simply destroy his whole game plan.

Chandra; The biggest thing I don't like about trying to use a planeswalker for your spell copy, is that you can't use it at instant speed or copy one of your opponent's spells. (One time I tried using Surgical Extraction on a RG Aggro, and to my surprise, he Reverberate d it right back at little avail since he hit a one-of in my deck.) In this case, they'd most likely kill her before you get to use her for her real purpose, doubling a spell. But with how your play style works, She might just be what your deck needs (a way to get them to attack something other than you. A free Gut Shot and if she lives until next turn, all the better :)

Gavony Township over Kessig Wolf Run ; I know above you've discussed how you already like Township over Kessig, but I want to notion that you should have 3 townships and no wolf runs. The township has a permanent effect that will last as long as your creatures live. You've talked about how you've been taught to block/pump with your mana dorks and the township makes it somewhat possible for your creatures to live through the attack. Kessig is good, but with all your other X cost spells, and overrun giving you trample, you should stop with 3 townships.

Defense: This is a random can include Asceticism . With it's regenerate ability, and giving all your guys hexproof, you can really make a defensive, invincible army of creatures that will hold down the fort (without dying) until you can get a kill spell in range. Maybe it's not too good of an idea for this deck, but it could be an idea for you to consider (but probably not for this deck).

July 12, 2012 11:11 p.m.

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