Shere Khan eats Biscuits

Standard* HoneyBadger


MagnaLynx21 says... #1

Hmm...are you sure you don't want to run at least one hard black source for Lingering Souls ?

Also this deck is such a great idea, I can't even get my head round it properly! xD

July 13, 2012 5:58 a.m.

thejadejedi says... #2

Nah, he doesn't really even need it. If he has no ramp source, then he won't even be THINKING about flashing back Lingering Souls until turn 4. And if it's turn 4 or 5 and he doesn't have card:Druids' Repository or a Birds, he's probably already lost. Unless he's facing a mana dork ramp that's land screwed and he top-cards a bonfire the next turn.

The chances of him NOT having a black source, needing it, and THAT being what loses him the game, are just so's not really worth adding a swamp. Not to mention how that could seriously injure his early game mana base.

Speaking of your early game mana base, why not use Llanowar Elves over the Pilgram? Since by turn 4 you want W, R, and GG for your mana options. Just a thought.

July 13, 2012 6:19 p.m.

Cirdan13 says... #3

You might also be interested in Captain of the Watch , card:Captain's Call, and Odric, Master Tactician .

July 25, 2012 6:53 a.m.

krotash says... #4

I don't think those are the cards he's looking for. This deck seems to aim more towards flying tokens, since they're that much harder to block. Those are also cost 4+ so he'd be spending a lot of his ramp to put them out on turn he could be casting and flashing rally or casting overrun. I do have a thought though. Have you ever considered Intangible Virtue ? Vigilance is more for defensive players, which I know you aren't, but the anthem is nice.

July 25, 2012 10:37 a.m.

Cirdan13 says... #5

I know they are not flying but with Odric, Master Tactician they can still be unblockable.

July 25, 2012 3:34 p.m.

krotash says... #6

I know he can make them unblockable but that's really scratching his goal here. He does have great ramp so 4 mana may not seem like much but he would much rather have more tokens to fuel the engine. The flyers are hard enough to block, and by the time Odric would be effective he'd much rather be using Overrun or Rally the Peasants and swinging for lethal. If he were to play any 4 cost card Hellrider swings 1 turn earlier and gives damage, and even then it didn't compare to rally/overrun.

July 25, 2012 3:43 p.m.

Cirdan13 says... #7

I understand that they weren't perfect fits into his deck, I just thought I would mention them just so he could consider them if he wanted.

July 25, 2012 3:54 p.m.

krotash says... #8

Ok. Sorry if I came off as a bit harsh. I didn't intend for that.

July 25, 2012 4:07 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #9

thejadejedi, Cirdan13 & krotash, you three have earned my utmost respect.

thejadejedi I swapped the kessig wolf run for a 3rd gavony. The decision to re-add kessig was admittedly an emotional one as there are occasional games where I'll have a ton of mana and nothing to do with it which burns my soul. But with Bonfire of the Damned and Divine Deflection , I have a good reason not to blow my mana every turn. I need to experiment with the mana pool... The original mana base NEEDED more white, not green, so I went with the pilgrim over an elf. All and all, it's not the end of the world if I am unable to cast card:Druids' Repository, but I'm screwed if I don't have a white mana for my token spells. Asceticism would be great in a more defensive, perhaps non-flying token form of this deck, but for 5 mana, I'd rather cast Overrun and win.

krotash, you have an excellent sense of how the deck operates and how I wanted the deck to feel and play. I actually have intangible virtue sideboarded for dealing with card:Curse of Death's Hold. I have made alternative versions of this deck which had intangible virtue in them, but they play in a different, less explosive style. Those decks are more "stable", but I am sure if they are more effective- all I know is they aren't as fun, exciting, or explosive as this one is. I have added Divine Deflection which is operates similarly to a "X" burn spell, but also buys me another turn. I have also added Elspeth Tirel to the sideboard (and am considering just replacing chandra or rally the peasants with her for the time being until she rotates) as she adds a TON of stability- life gain, mass removal, and a constant stream of tokens (so I can go balls to the wall and cast all my token spells and know I'm not dead in the water if a Day of Judgement or whatever wipes my board)

Cirdan13- There are so many different ways this deck could be built. I could literally swap all of your suggestions, and maybe a few more cards like Gather the Townsfolk or Honor of the Pure or something, for a bunch of the cards in the current version and have a deck that is also extremely effective and viable, but one which has a different feel and play style to it. The explosive, never block, attack, burn, multiply aggrogogogo play style of this current version includes almost all of the things I find fun in magic, so my heart won't let me take you up on your suggestions. That said, you are totally free to take pieces of this deck and your own ideas and craft your own amazing deck- and if you want, I will totally name it for you if you want a random-ass name that in now way transmit any relevant clues to the core functionality of the deck :D

July 25, 2012 8:54 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #10

thejadejedi, Cirdan13 & krotash, you three have earned my utmost respect.

thejadejedi I swapped the kessig wolf run for a 3rd gavony. The decision to re-add kessig was admittedly an emotional one as there are occasional games where I'll have a ton of mana and nothing to do with it which burns my soul. But with Bonfire of the Damned and Divine Deflection , I have a good reason not to blow my mana every turn. I need to experiment with the mana pool... The original mana base NEEDED more white, not green, so I went with the pilgrim over an elf. All and all, it's not the end of the world if I am unable to cast card:Druids' Repository, but I'm screwed if I don't have a white mana for my token spells. Asceticism would be great in a more defensive, perhaps non-flying token form of this deck, but for 5 mana, I'd rather cast Overrun and win.

krotash, you have an excellent sense of how the deck operates and how I wanted the deck to feel and play. I actually have intangible virtue sideboarded for dealing with card:Curse of Death's Hold. I have made alternative versions of this deck which had intangible virtue in them, but they play in a different, less explosive style. Those decks are more "stable", but I am sure if they are more effective- all I know is they aren't as fun, exciting, or explosive as this one is. I have added Divine Deflection which is operates similarly to a "X" burn spell, but also buys me another turn. I have also added Elspeth Tirel to the sideboard (and am considering just replacing chandra or rally the peasants with her for the time being until she rotates) as she adds a TON of stability- life gain, mass removal, and a constant stream of tokens (so I can go balls to the wall and cast all my token spells and know I'm not dead in the water if a Day of Judgement or whatever wipes my board)

Cirdan13- There are so many different ways this deck could be built. I could literally swap all of your suggestions, and maybe a few more cards like Gather the Townsfolk or Honor of the Pure or something, for a bunch of the cards in the current version and have a deck that is also extremely effective and viable, but one which has a different feel and play style to it. The explosive, never block, attack, burn, multiply aggrogogogo play style of this current version includes almost all of the things I find fun in magic, so my heart won't let me take you up on your suggestions. That said, you are totally free to take pieces of this deck and your own ideas and craft your own amazing deck- and if you want, I will totally name it for you if you want a random-ass name that in now way transmit any relevant clues to the core functionality of the deck :D

July 25, 2012 8:54 p.m.

Long_Con says... #11

This is very impressive, thanks for sharing!

July 26, 2012 2:05 a.m.

krotash says... #12

I was wondering if I could get your insight into an alternate version I was thinking of. It's be Bant, a bit slower, more protected, and controlling, and tops off with Beguiler of Wills . Think it can be done?

July 30, 2012 7:34 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #13

I think that would be a wonderful idea- my friend actually came up with the idea of playing a bant druids' repository deck. Instead of using the extra mana to accelerate his game, his idea was to use the mana from mana dorks or stock piled druids' repository counters to always have mana available for counter spells. In theory, this sounds super sexy as you can easily just counter the mass removal which can give this deck problems.

Going with blue over red allows you to take this deck in some cool new directions, Beguiler of Wills being only one of the awesome ways to go. Other cards I'd consider are Drogskol Captain , Favorable Winds , Talrand, Sky Summoner , etc.

I think Bant Repository has potential to be a contender in a competitive setting, however it'll be up to you to develop it. I hate blue control- I had a bad experience with it when I first started playing mtg- the friend who got me into mtg played a UW deck with 20 counter spells give or take. Needless to say, it wasn't fun to play against. I will always play red over blue given the choice so I'ma stick with GRWB Shere Khan eats Biscuits :)

If you make a bant deck, post it cause I'll want to see it!

August 1, 2012 1:57 a.m.

krotash says... #14

Ok so I completely mangled it and it needs a TON of work, but here's my first draft of deck:bant-skeb. I mean a TON of work. I couldn't fit the Drogskol Captain s or Favorable Winds because I just didn't know how to change it without losing SKEB and becoming BANT delver spirits.

August 9, 2012 10:33 p.m.

krotash says... #15

I also think Bant delver looks awesome.

August 9, 2012 10:35 p.m.

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