She's snatchin' yo' nobles up.
tryin' to reanimate 'em so y'all need to
hide your elf, hide your knight
hide your elf, hide your knight
hide your elf, hide your knight
and hide your titan, 'cause we're snatchin' errybody out hurr
Built with Violinist
This deck is a kind of control-y blue black. The early game plan is to alternate between using something like a tormented soul to sneak in a ninja, and to remove their threats/counter their spells with cards like grasp of darkness, mana leak, and soul manipulation. Cheap Ninjutsu costs allow you to sneak your ninjas in while still keeping mana open for counters.
Once Ink-Eyes hits, it's a matter of cleaning up. Ideally, they should have a grave full of creatures, hopefully including their Noble. Unfortunately, Ink-Eyes can't come in via ninjutsu, but she can be bounced with Mistblade Shinobi to abuse her ninjutsu cost.
The deck also makes some use of transmute to find cards that it might want for a particular situation. Perplex can be used to find Mistblade Shinobi, which is generally very good for this deck, while it can also be used as a good counter against early-game nobles. Mana Leak is an obvious staple, and Soul Manipulation lets you reclaim any lost ninjas. Dimir Infiltrator is particularly handy as a transmute card; play him, swing on turn 3, swap him out for a ninja (hopefully Ninja of the Deep Hours or Throat Slitter), then next turn you can transmute for a Grasp of Darkness, Doom Blade, or Agony Warp (whichever would be more useful). We went with 4 Grasp and only 1 Doom Blade because we don't want to be just screwed against other black decks in terms of creature-kill (Throat Slitter already has the nonblack clause).