

This deck is derived from "Gruul lanfall" deck from Weird_Frisbee. I really liked the idea of getting the creatures out fast and pumping them with fetches for leathal damage, but the lands itself wasn't enough.

I added crop rotation, which can give you two landdrops or one landdrop and protection or grave removalal after sideboard, perfect card for this deck.

Cleansing wildfire and explore needed to go, we have 12 fetches and need some draw and combat tricks.

Temur Battle rage is THE card for this deck, giving you double strike and trample often ends the game, because your beasts often have ridiculous attack.

Tilling Treefolk and crash through were replace with winding way as a mosty reliable way to get what you need at the moment. That helped A LOT with consistency of this deck. And molten monstrosity is here as kind of safeguard against boardwipes and to have something to attatck with if by some gruesome accident you dont play any lands that turn.

Old descripion:

This deck is derived from "Gruul lanfall" deck from Weird_Frisbee. I really liked the idea of getting the creatures out fast and pumping them with fetches for leathal damage, but the lands itself wasn't enough.

I added some spells for proper pump: Crop rotation to find you a fetch land, explore for more landdrops and card and cleansing wildfire for landfall, card and possible destruction of towers and Gates.

You WILL HAVE 2-4 LANDDROPS per turn easy, but not much free or abundant mana, so I wanted as many cheap creatures as possible, so I can play them early or with the other spells, hence the Steppe Lynx.

Territorial Scythecat is a Real threat even on the next turn it is played, but is often played when deck is running out of steam, because of that there are just 2, and the other two 3-mana slots goes to Tilling Treefolk, which grants you two more fetches from the graveyard.

I am taking this to local mtg club this week, we will see how it will work.


Updates Add

Added Crystal Grotto and Naya Panorama so we can have more lands that comes into play untapped.
Also switched Makindi Sliderunner and Molten Monstrosity for Explorer's Scope and Valakut Predator , sliderunner is getting just +1/+1 which is just not enough and trample ain't gonna save it. And we should have more mana for one mana costlier creature. That said, these two cards are really just a placeholders for something, that would shine better in this deck.


95% Casual


Date added 1 year
Last updated 5 months

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.53
Folders Pauper
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