Welcome to my graveyard; it's also my playground. For I am Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker a shepherd of the dead, and protector of Shizo a battleground torn and disgraced. Just like the many dead that want release from here, you too will be trapped for eternity for my grasp is constricting and you too will join my legion of the dead.


The lost wander, but they always return to me. They may not look intimidating, but looks can be deceiving Fume Spitter can quickly take down the most powerful indestructible creatures in a matter of turns while I am there to guide him. Marsh Flitter can create an army of Goblins before swinging big. Bottle Gnomes even as gentle as you are can keep me sustained with your lifegain.

But of course, we wouldn't be able to do this without our sac outlets Ashnod's Altar is one of our best, able to sac and give us mana to cast more spells. card: Visera Seer will let us know what we draw before we even draw it, and is a sac outlet as well. We have plenty more that come with their own ways of freeing you from the mortal world even though it's only briefly.

Not all of my creatures are so fragile, some come with a little bite that help me control the board and drain everyone of their precious life. Gray Merchant of Asphodel is one of our heavy hitters, he will require set up from other creatures, but once out will drain, and give us some added essence that we might of lost from the battle. Archfiend of Depravity will control even more, allowing only two creatures on the board at any given time for my poor unfortunate enemy's. Also with Sorceress Queen we will be able to sac them if they ever try to get taken out, and they will return back to the battlefield once more.

The idea of creating a Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker deck came when I just wanted to make a cheap budget deck to play with a casual group (that idea didn't work out at all) so the thought of a mono color commander seemed a good idea budget wise. Out of the group Shirei caught my eye but the regular just throwing Shadowborn Apostle and a few demons sounded so boring for a commander that has so much possibilities. So decided to use as many 1/1 creatures as I could find, and starting adding stax abilities to keep people at bay. The deck as pros and cons so I'll list them below.

Pros -- Fun and unique Commander

Stax abilities to keep the table at bay

Every turn you get to do something!

Main creatures are cheap, so spamming them onto the field is no problem.

Cons -- Artifacts and Enchantments will give you trouble

Can have a slow start

Need good starting hand to have anything set up in place (Sac outlet, creatures, and protection for Shirei)

Shirei can get you hated out the game

Shirei can be fun for you, but dreadful for others (had people scoop because of Shirei)

Shirei makes for a very grindy game, if you're into fast paced games than this may not be the deck for you.

Winning with Shirei can be just from controlling the board til people concede with Stax effects, or pinging everybody to death with saccing creatures and having creatures such as Blood Artist or Tattered Mummy on the field. The main thing I aimed for this deck was lifedraining, wanted to drain life every turn and as much as possible before people could really do anything.

Gray Merchant of Asphodel + Sorceress Queen + any sac outlet - Extremely deadly, as you will be able to bring back Gary every turn, and end the game quickly with life drain.

Marionette Master + Nim Deathmantle + Ashnod's Altar - While I don't really like infinite combos I always try to keep one or two in a deck just in case I go against other decks that just want to combo.

Exsanguinate + Sanguine Bond - While I consider this deck like a machine gun, it can have it's moments where it goes out like a shotgun.

Hope you enjoyed my deck, don't forget to upvote and leave a comment it will really help get my name out there. Hoping to make a deck for each mono color so keep a look out.


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I retired this deck awhile back, it just didn't seem to be able to hang with the big crowed. But I'll be rebuilding it soon, as I think it has potential if I work on the mana and get more mana doublers!



92% Competitive

Date added 7 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

25 - 0 Rares

25 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.76
Tokens Energy Reserve, Goblin 1/1 R, Goblin Rogue 1/1 B, Human Cleric 1/1 BW, Morph 2/2 C, Servo 1/1 C, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Shirei, Boiem
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