Shireiously Small Dudes

Commander / EDH* TehRazorBack


Looking into Artifact/Echantment Removal —Nov. 17, 2013

Here is a list of some cards I have found to do these tasks:


  • Karn, Silver Golem *oversized* - All "Destroy/Sacrifice Creature" become "Destroy/Sacrifice Artifact", and can bring all their artifacts along if they board wipe.
  • Phyrexian Tribute - Only one targeted removal, but works with the sac theme.
  • Gate to Phyrexia - Once each upkeep, and again, works with the sac theme.


None I have found. No removal that is just enchantments.


  • Karn Liberated - Targeted removal: "Exile Target Permanent". Nuff' said. Not too expensive to cast, as you can get multiple removal, and the exile is an extra benefit.
  • Spine of Ish Sah - Great one-off targeted removal. Bit expensive to cast, Recurs itself XD
  • Steel Hellkite - Very versitile, especially if i've destroyed/sac'ed all their creatures.
  • Oblivion Stone - Very awkward to use, but could work. The first target would be Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker.
  • Nevinyrral's Disk - A Planar Cleansing on a rather odd stick... no, branch even.
  • Ratchet Bomb/Powder Keg - Work kinda the same ('cept Powder Keg don't got no Enchantment problem), board wipe a cmc on their side. Can be clunky.
  • Sadistic Sacrament - Bit of an odd way around it, but remove them from their deck before they can play them XD not just artifact/enchantment removal, but all removal.
  • Argentum Armor - Very mana expensive to cast, but if it can stay out, it's destroy one a turn on a difficult-to-kill-without-spot-removal creature.
  • Lux Cannon - Again, another slow one. Destroy one every three turns... yeah, but it's relatively cheap to buy.