Kynaios and Tiro, Defenders of Rainbow Vale

Commander / EDH fifthdawn

SCORE: 132 | 63 COMMENTS | 23286 VIEWS | IN 30 FOLDERS

fifthdawn says... #1

Lord_Khaine, I am a big fan of stax strats, so I may just pass you the Rainbow Vale, lol.

December 24, 2016 9:23 p.m. Edited.

I definitely can relate to your condition

December 25, 2016 8:19 p.m.

Bovine073 says... #3

Obvious clickbait is obvious, isn't it?

December 28, 2016 9:09 a.m.

fifthdawn says... #4

Bovine073, lol

December 28, 2016 10:19 a.m.

KeelHaul10 says... #5

+1 for the beautiful essay in description

December 29, 2016 7:45 a.m.

fifthdawn says... #6

KeelHaul10, thanks, it was so much fun to write. I appreciate your saying that very much!

December 29, 2016 8:27 p.m.

pitch_gold says... #7

You get an upvote for running Alchemist's Refuge.

December 31, 2016 7:29 a.m.

Beautiful description. +1 for that. Wouldn't Abundance fit in here as well?

January 1, 2017 9:04 a.m.

fifthdawn says... #9

seshiro_of_the_orochi, thank you for the love!! Abundance would be perfect in this. Such a fun card. Especially when combined with Sylvan Library!! I usually have a personal preference for cards which enable a mana advantage, followed by cards which provide card advantage, and I feel Abundance tends to get slotted out of my EDH decks because, as good as it is, it doesn't really provide either one; it more provides card quality. In the 4 drop slot, Jace, the Mind Sculptor provides card quality and card advantage, so I value that a little ahead, but Abundance is so much fun, and this is definitely a deck about having fun, so I think it makes perfect sense.

January 1, 2017 11:22 a.m. Edited.

MEAT_TORNADO says... #10

Do you find Intuition to be particularly useful, given your number of other tutors?

January 6, 2017 12:48 p.m.

MEAT_TORNADO says... #11

Also that Mangara/Minamo/Riptide play is awesome.

January 6, 2017 12:50 p.m.

fifthdawn says... #12

MEAT_TORNADO, Intuition is one of the better cards in the deck. It finds any card in the deck by finding Body Double, Eternal Witness and whatever the necessary card is. If one of those has been exiled, you can find Karmic Guide, etc. So in a roundabout way, it is an instant speed blue demonic tutor. But even aside from that, it puts cards in the graveyard which can be a huge advantage. For instance, if I have a Crucible of Worlds, I am liable to search for three utility lands, like Minamo, School at Water's Edge, Deserted Temple and Vesuva. Especially nice since I can keep whatever is put in my hand to trigger off commander. The other thing is that I have ways to tutor with Imperial Recruiter and Captain Sisay but not many ways to find non-creature spells like Cyclonic Rift which are becoming more and more popular with the proliferation* of Atraxa builds that have cropped up.


January 6, 2017 12:59 p.m. Edited.

Daedalus19876 says... #14

The god hand does not work. You can't equip the Skullclamp to the Phantasmal Image; it's sacrificed before it becomes equipped.

January 11, 2017 2:59 a.m.

fifthdawn says... #15

Thanks, I realized I made an additional mistake as well, so back to the revision process! :D

January 11, 2017 3:02 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #16

Alas :( It was an awesome combo.

January 11, 2017 3:11 a.m.

fifthdawn says... #17

Daedalus19876 I think I may have amended it by switching the order. Also, due to my sloppy hand writing when doing this all on pen and paper, I had originally accidentally counted Lotus Cobra and Lotus Petal as being the same card in my opening hand, lol, so my original calculation was one card and several mana off, but luckily it all still checked out as far as I could see because I didn't end up needing the Simian Spirit Guide that I had originally applied to the calculation afterall.

January 11, 2017 3:28 a.m. Edited.

fifthdawn says... #18

Thanks for the upvote, Optimator. You'll always be my 69th!

January 11, 2017 4:12 a.m.

Optimator says... #19

It's a special place to be and it's something I'll always be up for or down for.

January 11, 2017 4:14 a.m.

Besides the elaborate and cool turn one win (and not to take away from it), what are the other win conditions for this deck? Most of your creatures are relatively small and most of the deck is based on trying to get that specific win condition with sacrificing your goblin tokens (as far as i can see).

January 21, 2017 5:34 p.m.

fifthdawn says... #22

Really good question. Mostly I take a control route so wins tend to come from whatever is lying around. You can make enough goblins using either Rhys, Kiki or Feldon, but if the goblins get exiled, you can create tokens of Sun Titan which can be enough.. I used to play with Shaman of Forgotten Ways as a kill, but I used a lot more token generators then so I cut it because I can still gain life with the scavenging ooze in a pinch. There are a lot of flex slots in my build that can be exchanged for more overt win conditions. Seedborn opens up a LOT of winning lines. But even without seedborn muse, Rhys alone can kill even without the goblins also. Jace can win when desperate, and Mangara can also win by untapping multiple times in a turn and exiling lands over and over before bouncing it with Riptide Laboratory to rinse and repeat, although that win is significantly easier with seedborn and teferi in play but if that is in play you can almost win with anything... The deck is sparse on cards that are there strictly for the purpose of winning the game because I favor flexibility, timing and tempo as a playstyle preference. I dont like to shut my opponents totally down. I like to give everyone a chance to win, but I do like to have the last response. People who play with me often know that being the unthreatening player is just a ruse and i should be killed any opportunity that presents itself because i am more like a boa constrictor, and if you think, oh i will just wait a turn and kill him next turn, there may mot be a mext turn. I can just jam wins by cyclonic rift overloaded upwards of 3-4 turns every main phase, and also by abusing Teferi, but I purposefully try to win without casting either cyclonic rift or teferi because those are much too easy. Those cards are more there for the tier 1 shells that I need to out tempo and then lock out. Even though it doesnt translate to a concrete win, the mana advantage I am able to generate often just translates a win by allowing me to cast more spells and more relevant spells specifically than my opponent. I do like trying to mill myself and put all my basics into play as alternate win conditions, and even though that doesn't count officially, I like to do those better than winning, like unlocking a game state badge, so I often try to do that instead. I like playing in my own sand, you know?

January 21, 2017 6:13 p.m. Edited.

fifthdawn says... #23

Also, LeeRoy_Jenkiins, I should say, I take a control route not necessarily because I am a prototypical control player but out of a personal dislike or even a fear of being controlled either by persons or circumstance. In life, I like to march to the beat of my own drum and have my own fingerprint on things. My own fear of being controlled pushes me to play a control style of Magic, which is sort of ironic I suppose. But lately I have been getting better at not letting that scenario bother me as much and actively trying to group hug regardless, hence the Rainbow Vale. I would say this deck has all the tools to hug when I want to be that player which has been great because those are the two play styles that I gravitate towards. I like hugging and playing casual but I want to serve justice to people who try to netdeck me to death. I am either blindly benevolent and whimsical, or else retributively anti-control controllinh. So this nicely affords me those dual gears to operate. And lately, even when I am facing the control player, I am still opting to hug everyone, and I have found that really brings me a sense of balance. :)

January 21, 2017 6:34 p.m. Edited.

fifthdawn that is completely understandable and I can respect that. I'm new to magic and was looking for inspiration on how to make a group hug version of this deck. Currently, I'm working on looking at deck lists to find possible win conditions and fun interactions. Do you have any advice that you could give on build this deck (any suggestions are fine, preferably not several hundred dollar cards though)?

January 21, 2017 7:03 p.m.

fifthdawn says... #25

I have a budget version listed here: fifthdawn's Budget Kynaios and Tyro Build

I would recommend Purphoros, God of the Forge and Meloku the Clouded Mirror. You could also play Beastmaster Ascension. Meloku is good because your general allows you to move extra lands into play, so at very least if you run out of lands, you can just pay 1 mana and make a token and then put the land back for free. Also purphoros works well with meloku, not only by making the illusion tokens deal two when they enter, but also by allowing you to pump their power with his activated ability for .

January 21, 2017 7:36 p.m.

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