Sidisi, Brood Tyrant [Duel Commander]

Duel Commander boobsandbutts


MollyMab says... #1

OK. Personally I would find space for Hymn as well.

Skullbriar seems weak without anything to really push him up threatwise. Dreg Mangler is the only card I see.

Ravens Crime is a good way to attack the hand with Loam.

Why no Skullclamp?

October 24, 2014 6:04 a.m.

boobsandbutts says... #2

I would love to find a spot for Hymn to Tourach as well. ):

The thing about Skullbriar, right now, is at his absolute worst he is Slith Firewalker , which is cool having basically a double red card in a bug deck. Unearth was the original idea, because the card is amazingly insane, but for what ever reason it wasn't in the first 99. I guess he's up for review.

Raven's Crime and Life from the Loam are obviously brutal together. it's just lame that Entomb can only grab one of them without Snapcaster Mage . Yawgmoth's Will seems like another alternative if I want to try that win-con out in full.

Skullclamp is there. O:

October 25, 2014 8:56 p.m.

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